
General Election 2024

I don’t blame them TBH. Politics is a brutal, hostile occupation. It must take a massive toll on personal lives. Many will walk into higher paid jobs with lower stress, out of the public eye and free from abuse. There will be some who will never command an MP’s salary in the real world. They’re more likely to want to try and cling on.
Certainly quite a few will walk into lucrative roles. Whether that's because they are talented or it's payback for favours done is open for debate.
I’d be interested to see a source for that. It is the opposite of my understanding, both here and in the USA. Opposite of demographic polling I’ve seen etc.

PS Some YouGov data here:

As ever it highlights the older and less intelligent/educated one is the more likely one is to vote Tory.

As identified, age is a much more obvious cleaving point now.
As identified, age is a much more obvious cleaving point now.

wakey wakey

I don’t blame them TBH. Politics is a brutal, hostile occupation. It must take a massive toll on personal lives. Many will walk into higher paid jobs with lower stress, out of the public eye and free from abuse. There will be some who will never command an MP’s salary in the real world. They’re more likely to want to try and cling on.

LOL when the grift stops…..
Gove following his nose (politically) I see. Surprised its so sensitive given all the powder it’s sniffed in
Gove is...


It's a stampede to get out. Something tells me Rishi is not a popular man.

Bastards are even going to deny us our night of schadenfreude when they are humiliated in the ballot.

We had plans for a drinking game - a shot for every cabinet minister who lost their seat. Might end the night sober if this carries on.

That letter is nauseating, by the way.
Emotional support turbot.
What Richard Nixon said in the Oval Office when the call came through that J.Edgar Hoover had died, “the old **** sucker”.
It's a stampede to get out. Something tells me Rishi is not a popular man.

I read somewhere that they’ve been told not to all announce they are at once as the numbers are so high it would look like the party was closing down.

I bet they’ll really struggle to find candidates to fill all the gaps. Expect to see some real shit exposed over the next couple of weeks due to poor vetting; ex-EDL/BNP scum, corrupt councillors, sex-pests, Facebook bigots, all manner of crap. No one normal would want the job now, especially as it means almost certain defeat in a sports hall at 3:17 in the morning of July 5th. We definitely need to catalogue the worst of what they serve up. Given the amount of crooks, racists and sex offenders they get under normal circumstances this could be very funny!

