
Coronavirus - the new strain XII

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“one Tory MP says the mood is "volanic" right now among Boris Johnson's backbenchers”. Boris losing control of his mob?
I imagine Johnson has done what what the majority of people on here have done and soiled themselves. Maybe nature gets it's own way eventually :D
The ineptitude of this gov is truly mind boggling. I have no medical training whatsoever and yet everything was so obvious that I've predicted everything that would happen with 100% accuracy! No doubt 80% of people have... but it was beyond the best efforts of the gov with all their scientific advisers.

Not only should schools and uni's have stayed shut but the "eat out to help out" was an obvious disaster in the making.
All journeys by car should have been banned unless by "key workers". Only other vehicles still in use should have been lorries delivering food etc. It beggars belief that sales reps etc have been allowed to ply their trade and hordes of idiots allowed to travel to beaches etc during summer. All airports should have been shut.
Confirmed - schools etc to stay open, work as now if impossible to work at home etc etc. Only non-essential shops and similar businesses to close. Not even shielding and, therefore, support for the vulnerable. Another chocolate teapot as predicted. Furlough extended for a month, but there's a window for sackings until Thursday, I think...
Confirmed - schools etc to stay open, work as now if impossible to work at home etc etc. Only non-essential shops and similar businesses to close. Not even shielding and therefore support for the vulnerable. Another chocolate teapot as predicted. Furlough extended for a month, but there's a window for sackings until Thursday, I think...
Is it furlough though or the job retention scheme.
Why hasn’t someone asked him?
unfortunately no one can be sure that those who are currently feeling fit and healthy actually are

no, I appreciate that, but it doesn’t seem to me like this virus is going to just disappear, which is what’s happening to a lot of people’s businesses. If we wanted to slow the virus down we should have shut our borders and stopped thousands arriving daily at the airports. The majority of people who get the virus seem to get over it pretty quickly, which is why I think healthy people should be allowed to carry on. Money could be used better to set up support networks for people who need to isolate or are vulnerable. At this rate we are driving people in to ruin.

it’s ok though, we can take our minds off it by watching a load of over paid attention seekers continue to amass a fortune on Strictly.
I heard “furlough till December”.
So did I, but does Johnson understand the implications?
I doubt it.
Sky reporting,
“The prime minister said the furlough scheme, which has seen the government pay a proportion of peoples' wages during the COVID-19 crisis but was due to end on Saturday, would now be extended through November.”
So not the 80% furlough.
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