
Coronavirus - the new strain XII

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Confirmed - schools etc to stay open, work as now if impossible to work at home etc etc. Non essential shops and similar businesses to close. Another chocolate teapot as predicted. Furlough extended for a month, but there's a window for sackings until Thursday, I think...

Yep. So no matter the effect of other measures it's still going to be spreading like wildfire in schools and in factories and they'll bring it home to the rest of the family who have been banned from pubs, restaurants, shops other than those selling essentials and even from visiting a neighbour, rendering all those precautions largely a waste of time.
Someone in a very high infection area being allowed to travel around the country on business spreading it as they go seems a very obvious mistake to me...

If measures are to be limited to moronic "something being seen to be done" measures that are either ineffective or part of the problem, and I'm thinking of things like pubs shutting at ten and still being open if you order a meal (like the virus only comes out after ten... and it avoids people who are having a "substantial meal" DOH!) then we may as well end all precautions and it's "every man for himself"...
Confirmed - schools etc to stay open, work as now if impossible to work at home etc etc. Only non-essential shops and similar businesses to close. Not even shielding and, therefore, support for the vulnerable. Another chocolate teapot as predicted. Furlough extended for a month, but there's a window for sackings until Thursday, I think...

The only difference between this and the last one is schools and shielding (or have I forgotten something?) And the last one was started with a higher R (not sure about the growth rate or prevalence.) The last one seemed to work. So you’re right to be pessimistic if education is a really major driver. I guess the people who were shielding before know what to do. We shall see.

There’s another potential difference though. I think (but I’m not sure) that the last one was well adhered to - most people cut out house parties, maybe almost all people. And I believe that household mixing is a proven major source. Will this one be followed with the same discipline? No idea.

The only difference between this and the last one is schools (or have I forgotten something?) And the last one was started with a higher R (not sure about the growth rate of prevalence.) The last one seemed to work. So you’re right to be pessimistic if education is a really major driver. We shall see.

There’s another potential difference though. I think (but I’m not sure) that the last one was well adhered to - most people cut out house parties, maybe almost all people. And I believe that household mixing is a proven major source. Will this one be followed with the same discipline? No idea.

10 million school kids (plus millions more college and university students) cannot be brushed aside 'the only difference', the arrangements are incomparable. UCU is still having to call for a commitment to stop face to face teaching in universities for example - there have been 35 000 cases on campuses since the start of the month...
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