
Coronavirus - the new strain VII

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For those told to go back to work today surely the furlough is over for them?

God only knows what happens if, for example, you work in England but live in Wales or Scotland. Boss says get back to work. Sorry, I’m not allowed to. Oh well, the furlough stops and you’re fired then.

This is no time for invisible lines, we need unity and consistency as a single UK.
In the US we have a federalist system with lots of power devolved to the states.

We like it, as Republican controlled states open up to aid Trump re-election (and kill their own people), at least some states can maintain the obviously sensible slower pace.

Even in New York, the infection rate is ~25%, as seen by the antibody tests. Opening up now will clearly have very negative effect.

In Massachusetts, we are struggling to keep the infection from overwhelming our capable but limited health care system. Our numbers are pegged at a plateau - wrong time to get them go higher.
For those told to go back to work today surely the furlough is over for them? That'll save a few bob won't it? My gut feeling says this is more important to the government than the safety of our people.
My employer sent out a panic email yesterday telling people on furlough not to come to work. I wonder how many people this morning are turning up for work in an unprepared workplace. Dangerous, irresponsibly poor communication.
My office in KL is following the local SOPs, Senior 1/3 staff in every day and the other 1/3 + 1/3 alternated days, sharing desks. Every other seat blocked off to get distancing and we have to wear mask in the office. Shared desks are disinfected every night. There is a lot to be done to achieve this.
Also staff are divided into four risk groups based on outside exposure, high risk groups are kept apart.
He dropped the ball weeks ago, hasn’t a clue where it is, doesn’t have the state infrastructure to find it, and can’t see an easy answer that satisfies both the political extremists and vulture/disaster-capitalists that own his party and the popularist/nationalist chumps he knows future election victory rests upon. A no win scenario both for him, and sadly, the rest of us too.

Rowena Mason has it about right I think
God only knows what happens if, for example, you work in England but live in Wales or Scotland. Boss says get back to work. Sorry, I’m not allowed to. Oh well, the furlough stops and you’re fired then.

This is no time for invisible lines, we need unity and consistency as a single UK.

Raab was asked this question twice on the Today programme this morning. When he eventually understood the question, he ducked answering it.
Apparently its from Wednesday, whatever it is, raaaaaaab said so this am on R4. Fifty page document coming...explaining the dear leaders wise words. So no one should be going back to work today.
I work in a factory, am I now a key worker? Can I have all the key worker perks please? School place, check. Prioritised delivery slots, check, nationwide applause every, let's say, Friday at 8pm as I am saving the Boris butt...if my employer does not provide PPE and a safe working environment can I tell my boss that I will stay at home (or sunbathe, play sport by myself, play golf or tennis), I am sure he will be very understanding...

If they won't let me have a school place then where do I put my kids? Grandparents maybe?
Whilst I am here, why reception, year 1 and year 6 'possibly' returning to school in June (yeah, the teachers know a big holiday is coming...just stretch it a little longer and BINGO!) what is that all about!? Obviously reception and year 1 classes follow government guildlines on social distancing and personal hygiene and year 6 have had no SATs, so the only reason they are returning to school is to prepare them for secondary school?!!? WTF. Why don't they open secondary schools earlier especially for those kids. Surely the priority should be years 4 and, certainly, 5 as they have Sat's next year and will have lost, possibly, 12 weeks of critical education that determine their future. Guys, all this, again, proves the whoever-you-ares that supposedly steer this ship we all share haven't read the instruction manual and we all know what happens next....
Sorry Boris, but that jibber jabber.

i don’t buy the line of thinking in this article.

The left need to support a return to work and school to avoid a social and economic disaster which will hit the working class as much as anyone else, if not more than anyone else; and everyone will be hit by the social, financial and health costs of a second spike, not least the rich.

Is the idea that people should be trusted to take their own decisions about risk a right wing thing? What do the socialists say about this? That they should be directed, instructed what to do? (Sounds very fascist to me!)
Just watched a little of BBC One's Breakfast show.

Louise Minchin and Dan Walker were the presenters. They did their best to sell Johnson's Stay Alert speech. They said they'd received lots of questions about it, which they hope the PM will clear up in Parliament later on.

Various people around the country were interviewed. There wasn't one who said the speech was good and informative. They said it left them muddled, especially the Stay Alert order.

Minchin and Walker normally present like they are members of the Tory Party. They didn't have too much to cheer about today.


Go to work
Get Covid-19
Make billionaires richer
Is the idea that people should be trusted to take their own decisions about risk a right wing thing?

For most people the risks involved in not following advice is in spreading the disease to others (i.e. people at higher risk of dying), so they'd also be taking decisions for them as well as themselves.
Where are you drawing these conclusions from, chaps?

My OH is really struggling with not being able to see her family in person, so I was particularly listening out for anything about mixing with people outside of your household.

I heard nothing along those lines - no easing of the rules which say don’t mix with anyone not in your household. Did I miss it?
I am not sure my folks are following the rules but they have been given permission from his care home. I think there will be some further clarity today?
For most people the risks involved in not following advice is in spreading the disease to others (i.e. people at higher risk of dying), so they'd also be taking decisions for them as well as themselves.

I’m sure this is true, and, for example, going to work by tube when you have a cough and a fever or not providing an education for your children are things that everyone will wish to sanction, whatever their political leanings. I’m not quite sure where you’re coming from.
Kicking repercussions down the road with help from spin doctors and the MSM works for Brexit, for now.
It is not going to work for Covid. Or is it ?
That is the preference of the Scottish government but of course they can't follow along when the UK government comes out with such abject stupidity.

The preference and primary aim of the Scottish govt is independence. They don’t want unity at all. It’s not a question of the best way to navigate this (and nobody knows right now), Sturgeon will take a different path just because she can.
Nobody here in Wales listens to Drakeford, he’s a complete non entity. From what I observed last week people are starting to go about their business. All this political posturing from him and Sturgeon is just unhelpful and confuses the key messaging. There are massive regional variances within England, Wales, Scotland and NI which make the of a lack of coordinated approach totally irresponsible.
From a Scottish perspective I'm glad Sturgeon has the balls to follow her own advisers and not Boris.
The preference and primary aim of the Scottish govt is independence. They don’t want unity at all. It’s not a question of the best way to navigate this (and nobody knows right now), Sturgeon will take a different path just because she can.
Dearie me it's about a ( pandemic) she is a leader of all people in Scotland including people who dont want independence . There are now many English people up here who call Scotland home. At this terrible time there has been no mention of independence this is about the safety of people for goodness sake.
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