
Coronavirus - the new strain VII

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Again very telling info. Little old Ireland has a much higher number. Go figure that. I have friends in Annecy and they are echoing your view on how stringent they are. Over here it is very softly softly. I think it is only working better than the UK in that more Irish people have a better sense of self preservation.

My point is there are shit loads of police on the roads. That is what worked, not the photocopies. And they are not messing about. Blue lighting people all the time, spot checks in random places all the time. And they do ask questions, so they are able to get info out of us just by asking. Much better.


This is why I think lockdown worked better in France than UK.

I think he's compromised by his personal experience @ff1d1l , but at the same time tied by the party - what we have is disguised as a bingo card, as you say, but it's actually a green light to employers to get the 'working classes' back in to work asap
I think he's compromised by his personal experience @ff1d1l , but at the same time tied by the party - what we have is disguised as a bingo card, as you say, but it's actually a green light to employers to get the 'working classes' back in to work asap
I think he's quite prepared to lose a significant segment of the population as long as tory power, graft, and gravy train are minimally affected.
I think he's quite prepared to lose a significant segment of the population as long as tory power, graft, and gravy train are minimally affected.

I think he's trying to hedge his bets - he's not gone nearly as far as many were pushing for
Again very telling info. Little old Ireland has a much higher number. Go figure that. I have friends in Annecy and they are echoing your view on how stringent they are. Over here it is very softly softly. I think it is only working better than the UK in that more Irish people have a better sense of self preservation.
Where is over here?

Overall, we have more police presence in Strasbourg than Hull. And crime levels are very low compared to Hull. And France vs UK as a whole I recall.

So it makes sense to me at least that people are doing as they are told a bit more.
"As much as possible" "if you can" etc. Complete abdication of responsibility by the Government. Next they will blame us when the inevitable happens. What a total ****ing disgrace this lot are...

I think that for quite a while the party line that's being promoted is "we didn't kill you, the science and data did".
I think he's trying to hedge his bets - he's not gone nearly as far as many were pushing for

He dropped the ball weeks ago, hasn’t a clue where it is, doesn’t have the state infrastructure to find it, and can’t see an easy answer that satisfies both the political extremists and vulture/disaster-capitalists that own his party and the popularist/nationalist chumps he knows future election victory rests upon. A no win scenario both for him, and sadly, the rest of us too.
Where is over here?
Overall, we have more police presence in Strasbourg than Hull. And crime levels are very low compared to Hull. And France vs UK as a whole I recall.
So it makes sense to me at least that people are doing as they are told a bit more.

Aren't French police renowned for having a 'robust' approach ? Especially if you are not French.
My parents can finally visit my brother as he is CV free, I am not sure it is a good idea but I know it has been rather difficult for my mum.

...we can only meet one person outside our household and must observe social distancing.

Where are you drawing these conclusions from, chaps?

My OH is really struggling with not being able to see her family in person, so I was particularly listening out for anything about mixing with people outside of your household.

I heard nothing along those lines - no easing of the rules which say don’t mix with anyone not in your household. Did I miss it?
Where is over here?

Overall, we have more police presence in Strasbourg than Hull. And crime levels are very low compared to Hull. And France vs UK as a whole I recall.

So it makes sense to me at least that people are doing as they are told a bit more.
The clue is in the post Richard! Dublin to be specific.
So, to recap: wifflesplaff/chandelier/pretty chart.

PS Anyone else irritated by the delivery via medium of emperor rather than parliament? Pure Trump/Putin IMO.

It was like Open University maths.

My first reaction was it wasn't as bad as I had been expecting. Then the audio sync started to drift (is this a known aftereffect of Covid-19 infection?), the misleading graph appeared, and I started to get this strange feeling that the words were coming from an alternate reality where you can do all sorts of things to relax the lockdown but hardly affect R at all.

Later, I saw the BBC news, which had helpfully lined up Keir Starmer, Nicola Sturgeon and a couple of reporters from Wales and Northern Ireland to point out how defective the new advice was. Special respect, by the way, for Colum Eastwood of the SDLP for telling Johnson directly that the new slogan was 'nonsense'. Is there anyone outside the government that actually agrees with him?

His delivery is bizarre, it has a disconnected feel to it. It reminds me of Peter Cook impersonating Harold Macmillan in satirical shows in the late 60s. Johnson used language and graphics that many watching just won’t understand, it was like a technical business presentation for an audience of technically minded business people.
The one message I drew from it was, ‘paups back to work’. An astonishing piece of incompetence from a political leader. He simply won’t carry the country with him, he’s not capable.
And Sunak’s proposed scaling back of the furlough arrangements from July will surely signal to many that this all ends in June and it’s got to be BAU from them on?

For those told to go back to work today surely the furlough is over for them? That'll save a few bob won't it? My gut feeling says this is more important to the government than the safety of our people.
Let's play along with this Herd Immunity 'strategy':
If UK gets to the mooted herd immunity where 66% have had it with, say, 64% recovered and 2% either dead or damaged then what ?
Covid is highly contagious. Are the remaining, presumably higher risk, 34% going to say "OK we'll stop avoiding it and go about life normally now" ? I doubt it.
So do we have to get to close to 100% exposure ? Of which 2% of 66 million are dead or damaged ?
Germany has high testing and much better healthcare and has a 4% of known cases death rate now.
Looks like no widespread travel until there is a vaccine. All airlines and tourist related businesses are bust.
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