
Brexit: give me a positive effect... X

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Wow...quite a bit of discussion since I posted last, but:

I respectfully disagree, Col. If it wasn’t for tory voters/enablers scraping around for any excuse to take seats from Labour, we would not have brexit. The tory govt and austerity happened well before brexit and brexiteers even existed.

Yes.. the Tory Govt. did. But Johnson's peculiarly dysfunctional and incompetentTory Govt didn't. What I was referring to was the way in which Brexit and Johnson's Stalinesque purges cleared out any semblance (however slight) of competence and decency which remained in the Tory ranks. So we got a wannabe Churchill who has failed at or been sacked from everything he did since leaving his expensive but clearly wasted education. Add to that the eagerness of many in the 'Red Wall' constituencies to buy into the 'Get Brexit Dun' agenda and you have the green light for the incompetence which followed, on Brexit.. as we are seeing more clearly every day, and worse.. on the appalling indecision and half measures which have characterised almost everything about the Tory response to Covid.

We could conclude this discussion when covid is over. The death rates in uk are likely to come to a stand still very soon while they continue in EU member states for most of the year.

A 'stand still'? From 1400+ per day? With a weaker lockdown than previously and new strains rampaging and people 'breaking ranks' right left and centre.... and our 'Government' still 'thinking about' restricting entry to the UK? Do you remember how long it took in the Summer to get deaths down to below 200 per day..under better conditions?

On current form... Johnson will cave in to the 'big money' at the first sign of falling infection rates and we will have yet another spike. It remains to be seen whether this bunch of idiots can manage to complete the vaccination programe. I've already heard today that doses delivered to the North West are to be cut back in order to allow other areas to 'catch up'. Or is it just the usual North South divide? The current bunch of spivs in charge know already that they will be out on their arses at the next election.. (assuming we ever get one) so they don't give a toss who they upset...especially the 'Red Wall' ..which has now outlived its usefulness.

My jab is scheduled for 7th Feb. I would be totally unsurprised to see it cancelled or postponed. Meanwhile, my wife is 69 and it's anybody's guess when she will get a jab.

2nd doses? **** knows..
Parcel sent on January 18th, should be with me by the end of this week (France).
The courrier tells me it’s because of Brexit, not even COVID.
Ten days (usually three) from the south of England. Silly.
Let’s hope I won’t have to pay an extra customs rip-off fee.
What does it matter any more ? Brexit is done and in just a month there are already myriad negatives and no positives.
The supporters of it seem happy enough though, until something affects them personally.
Time to let this thread fizzle out ? Or at least rename it ?
Acceptance: sit back and watch the consequences unfold.
Wow...quite a bit of discussion since I posted last, but:

Yes.. the Tory Govt. did. But Johnson's peculiarly dysfunctional and incompetentTory Govt didn't. What I was referring to was the way in which Brexit and Johnson's Stalinesque purges cleared out any semblance (however slight) of competence and decency which remained in the Tory ranks. So we got a wannabe Churchill who has failed at or been sacked from everything he did since leaving his expensive but clearly wasted education. Add to that the eagerness of many in the 'Red Wall' constituencies to buy into the 'Get Brexit Dun' agenda and you have the green light for the incompetence which followed, on Brexit.. as we are seeing more clearly every day, and worse.. on the appalling indecision and half measures which have characterised almost everything about the Tory response to Covid.

A 'stand still'? From 1400+ per day? With a weaker lockdown than previously and new strains rampaging and people 'breaking ranks' right left and centre.... and our 'Government' still 'thinking about' restricting entry to the UK? Do you remember how long it took in the Summer to get deaths down to below 200 per day..under better conditions?

On current form... Johnson will cave in to the 'big money' at the first sign of falling infection rates and we will have yet another spike. It remains to be seen whether this bunch of idiots can manage to complete the vaccination programe. I've already heard today that doses delivered to the North West are to be cut back in order to allow other areas to 'catch up'. Or is it just the usual North South divide? The current bunch of spivs in charge know already that they will be out on their arses at the next election.. (assuming we ever get one) so they don't give a toss who they upset...especially the 'Red Wall' ..which has now outlived its usefulness.

My jab is scheduled for 7th Feb. I would be totally unsurprised to see it cancelled or postponed. Meanwhile, my wife is 69 and it's anybody's guess when she will get a jab.

2nd doses? **** knows..

The last time I looked a far higher proportion of over 80s and at risk had been inoculated in the NW/NE than in any part of the country. The SE was worst (outside Scotland). My 84 year old mother is due for her first vaccination this Friday.
What does it matter any more ? Brexit is done and in just a month there are already myriad negatives and no positives.
The supporters of it seem happy enough though, until something affects them personally.
Time to let this thread fizzle out ? Or at least rename it ?
Acceptance: sit back and watch the consequences unfold.
Nice idea but I doubt it will fly with the hard remainer folk here. Everything that goes wrong with anything has to be blamed on ‘brexiteers/racists’ and mentioned here, broken up by a post every few pages that a positive of brexit has not been posted yet. :)

Expect some relief from brexit in May when the SNP gets a landslide but the tories refuse a referendum on independence. There will be a lot of grief and angst...
What does it matter any more ? Brexit is done and in just a month there are already myriad negatives and no positives.
The supporters of it seem happy enough though, until something affects them personally.
Time to let this thread fizzle out ? Or at least rename it ?
Acceptance: sit back and watch the consequences unfold.
That's where I've got to. It's done. I won't be buying stuff from Europe and I've probably seen an end to work there. Shame. I liked France, and Ireland even more. The faithful are rejoicing, they've got their country back. One by one they will work out what they voted for and what it's going to cost them. Let's see who's rejoicing this time next year.
I had to search for that one. Amount spent on Covid compared to member contributions over 40yrs membership of the EU. Regardless of inflation etc one year spend on Covid is more. Damning in the context of the Brexiteer Farage/Bojo argument that you needed to be out as it was bad value? Think it is fairly self explanatory. Brexit argument was false and misleading imho?
Boris signed up for the Astrazeneca vaccine 3 months before the EU. The EU federal buying strategy did save cash, well done them. On the downside this bureaucracy put them at the back of the queue.
The response to this exposure of UK decisiveness is to add even more federal bureaucracy in the form of dictating what shipments of drugs leave the EU.
That's where I've got to. It's done. I won't be buying stuff from Europe and I've probably seen an end to work there. Shame. I liked France, and Ireland even more. The faithful are rejoicing, they've got their country back. One by one they will work out what they voted for and what it's going to cost them. Let's see who's rejoicing this time next year.
Demographically they were far more likely to be older, less well educated and to not have strayed far from their home town, so the concept of working overseas would be alien to them. Their world won’t shrink because it was already small.
Demographically they were far more likely to be older, less well educated and to not have strayed far from their home town, so the concept of working overseas would be alien to them. Their world won’t shrink because it was already small.
Absolutely. This is apparent in all the Brexit strongholds.
Demographically they were far more likely to be older, less well educated and to not have strayed far from their home town, so the concept of working overseas would be alien to them. Their world won’t shrink because it was already small.
And the ones already retired overseas did not get a vote
Absolutely. This is apparent in all the Brexit strongholds.
This is an indictment on the last few decades of EU development tbh.
FOM is not really the same as free movement when the vast majority of people flow is East to West.
If you're an EU architect, you should really engineer conditions that allow ordinary folk in the forgotten regions to access work across the EU.
Demographically they were far more likely to be older, less well educated and to not have strayed far from their home town, so the concept of working overseas would be alien to them. Their world won’t shrink because it was already small.
This is very true, Cameron failed to reach out to this large sector of society with his EU offering and threats.
This is an indictment on the last few decades of EU development tbh.
FOM is not really the same as free movement when the vast majority of people flow is East to West.
If you're an EU architect, you should really engineer conditions that allow ordinary folk in the forgotten regions to access work across the EU.

Yes, as you were saying,
I fully support a mass migration initiative which offers Hong Kong citizens the option of living and working in the UK. It will be a welcome source of skilled labour, hopefully good value too.

-perhaps Priti Patel can engineer conditions, you know - for reciprocal opportunities.
This is an indictment on the last few decades of EU development tbh.
FOM is not really the same as free movement when the vast majority of people flow is East to West.
If you're an EU architect, you should really engineer conditions that allow ordinary folk in the forgotten regions to access work across the EU.

That's not true. The graph outlining movement to and from the UK over the last 40yrs indicates equal movement of EU citizens to the UK and vice versa.
The area where there has been a constant increase and which is even more pronounced is immigration to the UK from outside the EU. It has ramped up since Brexit (2016). Not sure how you can come to the conclusion that the failure of the UK government to look after its own poorer regions is the fault of the EU.
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