
Brexit: give me a positive effect... VIII

How are you feeling today about Brexit?

  • I am optimistic- I think that the UK and EU wll manage a working agreement

    Votes: 44 40.0%
  • I am pessimistic - I don't see any EU or UK willingness to make a deal

    Votes: 66 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I wonder how many of us, as we lay dying, will regret not spending more time lobbing childish insults at each other on this thread...
Not many judging by how many do it.

It’s the tory enablers responsible. No tory govt = No referendum = No brexit = No brexit thread = No childish insults from hard remainers.

You know it makes sense. ;)
For centuries, from the search for the North West passage to The Suez Canal, the great British enterprise has been to seek out, and if necessary build, faster, better, more efficient trade routes.

As part of that imperative, as a continuum of what made Britain great, we built a tunnel to connect us to our nearest and most important trading partner. Yet now we’re about to tie a great big knot in that connection.

On any level, be it what made us great, on historic precedent, on economic necessity, our next step is going to be contrarian madness in the extreme.

It’s back Passage to India now.

Plus don't forget that those who voted Brexit are too stupid to understand any clever insults, so that makes it doubly not worth it.

...that’s rather unfair.

This from the Brexit Bulldog in the link above:

‘The greatest improvements will come if we grasp the opportunities for free trade with both hands. That means immediately seeking free trade agreements with the biggest prospective markets as fast as possible’

How’s that working out?
Thanks, I’ve already seen that one, I thought you were on about something else.

This from the Brexit Bulldog in the link above:

‘The greatest improvements will come if we grasp the opportunities for free trade with both hands. That means immediately seeking free trade agreements with the biggest prospective markets as fast as possible’

How’s that working out?
An uncomfortable truth is it would be better if 3 1/2 yrs of the last 4 1/2 hadn’t been wasted by people trying everything possible to overturn the result of the referendum.
“as soon as we leave, we will be able to...”. Fact is, the majority of Brexit voters will be below ground long before Mogg’s sunlit uplands appear. It’s reflected in current polling showing a majority believe Brexit was the wrong thing to do. That majority will increase and rejoining on weaker terms is pretty much inevitable.
Barnier should propose building a giant freezer in Kent where we can store fish until they sort out who owns it.

Do the deal now. Worry about the fish later.
“as soon as we leave, we will be able to...”. Fact is, the majority of Brexit voters will be below ground long before Mogg’s sunlit uplands appear. It’s reflected in current polling showing a majority believe Brexit was the wrong thing to do. That majority will increase and rejoining on weaker terms is pretty much inevitable.
I’ll take the bait...!

Another ‘sunlit uplands’ from someone who thinks voting to make the UK poorer is idiotic but thinks making Scotland poorer is a great idea.

It would be ironic if Scotland leaves the UK, is unable to meet the EU requirements for joining then the UK rejoins the EU.
Barnier should propose building a giant freezer in Kent where we can store fish until they sort out who owns it.

Do the deal now. Worry about the fish later.
Already got a nice oven ready one in hull. AJK, just as the flyover comes down to town eastbound on the Clive Sully. Owned by Marrs I think, to whom Martin Clark of this parish has a family connection. It's already full of fish. Ships daily to Zeebrugge and Rotterdam. Ready when you like. All we have to do is organise tariff free trade with the EU. Oh bugger.
No chance. They can do one, watch the French go bananas.
They have no need to go bananas.
All those french boats with nowhere to go fishing.
They would never think to park those boats at the entrance to Calais, Dunkirk etc now, would they.
All those nice big ferries carrying stuff to the UK that are needed on a daily basis.
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