
Brexit: give me a positive effect... VIII

How are you feeling today about Brexit?

  • I am optimistic- I think that the UK and EU wll manage a working agreement

    Votes: 44 40.0%
  • I am pessimistic - I don't see any EU or UK willingness to make a deal

    Votes: 66 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I’m just heading off for an Eric, in case I’m supposed to reply to something else in quick time.
I don’t know what the tories have lined up. If I knew they had 20 countries lined up I would have said so, but I don’t know that so I didn’t say that.

You really are trying hard to score points but despite practicing every day you aren’t doing very well. I’m sure I will post ‘crap’ at some point that will be much easier even for you to spin. Why not wait for those?

Does that help?
Br...I don't give a flying one over what low grade, badly thought out excrescence you evacuate on here. But I will prod at it holding my nose and with a long stick as opportunity affords, and on past performance I'll have frequent and open goals presented. You're the sphincter that keeps on giving...

Does that help?
Br...I don't give a flying one over what low grade, badly thought out excrescence you evacuate on here. But I will prod at it holding my nose and with a long stick as opportunity affords, and on past performance I'll have frequent and open goals presented. You're the sphincter that keeps on giving...

Does that help?
I love it when you rant.
I see Johnson has Mr. Blobby running round Brussels on his behalf, jumping in and out of his car at the last minute. He’ll put his back out. Just one more lunch to go..


We could get Apple cars as you say especially for premium markets. Whatever the detail of the market, direct selling and loss of revenue to the tax man is very likely.

Premium markets will get the Apple/Google branded stuff, Brexit Blighty will get the British Leyland edition.
I wonder how many of us, as we lay dying, will regret not spending more time lobbing childish insults at each other on this thread...
Brexit was always about sadomasochism, speaking of which-

The Johnson:

“We hope that our EU friends will see sense and come to the table with something themselves. That’s really where we are.

“If that doesn’t happen then come January 1 we will be trading on WTO terms. An event that obviously has been four and a half years in the making, four and half years in the preparation. Yes it may be difficult at first, but this country will prosper mightily”.

Do you like the lie about 4.5 years of preparation? They’ve known for years they were placing themselves outside the Customs Union yet they’ve not even finished the Kent lorry park nor recruited the 50,000 new pen pushers, given them their red tape dispensers nor told U.K. businesses what they’re supposed to do in January 1st apart from “stockpile everyone!”.
I agree that we must all try to stop insults about Brexit and move forward in the seasonal spirit of peace and good will to all men*. It's not worth it. Plus don't forget that those who voted Brexit are too stupid to understand any clever insults, so that makes it doubly not worth it.

Oh, and Brexit smells of p**s. No, I mean it really does

* Except Cabinet ministers
For centuries, from the search for the North West passage to The Suez Canal, the great British enterprise has been to seek out, and if necessary build, faster, better, more efficient trade routes.

As part of that imperative, in the spirit of what made Britain great, we built a tunnel to connect us to our nearest and most important trading partner. Yet now we’re about to tie a great big knot in that connection.

On any level, be it what made us great, on historic precedent, or on economic necessity, our next step, whatever direction it takes, from whatever motive, is going to be contrarian madness in the extreme.
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