
Brexit: give me a positive effect... V

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I wonder how people managed their money before there were banks?

I wonder how people managed to by kit-kats before there was money?

Kind of irrelevant, surely?

I would have been in this position if I'd still been in Sweden. I think the banks are being forced into this position by a no-deal exit.

And remember, these people complaining had no choice in having their rights rescinded. They have a right to be angry.

I didn’t say ‘managed their money’ I said ‘managed for their banking’ before the EU?

I’m not unsympathetic, but all this talk about rights does my head in. Supporting the democratic system only when it suits you and things go your way doesn’t work. I’ve said already, we had a referendum and you know the outcome. I don’t like the outcome of GE’s since 2010 and the way people find excuse after excuse to enable the tories is sickening, but it is what it is.
They had to get an account with a local bank. For Barclays, Lloyds, NatWest and any other U.K. domiciled bank it may be difficult for them to operate accounts for clients within the EU post brexit, depending on whether they apply for European passporting, but it won’t be automatic. If you happen to have an account with Santander, Commerzbank, Svenska Handelsbanken etc. or one of their subsidiaries then it won’t be an issue.

But back in the day, if you wanted to live and work in Europe for even a short period, then you needed to have a registered address there and a corresponding account with BNP, NordLB etc. These restrictions all vanished with our EU membership, but will be back with a bang now.
Thanks. That’s what I was asking.
Another handy bit of straw clutching Col. If the measure of Europe's welfare is the level of protest and unhappiness with a sitting president in France, they have been on trouble for hundreds of years. Meanwhile......anything to say on the easiest deal in human history, or will Johnson cave when the traffic queues and food shortages and associated panic buying start?

I notice Gove is lining up the haulage industry as scapegoats for Brexiteer stupidity. #alwayssomebodyelsesfault
It looks like Macron has got the farmers message, along with leo. They appear to finally see that the 'cars for cows deal' may be a bit of a problem.
How very unpatriotic of him! Doesn't he love his country?

I quite like this bit:

Before he left for Monaco, (Brexiter) Ratcliffe was the UK’s third-highest individual taxpayer, paying £110m to the exchequer in 2017-18, according to the Sunday Times tax list.
I recognise Dyson and Ratcliffe... Who's the third, is it Jay Grease-Mop?

Forget the EU. There is a deal to be had with Turkey: cheap, quality products from food to Beko. The lira is even lower than sterling. BJ has Turkish heritage and a carpet souk mentality so will be oven ready by Xmas.
Farage even has an appropriate Freedom of Movement photo ready.
Doner kabab stands all over Kent.
Job done.

You forgot, there will be absolutely no excuse for any male not to have a sharp hair-cut. There’s three Turkish barbers in my moderately small town, and they all serve up a decent trim and nose wax.
This is it, we’ve waited four years for the positive and finally it’s found. Yay \o/
You forgot, there will be absolutely no excuse for any male not to have a sharp hair-cut. There’s three Turkish barbers in my moderately small town, and they all serve up a decent trim and nose wax.
This is it, we’ve waited four years for the positive and finally it’s found. Yay \o/
Nose wax? :D:D

I find a potato peeler works well enough.
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