
Are Fuses in Plugs Directional ?

A closely related question is, “If you have a double socket, does the left-hand outlet sound better than the right-hand outlet, or vice-versa?” I suppose it depends which way round your ring main the electricity stuff runs. If it runs clockwise, then obviously the outlet on the left gets first dibs at the electrons. This may be different in the southern hemisphere. Or maybe it depends on which phase your leccy is connected to. So many questions.
If it's a ring it runs both ways simultaneously, but you'd want the Hi-Fi socket dead central in the ring otherwise one leg might supply more current than the other causing a massive drop in SQ.
So you’ve never had the magical experience of ‘veils being lifted’ when you turn your fuse round?!

That’s very sad…

Well, there are mains fuses inside some components.

But, to have something important to do, some Swedish Audiophiles likes to test the polarisation of the main plugs. Continental plugs can be inserted one way or the other. Just like one can test the absolute phase of speakers. Lot's of permutations to go through if you have a complex separate's system ;)
We've all done that:D
And are still here. One's got to live with what one has or get another circuit. However, benefits can be wrought from cleaning (fine Emery cloth, even) plug pins and any other contacts accessible (incl. the fuse) Anyway, I don't have any to clean because that used to be a pain when I did.
I did solder a piece of 22 swg copper wire across the 13 amp plug fuse on one occasion. A bit naughty but it stopped the welder from blowing the plug fuse every other time it was switched on.
We had a couple of dedicated 15amp sockets installed in the farm workshop for welder. One by the main work bench for the smaller stuff and one by the door for the big stuff.
If it's a ring it runs both ways simultaneously, but you'd want the Hi-Fi socket dead central in the ring otherwise one leg might supply more current than the other causing a massive drop in SQ.
Really, is that possible? Surely if it's a ring circuit it's all equalled out.
And someone chose to inflict this misery on us? :0)

Could it not be left in that place?

Having visited to find out what all the fuss is about I see that the usual suspect, the self elected 'pied piper' of the HiFi world is claiming to challenge the intellect of the assembled crowd, who after raising their polite challenges, fall in line, with some who faun at the feet of 'He who should be agreed with'.

Or perhaps the crowd are just trying to be polite and make a hasty retreat for the sake of their own sanity? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and suggest the latter is most likely.
While were on the topic and to save another post on the subject, what do you all think about the effects of turning Interconnect or Speaker Wire around that's clearly marked with a "Signal Flow" direction >>> ...?
I've given this deep thought....
Instead of turning the fuse around, leave it in situ.. After all.. it's burned in that way...
BUT... turn the kit around...
That way the kit AND the fuse are re- oriented relative to Ley Lines, the Natural Order, Earth's magnetic field AND local Feng Shue...
Obvious really...

