
Are Fuses in Plugs Directional ?

Just been on the Green Forum and in their lounge there is a post about changing plug fuses.
The poster said that the treble was much smoother after changing the direction of the fuse..i.e 180 degrees
I think he is an OCD type personally ...disects every nuance of his system...listens to the equipment type
Any of you lot tried it ?
Personally I think it's absolute Foo of the highest ...laughable order
But is there scientific proof ?
I remember Peter Belt advocating colouring in one end with marker pen.

I never tried it myself but apparently it made it sound terrible 😁
I remember Peter Belt advocating colouring in one end with marker pen.
I bought something once, an amplifier maybe, and when I opened the plug it had a purple ended fuse. I think the problem was that the things he recommended cost nothing to do so a lot of people tried them for the hell of it.
There may well be an audible difference when removing a fuse and putting it back 180degree - it will be nothing to do with the orientation but everything to do with improving the electrical connection by removing and reinserting the fuse - physically removing corrosion/oxidization etc. DGP
Not to forget unplugging the plug from the wall & re-inserting it. Also if the socket is switched, turning it off & on to clean the contacts. Which reminds me, I once bypassed a switched mains socket by fitting a soldered piece of wire across the contacts & that made a fair bit of difference. I was quite astounded at the time.
Which reminds me, I once bypassed a switched mains socket by fitting a soldered piece of wire across the contacts & that made a fair bit of difference. I was quite astounded at the time.
I've done similar and noticed a difference. I elected to live without that particular upgrade though, on account of it being fecking dangerous!
Of course all fuses are directional. You insert them in one direction or t'other; any other scenario ends in tears. :D
I've done similar and noticed a difference. I elected to live without that particular upgrade though, on account of it being fecking dangerous!
Yea, I thought it was a bit naughty but it was quite a neat & tidy job & I did like the improvement. I have since moved & think the current owners must have realized the switch is not working! As far as I'm aware the house is still standing!
A closely related question is, “If you have a double socket, does the left-hand outlet sound better than the right-hand outlet, or vice-versa?” I suppose it depends which way round your ring main the electricity stuff runs. If it runs clockwise, then obviously the outlet on the left gets first dibs at the electrons. This may be different in the southern hemisphere. Or maybe it depends on which phase your leccy is connected to. So many questions.
I've done similar and noticed a difference. I elected to live without that particular upgrade though, on account of it being fecking dangerous!
I did solder a piece of 22 swg copper wire across the 13 amp plug fuse on one occasion. A bit naughty but it stopped the welder from blowing the plug fuse every other time it was switched on.

