
All purpose football thread 2022/23 Season

Neil Warnock is back in the room.
You just about pipped him ahead of Doncaster and Sheffield Wednesday for the Yorkshire set.
You will now hear about Sharon and Cornwall and retiring in the West Country and retiring soon, again ...think it was about 2007 when we went through that!!!!!!!!!

The other thing you will soon hear is that you are the best ever supporters which is on page2 in the Warnock manual, ancient in all things but you could have a chance with him.
You just about pipped him ahead of Doncaster and Sheffield Wednesday for the Yorkshire set.
You will now hear about Sharon and Cornwall and retiring in the West Country and retiring soon, again ...think it was about 2007 when we went through that!!!!!!!!!

The other thing you will soon hear is that you are the best ever supporters which is on page2 in the Warnock manual, ancient in all things but you could have a chance with him.
He has managed us before. He was quite successful.
I have not been in this forum for some time and will not be commenting on here again after this .

The independent enquiry into the CL final last year has been leaked . The outstanding statement from it is that Liverpool Fans had no part in what happened that night . All the accusations made against the fans have proved to be untrue .

Certain people on here blamed the Liverpool Fans straight away and only when the truth started to emerge withdrew their statements . That they still think Liverpool Fans are such and to blame is a result of horrible lies spread since Hillsborough which were only proved to be lies 23 years later . I can see why people outside the area might have believed the distorted and incorrect image but after the truth was revealed I had hoped this would have changed but obviously it is not the case.

I have no wish to be art of a group that have these sort of views and it is why I no longer contribute . I know the views were reversed but it just the fact that anyone could seriously still think that Liverpool are still some sort of sub human horde that makes this not a comfortable place to be .

Enjoy your football whoever you support and try to believe that they is nothing wrong with the majority of Football fans they are just normal decent people who like the game .
I don’t think Liverpool fans are subhuman & don’t believe anyone on here said they were. Ultimately they are football fans, some good, some bad & they are certainly not saints.

Your sanctimonious tone will not be missed.
I have not been in this forum for some time and will not be commenting on here again after this .

The independent enquiry into the CL final last year has been leaked . The outstanding statement from it is that Liverpool Fans had no part in what happened that night . All the accusations made against the fans have proved to be untrue .

Certain people on here blamed the Liverpool Fans straight away and only when the truth started to emerge withdrew their statements . That they still think Liverpool Fans are such and to blame is a result of horrible lies spread since Hillsborough which were only proved to be lies 23 years later . I can see why people outside the area might have believed the distorted and incorrect image but after the truth was revealed I had hoped this would have changed but obviously it is not the case.

I have no wish to be art of a group that have these sort of views and it is why I no longer contribute . I know the views were reversed but it just the fact that anyone could seriously still think that Liverpool are still some sort of sub human horde that makes this not a comfortable place to be .

Enjoy your football whoever you support and try to believe that they is nothing wrong with the majority of Football fans they are just normal decent people who like the game .

Andrew, I cannot see any comment on the issue apart from your own back on P2 of the thread.
You'll need to look at last season's thread.

bencat Look forward to seeing you back on here at some stage. Take care.

I did. Granted, I didn't go back too far into last season.

Andrew is entitled to do as he wishes, and he is a passionate supporter of Liverpool. It is fair to say that most of the Liverpool supporters have not been posting this season, other than when the charges against Manchester City emerged. Hopefully, other Liverpool fans will now comment on the result against Everton, the season so far, and their vindication regarding Paris. I heard Kaveh, on Sky, talk about it, but he also mentioned that 1,800 forged tickets had been taken from Liverpool's fans at the ground, and I couldn't really square that circle. As someone who lives in the city, I was also aware of 'tickets' being widely sold. I wasn't there, didn't watch the game, nor the scenes outside the ground, so some perspective on that would be good.

Personally, I find that the most inflammatory posts here are, generally, made by Liverpool fans, but that could be my own interpretation because of the intense rivalry that has emerged between our two teams: we are all sensitive to criticism of our own clubs.

I decided, this season, that I was generally only going to focus on my club, and to complement the positive performances of others, and I have generally stuck to that principle. The game is so tribal, and emotive, that it is quite hard to maintain.

So far, in the Premier League, I have most enjoyed watching Brighton and Arsenal, who both have been playing very attractive football.

Outside it, Burnley have been a revelation, and are now clear at the top of the table, playing superb football while also having sold a number of whom would have been described as their best players. I did a little research into the disparity between Championship sides, as it was raised by another poster, and the table below shows just what an incredible job Vincent Kompany and his team have done.
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Didn’t the report say there was no widespread evidence of ticket fraud?

The report also strongly rejects claims made persistently by Uefa and the French police and government ministers, that thousands of Liverpool fans without valid tickets caused the problems. The report states that there is no evidence to support such claims, which were made in a “reprehensible” attempt by the authorities to avoid responsibility.
The root cause of the problem was the football authorities. I am sure there were fake tickets knocking about but there always is for most big occasions.

The most recent problem laid at Liverpool fans door is the bricking of the City bus. I’m pretty sure that did happen but maybe there’s a report somewhere;)
Liverpool’s performance last night was the best since before Christmas, although a really poor Everton made it easy for them. Newcastle will be much tougher on Saturday evening, but a win should instill a bit of confidence, as should a few big players becoming available after lengthy spells out injured.

The youngster Bajcetic had a great game.
Newcastle will be much tougher on Saturday evening
That game is a real six pointer - win it and suddenly you're only six points behind them with a game in hand - lose it and like Chelsea you can probably kiss CL football next season goodbye.
My money would be on a draw as Howe seems to have made Newcastle very difficult to beat at the expense of winning matches.
The root cause of the problem was the football authorities. I am sure there were fake tickets knocking about but there always is for most big occasions.

The most recent problem laid at Liverpool fans door is the bricking of the City bus. I’m pretty sure that did happen but maybe there’s a report somewhere;)

I think Merseyside police still have it.
Without wishing to get into a game of “your fans are worse than our fans” (ad infinitum) I think it is a positive that an independent enquiry has found that UEFA and other authorities were to blame for the debacle in Paris. It was investigation done very quickly (unlike the 30 years it took for the truth of Hillsborough to be acknowledged). Hopefully fans of all clubs will be safer at future events as a result of its recommendations.
Liverpool’s performance last night was the best since before Christmas, although a really poor Everton made it easy for them. Newcastle will be much tougher on Saturday evening, but a win should instill a bit of confidence, as should a few big players becoming available after lengthy spells out injured.

The youngster Bajcetic had a great game.

That game is a real six pointer - win it and suddenly you're only six points behind them with a game in hand - lose it and like Chelsea you can probably kiss CL football next season goodbye.
My money would be on a draw as Howe seems to have made Newcastle very difficult to beat at the expense of winning matches.
I’m expecting a Liverpool win on Saturday. Newcastle have been very poor in the last 2 matches since winning the league cup semi final and harshly losing Bruno to a red card. They have their eye on the final, which I suspect they will also lose now given the dip in form. You can’t usually just flip a switch.

The club is way ahead of schedule and they have a plan, but I’ve always believed in strengthening the team from a position of strength. We went into January in the top 4 but with no squad depth, needing a midfielder and a forward. Although bringing in one striker the club let one go and also let a midfielder go. I think they will now pay the price. There was a chance of top 4 but I think they have blown it. Still, it’s a whole lot better than trying to finish 4th bottom while the FCB ran the circus.
I’m expecting a Liverpool win on Saturday. Newcastle have been very poor in the last 2 matches since winning the league cup semi final and harshly losing Bruno to a red card. They have their eye on the final, which I suspect they will also lose now given the dip in form. You can’t usually just flip a switch.

The club is way ahead of schedule and they have a plan, but I’ve always believed in strengthening the team from a position of strength. We went into January in the top 4 but with no squad depth, needing a midfielder and a forward. Although bringing in one striker the club let one go and also let a midfielder go. I think they will now pay the price. There was a chance of top 4 but I think they have blown it. Still, it’s a whole lot better than trying to finish 4th bottom while the FCB ran the circus.
Top 3 looks pretty much sorted but I don't see who's going to put you under much pressure for 4th tbh.
Maybe you didn't buy anyone in Jan because Chelsea were hoovering up all the availability.:)

