
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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"Former Tory Rory Stewart has revealed he was invited to Evgeny Lebedev's Italian mansion for a party where "there were going to be girls" and Boris Johnson."
"I remember just after I was appointed (...) deputy to Boris Johnson, someone came up to me at party conference and said, would you like to come and spend the weekend with Lebedev... lovely mansion, I think on Lake Como, there were going to be girls," he told Alastair Campbell’s ‘The Rest Is Politics’ podcast. It was going to be great. You will be flown over."

Wonder how much footage they have of Johnson?

It'll be square yardage, he's a lardy bastard!

I’ve moved the recent Brexit distraction over to the Brexit thread (link). It is all intact and pruned out pretty easily. I’d like to keep this thread focused on Johnson and current Tory corruption, incompetence, possible Kompromat/collusion etc. Brexit is its own thing and has its own endlessly recursive thread!
They won't release info on what Johnson knew about Lord Siberia

"Although the Commission seeks to be as transparent as possible about its criteria and processes, its formal advice to the Prime Minister is confidential. In order to maintain the integrity of the Commission’s vetting processes, it will not comment on any individual. It would be highly unfair on individuals to do so and risks undermining nominees’ confidence in the confidentiality of vetting processes. HOLAC is also subject to legal, GDPR and data protection responsibilities which affect the provision and use of information."

I wonder who else got a invite to the villa to party with the girls? Or invites to parties in London?

The fact that Stewart said he got the invite after his appointment at the FCO might suggest he was targeted.

I imagine the Kompromat you could get on the doddery old Lords would rival Google's index in size...
God. Looks like it has been taken down. It was one of those brilliant Line Of Duty spoofs. The three of them interviewing Boris and his connection with Russian oligarchs.

I’ve changed the above link to be direct to the Led By Donkeys Twitter account. I’m not sure how Twitter works regarding views, but it makes sense to let the originator have the hits given they do so much great work.
The people who will of course know or have the ability to appraise Johnson’s (and other’s) exposure to Russian espionage are MI5 /MI6. What’s interesting is that they have publicly stayed out of all of this- naturally I don’t mean in operational terms but in even stating the threat level to British politicians. You might have thought they’d have taken Johnson aside when he was Foreign Secretary and had a word, maybe they did and Johnson carried on regardless, behaved to form and putting his own greedy impulses first.

Again what Johnson has displayed here is his complete lack of judgement, his self serving attitude to holding public office and in his private life and his unfitness to serve not just as Prime Minister but really in any ministerial role. In other words he’s a liability.
The people who will of course know or have the ability to appraise Johnson’s (and other’s) exposure to Russian espionage are MI5 /MI6. What’s interesting is that they have publicly stayed out of all of this- naturally I don’t mean in operational terms but in even stating the threat level to British politicians. You might have thought they’d have taken Johnson aside when he was Foreign Secretary and had a word, maybe they did and Johnson carried on regardless, behaved to form and putting his own greedy impulses first.

Again what Johnson has displayed here is his complete lack of judgement, his self serving attitude to holding public office and in his private life and his unfitness to serve not just as Prime Minister but really in any ministerial role. In other words he’s a liability.
Some day, hopefully, it will make a great film.
One former MI6 officer reflected on the strange friendship between the Lebedevs, father and son: “it’s just not credible that the Lebedevs don’t do something for the Kremlin. If Boris goes to the Lebedevs’ palazzo in Italy and shags someone, there’s got to be a sporting chance that someone’s filming it… Imagine if Putin was knocking off a woman in a place in Moscow owned by a British businessman, then, in my old job, I would be on to that immediately, I would be all over it like a bad rash.”
One former MI6 officer reflected on the strange friendship between the Lebedevs, father and son: “it’s just not credible that the Lebedevs don’t do something for the Kremlin. If Boris goes to the Lebedevs’ palazzo in Italy and shags someone, there’s got to be a sporting chance that someone’s filming it… Imagine if Putin was knocking off a woman in a place in Moscow owned by a British businessman, then, in my old job, I would be on to that immediately, I would be all over it like a bad rash.”
The metaphor in the last paragraph was amusingly apt: ‘all over it like a rash’. The recurring theme in all these stories of the rise to riches of the Russian oligarchs is that so many of them were basic goons from the lower ranks of the KGB, like Putin. I suppose the only conclusion you can draw is that the KGB really must have had a world beating management development programme with MBA’s and Economics PhD courses. Part time of course because they’d be busy during the day spying on students and housewives who’d let slip they were planning to go over the wall.
Another day, another example of law-breaking from Boris deCrooked Johnson and the Conservative Party. This time it appears he has something to hide in regards to who he’s invited to the Chequers residency, so he’s just refusing to publish (Open Democracy).

PS Has anyone seen Sue Gray? I’m beginning to suspect she’s been kidnapped.
Boris secretly loves this new conflict as the main focus is on the war and Party Gate seems so insignificant, there are quite a few people who will nor be even bothered if he will be found guilty of breaking the Covid rules in attending such a party. From his public speeches in regard to this war in Ukraine he is clearly relishing playing the new statesman and eager to follow the footsteps of Churchill. For me I don't really care whether he attended a party or parties or even hosted them in his flat, a lot of famous politicians must of broken some rules in history. What I will never forgive him is dragging our country into this ill gotten idea of Brexit. So far I have not seen any advantages of Brexit but only the opposite....
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