
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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And yet the popularity of Tory Party continues to increase. Perhaps we are doing the Tory Party machines work for it when we allow ourself to get distracted by cheap publicity stunts.

I don’t see how we can do anything else but shine whatever spotlight we have to hand on it. I will keep on supporting and funding those who demand/provide scrutiny. I am hoping this may just be the start of an Overton Window shift away from the far-right propaganda of the gutter tabloids, Telegraph, GB News, Guido Fawkes, Andrew Neil etc and more towards proper investigative journalism such as Carole Cadwalladr, Adam Curtis, Jon Sweeny and other voices who have been marginalised, silenced and brutalised over recent years for speaking truth to power. Now the corruption and dirty money behind those who so brutally attacked them is now in view they can hopefully get back to work.
I don’t see how we can do anything else but shine whatever spotlight we have to hand on it. I will keep on supporting and funding those who demand/provide scrutiny. I am hoping this may just be the start of an Overton Window shift away from the far-right propaganda of the gutter tabloids, Telegraph, GB News, Guido Fawkes, Andrew Neil etc and more towards proper investigative journalism such as Carole Cadwalladr, Adam Curtis, Jon Sweeny and other voices who have been marginalised, silenced and brutalised over recent years for speaking truth to power. Now the corruption and dirty money behind those who so brutally attacked them is obvious they can hopefully get back to work.
I’m not arguing with any of that, but the corruption has been obvious for many years and is being highlighted daily, yet Tory Popularity continues to rise.

In fairness Labour are shite too!

If you add the voteshare of the social democratic/progressive parties together (and I realise it is a huge stretch to put Labour in that category) there is a massive anti-Tory majority. Labour just need to grasp they can’t beat the Tory’s minority-rule FPTP system and have to forge a unity with the other more liberal and progressive voices.
Aye and they were never shittier than when led by Corbyn who managed to lose by a huge margin to a deeply unpopular and divided Government who had already been in power for too long.
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Aye and they were never shittier than when led by Corbyn who managed to lose by a huge margin to a deeply unpopular Government who had already been in power for too long.

Having in 2017 got more than 3% more of the popular vote share than Cameron did to win in 2015.

Way to miss Oborne's point.

Oh yes, I'm sorry, I forgot the 11th commandment: The Corbyn and all traces thereof must be publicly slagged off and proclaimed as evil at all times, even when it is at best tangentially relevant to do so.
And how did Corbyn fare in 2019 having had a further two years to charm the votes and convince them of his suitability to lead the country?
In fairness Labour are shite too!

If you add the voteshare of the social democratic/progressive parties together (and I realise it is a huge stretch to put Labour in that category) there is a massive anti-Tory majority. Labour just need to grasp they can’t beat the Tory’s minority-rule FPTP system and have to forge a unity with the other more liberal and progressive voices.
Understand what you are saying Tony, but I recall that when Clegg held the balance of power in 2010 he refused to even speak to Gordon Brown before cosying up to David Cameron. Many voters have not forgotten this.
Understand what you are saying Tony, but I recall that when Clegg held the balance of power in 2010 he refused to even speak to Gordon Brown before cosying up to David Cameron. Many voters have not forgotten this.

I have no intention of defending either, but IIRC Brown offered nothing much beyond a temper tantrum, Labour had far less votes and seats (i.e. it would have been less democratic from a PR perspective), and it wouldn’t have been possible to form a working majority without Sinn Fein. Regardless I do think the LDs made a huge mistake entering that coalition, as in fairness they seem to now. We need real electoral reform before we can find a true consensus form of government.
As the little cartoon thingy comes from someone who refers to himself as a “Revolutionary Relativist” - I think I am going to take it as a compliment.
Caroline Lucas on absolutely top form in the HoC earlier (Twitter). Watch the clip, she is 100% right. The Russia Report needs releasing as Johnson is clearly hugely compromised. Her evidence is indisputable. We need a proper spotlight shining on this whole thing.
Caroline Lucas on absolutely top form in the HoC earlier (Twitter). Watch the clip, she is 100% right. The Russia Report needs releasing as Johnson is clearly hugely compromised. Her evidence is indisputable. We need a proper spotlight shining on this whole thing.
No wonder Brexit Barbie has turned in Bad Boy of Brexit Aarrrron Banks- it positively keeps the flies away from her man Richard Tice.
Caroline Lucas on absolutely top form in the HoC earlier (Twitter). Watch the clip, she is 100% right. The Russia Report needs releasing as Johnson is clearly hugely compromised. Her evidence is indisputable. We need a proper spotlight shining on this whole thing.
While I agree, I very much doubt any spotlight will be shone on Johnson. He will deflect and the majority of the public will look away
Beat me to it. Abramovich has fled to Moscow. I wonder who might be joining him over the coming days...
Banks- but it’s not as if MI5 didn’t know just how many times the lying ***t had trotted into the Russian embassy to chat about gold mines and how much he was enjoying his new wife.
Hopefully Bryant has some hard evidence to back the claim up. It was a very precise figure after all.

PS Worth noting that Farage is named in the Mueller Report (Byline Times). It appears he had some contact with Assange around the general timeframe of the DNC hacking and that data appearing on Wikileaks. Obviously we don’t know what that contact was, but Farage’s support of Trump is very well documented.
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