
Speed limiters, driver monitors to become mandatory in EU

This is just a step on the way to self driving cars....

Exactly this, and it’s a good thing. Driving is something I’ve enjoyed for 40 years, but the world is moving on.

25 thousand deaths each year on European roads. 25 thousand. It’s absolute madness to bang on about one’s rights to drive like a twat against that cold fact.
Depressing thread - on so many levels. There is an important difference between 'excessive speed' and driving in excess of the posted speed limit. Based on most of the arguments aired in the press, few seem to be acknowledge this.

Fwiw - personally I'd be in favour of changing all speed limits to 'advisory' - but with the caveat that if you kill or seriously injure somebody through excessive speed or dangerous driving, you go to jail for a very long time, as is the practice in certain parts of Africa.

Just to be clear, if it’s a family member of yours that’s killed by the moron who fails to follow an “advisory” limit, you’d be OK with that?
I would like to see this go along with a much more fine grained speed limit setting around the country. National speed limit on narrow country roads is crazy.
Maybe even raise the limit in good weather on some roads. Many low speed limits are set in black spots for a road that becomes hazardous in fog or icy weather
Excellent idea and kind of a social leveller, that Ferrari now only looks good, and isn't much use for owt else. You do get some idiots on motorways, lorry drivers usually being the worst culprits. But that's a problem of lack of attention, sensory perception. I beeped one once and he just carried on moving into my path, figured he didn't hear me. I now try to stay well away from them. I must say having the ability to accelerate quickly is a safety feature, but this has been thought out in this new proposal.
I just hope that all lorries have the same maximum speed as each other. Otherwise motorways and dual carriageways are going to be even worse than they are now as they catch each other and then use five miles to overtake, with a ten mile queue of frustrated car drivers who then struggle to overtake at 69.99mph before the same lorry pulls out to overtake another one.
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Do Trabants even do the the speed limit? I think that's all we'll be driving, come the Peoples Banana Republic of Brexit Gammon Island.
Don't know if any of you guys saw this in the papers and on the news this week.

Super car driver leaving a car meeting in London last Sunday morning, I reckon he'd switched off all driver aids then ran out of talent :D Our local meets despise this type of behaviour.

An EU limiter may have saved him a few bob but he'd have turned that off as well probably. On a serious note anyone know if he's been charged for this? I'm guessing the way he took off he'd hit 80mph in that distance, amazed nobody was flattened there. Loads of other footage of his antics too on the web.

What a grade A weapon! He’s so lucky nobody was near that tree though.
Also, this will not stop anyone driving badly within the speed limit...


Inappropriate sped for conditions is far worse imo.

Of the fifteen fatal collisions I investigated between 1991 and 2000, only on was exceeding speed limit related. I suppose ties do change, tho;)
I was surprised to see comments on the ability of lorry drivers. In my experience most lorry drivers are extremely good at what they do, they have to be. It doesn't follow that they are all courteous, but most are, and they seem to appreciate other road users who treat them with some respect and understnding.
Surely anything that takes control of your car's speed is only of any use if all cars have the same kit?
You can still hit the twat that pulls into the outside lane doing 50....
Did anyone see the Top Gear clip where the VW just kept going despite its pedestrian avoidance system?
It seems like a sensible move to me. It won't stop all accidents, obviously, but if it slows down the tool that likes to barrel through 30 zones at 50 or 60 then that's gotta be a good idea.

I don't buy the motorway 'bunching' fear, if anything it would reduce bunching.
All the technology in the world won't make up for an idiot behind the wheel.

I've had my share of accidents and none were due to disobeying speed limits.
Yes, but if your “risk” kills a member of my family then prison will be where I’m headed. You won’t be.

Is this OK? It keeps us free from government control, after all.

Read my other post (No.50), then, ignoring your posturing silverback thing, which of us is the more dangerous person? The bloke who occasionally would use the freedom to have some fun under carefully considered circumstances....a burst of 80+ on an empty road, to make me smile, or the bloke wiling to murder someone who may just have made a mistake?
I think the main problem with this initiative is that it will take 10-15 years for the non-equipped vehicles to pass through their lifecycle, so there will always be roads full of dickheads driving too fast. In fact, they will search out 'classic' vehicles just to avoid having to toe the line, so the demographic will be skewed towards dickheads driving uncontrolled vehicles.

Until speeding is made as socially unacceptable as smoking/not wearing seatbelts/etc, it will always happen. I am as guilty as the next man, by the way. But I now use ACC a lot on motorways, and I'm getting used to a more relaxed driving experience

Inappropriate sped for conditions is far worse imo.

Of the fifteen fatal collisions I investigated between 1991 and 2000, only on was exceeding speed limit related. I suppose ties do change, tho;)

This is what worries me most, over the last couple of decades the government assisted by organisations like Brake have pushed the speed kills mantra so far that people now think that as long as they are not breaking the speed limit then they must be driving safely! Speed limiters are another reinforcement of that message. It's so stupidly simplistic as to be embarrassing to any of us with half a brain frankly!
Just to be clear, if it’s a family member of yours that’s killed by the moron who fails to follow an “advisory” limit, you’d be OK with that?

Daft question Whaleblue - if a family member or indeed any friend of mine were to be killed by a driver outside or indeed within any 'limit' I'd feel the same as you.
It's poor driving that causes deaths, not failure to comply with blanket speed limits.
I think the main problem with this initiative is that it will take 10-15 years for the non-equipped vehicles to pass through their lifecycle, so there will always be roads full of dickheads driving too fast. In fact, they will search out 'classic' vehicles just to avoid having to toe the line, so the demographic will be skewed towards dickheads driving uncontrolled vehicles.
I suspect that when AI self driving becomes standard, maybe in then years time, that manual vehicles will be confined to the equivalent of zoos very quickly. This won't be a slow turnover

