
Speed limiters, driver monitors to become mandatory in EU

A super car is no different to owning a super expensive HiFi, a very large house, a second home, I could go on.

People like to own something that is different from the average, so these choices are not pointless, if they want to have these why not, or is this advocating taking the right of choice away now?
IIRC all Japanese cars within Japan have had fixed speed limiters fitted for many years now.

The EU proposal would allow for cars to read speed limit signs and implement a variable speed limiter. Not so bad as long as it works all the time. Future generations will thus not see the joy of going for a drive in the way that we may have done. But they will not miss what they have never known. Since the huge majority of people will be living in urban and city environs, there will be few cars in private ownership, those that are will be electric. If you live in one the many, many terraced housing streets you will not be able to charge an electric car anyway. I digress.

My wife drives a top spec Qashqai which already reads road signs and puts them up on the dashboard. It is clever - how much it uses a camera and how much it relies on knowing where it is by the GPS I am not sure. It is not always right. Linking it to a speed limiter would seem to be a easy next step as long as you could push through to over-ride it as needed.
A super car is no different to owning a super expensive HiFi, a very large house, a second home, I could go on.

People like to own something that is different from the average, so these choices are not pointless, if they want to have these why not, or is this advocating taking the right of choice away now?

It's different in as much as the capabilities of the supercar cannot be enjoyed legally in public roads. Like having a super expensive hifi but not being able to turn the volume past 2, or a large house where certain parts of the house are inaccessible.
I think the car will need cruise control to make retrofitting (economically) possible.

The govt missed a trick saying they'd follow this EU directive; if they'd have said sod it we'll drive (off cliffs) as fast as we like most of the country would be totally up for Brexit.
It's different in as much as the capabilities of the supercar cannot be enjoyed legally in public roads. Like having a super expensive hifi but not being able to turn the volume past 2, or a large house where certain parts of the house are inaccessible.

It's not different, I know of a few people who have very expensive HiFi's yet cannot play or use them to the full potential because of neighbours or family issues, but they want that expensive HiFi because maybe one day they can use it fully, so why limit their choice?
We won't be able to drive on the race tracks either, because the same old bulbs will be whining about the noise*!

*after buying a house next to a race track that was there 50 years before they bought their house...
I have been driving for close to sixty years and I think that the most important factor is to drive according to road conditions. Never been involved in an accident and despite the fact that my car can do 155mph and has one of those turbo thingy's. I Have no pretension's of being a racing driver.

In truth I doubt my suitability or that of many other road users at such speeds.

Do you remember the days past, circa 1960s when the national weekend pastime was to drive to the coast and put up with massive traffic jams when most people returned at the same time.Jack the lad would go tearing past in his souped up Cortina yet still only be about ten cars in front when you arrived at the destination. Common sense prevailed and we all found other things to do!

Common sense will still prevail when this speed thing is introduced and as sure as eggs is eggs Halfords will sell something to address the problems.
Don't know if any of you guys saw this in the papers and on the news this week.

Super car driver leaving a car meeting in London last Sunday morning, I reckon he'd switched off all driver aids then ran out of talent :D Our local meets despise this type of behaviour.

An EU limiter may have saved him a few bob but he'd have turned that off as well probably. On a serious note anyone know if he's been charged for this? I'm guessing the way he took off he'd hit 80mph in that distance, amazed nobody was flattened there. Loads of other footage of his antics too on the web.

Belief has nothing to do with it, I stated a fact. Please present evidence that your position is correct.

No, mine is the fact. It's a fact that I don't believe you. There you are, I've just proved it. Now prove your assertion.
Don't know if any of you guys saw this in the papers and on the news this week.

Super car driver leaving a car meeting in London last Sunday morning, I reckon he'd switched off all driver aids then ran out of talent :D Our local meets despise this type of behaviour.

An EU limiter may have saved him a few bob but he'd have turned that off as well probably. On a serious note anyone know if he's been charged for this? I'm guessing the way he took off he'd hit 80mph in that distance, amazed nobody was flattened there. Loads of other footage of his antics too on the web.

A good example of why it's pointless owning a car like this unless you spend the time to take it to the track and get some lessons on how to drive the thing.
Don't know if any of you guys saw this in the papers and on the news this week.

Super car driver leaving a car meeting in London last Sunday morning, I reckon he'd switched off all driver aids then ran out of talent :D Our local meets despise this type of behaviour.

An EU limiter may have saved him a few bob but he'd have turned that off as well probably. On a serious note anyone know if he's been charged for this? I'm guessing the way he took off he'd hit 80mph in that distance, amazed nobody was flattened there. Loads of other footage of his antics too on the web.

It's so frowned upon at organised car meets what this idiot did that thankfully I see very little daft behaviour either entering or leaving the Sunday meetings I attend.
Don't know if any of you guys saw this in the papers and on the news this week.

Super car driver leaving a car meeting in London last Sunday morning, I reckon he'd switched off all driver aids then ran out of talent :D Our local meets despise this type of behaviour.

An EU limiter may have saved him a few bob but he'd have turned that off as well probably. On a serious note anyone know if he's been charged for this? I'm guessing the way he took off he'd hit 80mph in that distance, amazed nobody was flattened there. Loads of other footage of his antics too on the web.

Cool to Cvnt in about 5 secs.
Don't know if any of you guys saw this in the papers and on the news this week. On a serious note anyone know if he's been charged for this?
I missed this. Jesus though, if anyone ever needed charging for dangerous driving then this driver does. It's utter idiocy and only the luck of the draw that nobody happened to be on that bit of pavement when he wrapped it round the tree.
I bought a second hand 911 10 years ago based on the idea that it would be "last chance to see" before cars like this are banned.

Surprised it has taken this long. Clean air zones will also cause an issue soon.

I might buy an all electric supercar before the new regulations come in. The new Tesla roadster...
It’s totally inevitable and in my opinion a good thing. I have no objections to it in fact, and I love driving and cars as some of you might know.

But, doing 30 in a 30 and 40 in a 40 saves so many lives it’s going to make zero difference to how much fun you have in a car, these new smart motorways will just be simply linked via GPS to the cars travelling upon them and it will make everything flow far smoother and stop idiots flying up to your bumper at 100mph and just sit 4ft away until you pull aside... Then boot it straight upto 110 again. .... I saw someone doing this only a couple of days ago on the M25 and then had to undertake him as he had smashed into the car in front of him and had shut the m25 at 6.30pm. Great move mate.

Supercars and luxury cars will always exist, even with autonomous cars being the only vehicles on the road - it’s all about image. Some people will want to arrive in a Mercedes, some a mini, and others in a Maybach. Doesn’t matter if you’re driving it, a chauffeur’s driving it, or it’s driving itself.... it’s all to prove how much dosh you have.
some people don't remember the concept of 'freedom from government control' and are apparently happy to become less and less responsinle as drivers and I assume as a person in general. This track leads to the oppression of free will in my opinion.
I'd rather act badly when I feel the need, and if I harm no-one then that's my risk. If I DO harm, then lock me up or whatever is right. My risk and my accepted punishment.

Yes, but if your “risk” kills a member of my family then prison will be where I’m headed. You won’t be.

Is this OK? It keeps us free from government control, after all.
Depressing thread - on so many levels. There is an important difference between 'excessive speed' and driving in excess of the posted speed limit. Based on most of the arguments aired in the press, few seem to be acknowledge this.

Fwiw - personally I'd be in favour of changing all speed limits to 'advisory' - but with the caveat that if you kill or seriously injure somebody through excessive speed or dangerous driving, you go to jail for a very long time, as is the practice in certain parts of Africa.

