
Labour at it again ..... anti-semitic just won't go away !

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You have to be kidding! Have you seen how badly they are polling against such a hopelessly wrong-headed and destructive minority Conservative government? Sure, a lot will be the ‘gammon Brexit thing’, but this continual anti-Semitism story has to be having a huge impact too. We really have to start any discussion from the position of trying to explain why Labour are failing so badly against what should be an open goal, anything else is delusional IMHO. They are where they are, so why? How do they fix it?

PS I largely agree with the rest of your post.
As I said elsewhere, the Windrush scandal was big news before the local elections. That was about endemic, weaponised racism in the Tory Party, as promoted by our current Prime Minister during her spell at the Home Office. As far as I can tell, it barely dented the Tory vote in May. Likewise, there's little evidence that accusations of anti-semitism in the Labour Party have damaged its polling (apart from in a small number of specific wards, perhaps). The sad truth is that many people in the UK don't give a monkey's about racism.
As I said elsewhere, the Windrush scandal was big news before the local elections. That was about endemic, weaponised racism in the Tory Party, as promoted by our current Prime Minister during her spell at the Home Office. As far as I can tell, it barely dented the Tory vote in May. Likewise, there's little evidence that accusations of anti-semitism in the Labour Party have damaged its polling (apart from in a small number of specific wards, perhaps). The sad truth is that many people in the UK don't give a monkey's about racism.

That has always been far more true of the right than the left, so the real damage Labour is sustaining due to its inability to address their anti-Semitism thing adequately is disproportionately worse. They are historically the non-racist party, so it hurts them big time. I am convinced the self-imposed damage they are taking at present that will take a lot of time to reverse. The right has always been riddled with racism. Everyone expects it, and the Conservatives have a very long history of actively pandering to it, e.g. the “want a n****** for a neighbour? vote Labour!” fliers in the ‘60s, siding with apartheid South Africa in the ‘80s, right through to Grenfell Tower and Theresa May’s “hostile environment” which led to the Windrush deportations etc. Some moderate Tory voters will genuinely be horrified by it, many will turn a blind-eye, and some will actively welcome it. It is the former group that Labour need to flip to win an election, and whilst they are mired by their own accusations of racism that just won’t happen.
I don't think the swing vote in the UK is motivated by race issues though. Economics and jobs is by far the biggest motivator and if you look at when Labour has been in government it's been when it could convince people they could have economic competence without the c**tishness that comes with a Tory government.
Quick look at the internet shows many articles about Corbyn himself who is friend of the Hamas and the Hezbollah (regrets later) who is a member in a group of Holocaust deniers but he is not, quite a lot of stuff like this. But then you will tell me that the Jews have the control on all papers in England. Yes... The good old stuff.

Saying that there is Aparthied in Israel is both ignorance and Anti Semitism.

That has always been far more true of the right than the left, so the real damage Labour is sustaining due to its inability to address their anti-Semitism thing adequately is disproportionately worse. They are historically the non-racist party, so it hurts them big time. I am convinced the self-imposed damage they are taking at present that will take a lot of time to reverse. The right has always been riddled with racism. Everyone expects it, and the Conservatives have a very long history of actively pandering to it, e.g. the “want a n****** for a neighbour? vote Labour!” fliers in the ‘60s, siding with apartheid South Africa in the ‘80s, right through to Grenfell Tower and Theresa May’s “hostile environment” which led to the Windrush deportations etc. Some moderate Tory voters will genuinely be horrified by it, many will turn a blind-eye, and some will actively welcome it. It is the former group that Labour need to flip to win an election, and whilst they are mired by their own accusations of racism that just won’t happen.
Worth bearing in mind too that the number of people who actually believe the more aggressive claims is likely to be very small: to buy the idea of Corbyn as an existential threat to Jews requires the kind of suspension of disbelief that very few people are really up for, not least because the right spent 2 years trying to paint Corbyn as a naive social justice warrior.

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters in New York that the report was published without any prior consultation with the U.N. secretariat.

“The report as it stands does not reflect the views of the secretary-general (Antonio Guterres),” said Dujarric, adding that the report itself notes that it reflects the views of the authors.

Not the UN, dear max.

I rest my case.

Every month Labour fails to move forward in the polls despite the national disaster occuring on the opposite benches and remains up to its neck in endless accusations of anti-Semitism etc the question needs re-asking! No progress has been made. They are just hopeless!

you DO understand that polls (even in britain) are 'public relatiions' campaigns right ... ?
What is more important to my eyes is the fact that Europe did nothing to stop the murder of 600,000 Syrians, did nothing to Stop the expell of about 6,000,000 Syrians, did nothing to stop the destroying of more than 12,000,000 houses of Syrians, but when it cpmes to Israel you have fire in your eyes.
Not to mentioned China killing 1,000,000 in Tibet which made you all standing in line to boycott Chinese goods.

you DO understand that polls (even in britain) are 'public relatiions' campaigns right ... ?

Jonathan, I've lost count of the times I've taken people to task over opinion polls. I even pointed out that I've actually commissioned them myself and how (surprise surprise) these polls have given the outcome I wanted.
What is more important to my eyes is the fact that Europe did nothing to stop the murder of 600,000 Syrians, did nothing to Stop the expell of about 6,000,000 Syrians, did nothing to stop the destroying of more than 12,000,000 houses of Syrians, but when it cpmes to Israel you have fire in your eyes.
Not to mentioned China killing 1,000,000 in Tibet which made you all standing in line to boycott Chinese goods.


Wow! Exactly.

Like I said earlier this is more to do with trying to destroy Corbyn's election chances.
Wow! Exactly.

Like I said earlier this is more to do with trying to destroy Corbyn's election chances.
As an Israeli, I don't want to see Corbyn as UK PM exactly as most of you if not all of you don't want to see Trump as president of the USA. What is the difference between you and me?

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