
Recent content by Cirkus

  1. C

    WitchHat 82 SuperLink

    Ian Thank you for posting your review of the Superlink NAC82 modification and it's a pleasure to hear of a second successful outcome where the recipiant has been "delighted" with the sound of the work done. In reading both accounts it would appear that the Superlink modification does what it...
  2. C

    WitchHat 82 SuperLink

    I stand corrected as I am now given to understand that 8 Naim NAC82's have been the subject of the Superlink modification ... therefore some more contributions may be forthcoming
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    Dedicated Electrical Installation for HiFi Equipment aka RKR methodology

    Good Morning Stuart You have PM Regards John
  4. C

    Dedicated Electrical Installation for HiFi Equipment aka RKR methodology

    During a recent clean up of an old PC I have lost the details of the dedicated electrical installation for domestic HiFi as issued by RKR. Is there any PFMer out there who has on file copies of Roy's recommendations? and if so would you be happy to send them to me "soft copy". I am not wishing...
  5. C

    WitchHat 82 SuperLink

    Thank you for taking the time to post an update - the detail provided about your satisfaction, and listening enjoyment, is clear and understood. IMHO. It is a helpful that you have provided some information about your listening library. Lots of kit serviced and I guess some further improvement...
  6. C

    WitchHat 82 SuperLink

    Andyl ... it is good to hear that your "Superlink" modification has been a success - and there is no technical reason why it should not be. From a report some time ago from a 282 modification it was indicated that it may take three or so days to come "on song". May I ask what the rest of your...
  7. C

    Witch Hat Naim NAC82 "Superlink" Upgrade

    I do hope that Mark and Co are able to help with the requested A - B, B -C review as I for one would like to have an understanding of what the "superlink" upgrade does. I am familiar with the Jennifer Warnes & Bonnie Raitt tracks but the Perry Como one I heard at a friend's house over the...
  8. C

    Amplifier with dac

    I would look to Teddy Pardo's offerings .... you will find him an excellent chap to deal with. It does take some time for the product to bed in ... discuss it with him. Quality, Service, Reliability & Customer Service all in one package
  9. C

    Flea and other mods to CDi...

    Delighted to hear your progress. As stated by Martin a well & encouraging documented journey - warts and all - it gives us all hope for a positive outcome should we have the guts to endure. Please keep us up to date with the trials of #1
  10. C

    Teddy Pardo i80a vs PR1/MB100

    I have lisened to some interestingly high end equipment from Naim over the past thirty years, or so, and I like it - a lot. My investment now would be PR1 + MB100s x 2 .... it really does make music in particular when combined with the right front and, for the want of a better word, rear end...
  11. C

    Teddy Pardo ST60

    This is an interesting one ....... may I suggest that an email to Teddy will get you a suitable reply ...... for my part I can see no reason why three TP ST60 can not run the Linn Isobariks in active mode ...... and should I recall correctly in ye days of old the Naim NAP160 was partnered with...
  12. C

    HackerNap Comparisons

    Fellow Pinkfishers I welcomed the Thread Heading "HackerNap Comparisions" opening question about comparing the built HackerNap with commercial offerings ...... great question ( for me at least ). At this stage in the Thread I would venture to suggest that it is getting derailed into a...
  13. C

    Superreg on a Hackernap

    I will state my interest in subscribing to a GB for PCBs & Components - even should we consider both "+" & "-" rails
  14. C

    TPR for HackerNap

    Good Morning Tim Thank you for the detailed posting - I believe that I can follow this so very well done - would you be kind enough to provide the supplier & part number of the components. I had a look at Cricklewood this morning and note that there is no real choice - the components looked...
  15. C

    TPR for HackerNap

    It just involves cutting one track. I can do a little sketch if anyone wants Tim Hi Tim I'll buy into a wee sketch and a picture of the reverse side of the board in the picture - please...... Thank You

