
Recent content by anjora

  1. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    I would like to know more about the options for the salvaged silver unit since i may sell it to someone that do not want to send in an mdac to be upgraded. Would johnW be willing to repair it? (for me or someone else) is it already repaired?
  2. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    johnW: please confirm my dev payments and only my dev payments get transferred to tacoguy You can repair my salvaged silver mdac, sell it and take all profit from it, getting back 370£ would be enough.
  3. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    I sold my dev pledges to taccoguy now, i have not yet sold the salvaged unit. johnW: can you repair my salvaged unit allowing me to sell it? But maybe it is better just to use the salvaged unit for an mdac2? maybe someone prefer being able to keep his mdac and if that is the case i guess just...
  4. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    How much more money do i need to pay to get the mdac2(with adc) when i have already paid for fdac L2, slave unit and salavaged mdac?
  5. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    It is supposed to improve digital usb audio, there is no proof that there will be any audible difference yet.
  6. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    The winning bid is 500 euro, it was given via a pm and i will take it tomorrow unless someone gives me a better offer.
  7. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    I found out that i did pay the first dev fee. Total dev fees pail: 700£ salvaged unit: 370£ What about 800 euro? any buyers? Please johnW provide a full refund.
  8. A

    <Moved to Classifieds>

  9. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    According to my paypal history i paid a total of 600£ in dev fees, that's a bit strange(second, third and forth dev fee plus slave unit). But i still want john to resolve this mess with devfees and provide refunds when it is appropiate. Did i forget to pay the first dev fee? i am that lucky...
  10. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    I am considering asking paypal to shut down johnW:s account, that will prevent more people from getting burned. I wsill also look into potential legal action, therechas been several successful lawsuits in crowdfunding cases and this could be another one. I will suggest johnW tries to raise...
  11. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    It's 300£ of my heard earned money I prefer full refund but getting back money i paid for a product johnW isn't developing is reasonable.
  12. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    I have decided to sell my spot, pm me with bid if you are interested
  13. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    Bid here for my slot or send pm
  14. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    So johnW is allowed to change the specs freely bit i am not allowed a refund in any case? how is that fair? why should anyone pay any devfees to johnW during these contitions? If someone want to buy any of my pledges i will happily take that, it's a bit messy since johnW changed his plans but...
  15. A

    MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

    Not accprding to the original specs, the new fdac will have tubes and a dac chip that measure 24dB worse, i personally do not want that. The mdac2 is has an externam PSU and will lack the DSP capabilities i want, i just want to get back the money i paid, i am not being unreasonable here.

