
who on the forum thinks all amps sound the same?

Reliability I'll give you; however, other than Rob or myself, I don't recall anyone just using the free stuff that comes with kit.

RS is Tandy in Europe.
Reliability I'll give you; however, other than Rob or myself, I don't recall anyone just using the free stuff that comes with kit.

RS is Tandy in Europe.

I do, because the free stuff works just as well.

I think Tandy in the UK closed years ago.

Did spot this at the Tandy wiki:

In 1985, Tandy acquired two chains, McDuff Electronics and VideoConcepts.

Would you buy an amp from a company called McDuff Electronics, imagine if it had been Ivor McDuff...

Turn it around.
If two amplifiers under identical conditions really sound different, then you can be sure that a measurement exists that reveals this difference in an objective and repeatable way.

Thanks Werner, you said it better than I did. This is the truth.

Anyone who can't hear a difference between amplifiers (and cables for that matter) has no need to be using this, or any hifi forums. Surely a cheap, all-in-one music system would do for these people?

Steve Hoffman, is that you?

Your Pal

I do, because the free stuff works just as well.

Good man Basil.

I think Tandy in the UK closed years ago.

Did spot this at the Tandy kiki:

Would you buy an amp from a company called McDuff Electronics, imagine if it had been Ivor McDuff...

"Duff" doesn't have quite the intensity in meaning over here across the pond. Actually, "McDuff" sounds rather sensible and tweedy. I'd investigate this chap's amps if I didn't know better ;-)
I can just about remember Radio Shack/Tandy in the UK. My brother had one of their 'Realistic' radios with loads of wavebands.
Though I'm surprised byt the poster who put an EAR 834 in place of a Quad 33 and didn't notice... IMO the 33 has a definite character (very pleasant, not overwhelmingly accurate).

I have never heard the 33 to be "inaccurate" (I don't even know what that means), but I make no claims to being golden-eared or even an audiophile. I'm also cursed with a scientific background and work in an industry where blind testing is the norm and removal of all sighted comparison is essential. I do not deny that there can be differences, only that I personally have never heard those differences. I'm not a compulsive box swapper, and so long as it all makes a nice musical noise I'm perfectly happy.
Some one in the US gets it, otherwise why 'Duff beer' in the Simpsons? Or the imported Düff!

It's not that we don't get it. I just don't think it has quite the impact as in your McDuff least over here. No one 'round these parts would snicker if a chap came up and introduced himself as McDuff for example.
It's not that we don't get it. I just don't think it has quite the impact as in your McDuff least over here. No one 'round these parts would snicker if a chap came up and introduced himself as McDuff for example.

I'd be more inclined to make a mental link to The Scottish Play than to snicker myself.
I have seen one of the most skeptical electronic engineers on the planet be amazed by the change in sound caused by moving an external power supply from one surface to another within a couple of feet of each other. He stated categorically that this was not a possible outcome and was then forced to admit he could hear the difference. Science and the human ear are often at odds with each other in the arena of sound reproduction it would seem.
I have never heard the 33 to be "inaccurate" (I don't even know what that means), but I make no claims to being golden-eared or even an audiophile. I'm also cursed with a scientific background and work in an industry where blind testing is the norm and removal of all sighted comparison is essential. I do not deny that there can be differences, only that I personally have never heard those differences. I'm not a compulsive box swapper, and so long as it all makes a nice musical noise I'm perfectly happy.

It's all subjective anyway, whether it be 'accuracy' or 'emotional involvement'. If what you're listening to music through results in an enjoyable experience, then it's all you need. Others may need something better/different.
I have seen one of the most skeptical electronic engineers on the planet be amazed by the change in sound caused by moving an external power supply from one surface to another within a couple of feet of each other. He stated categorically that this was not a possible outcome and was then forced to admit he could hear the difference. Science and the human ear are often at odds with each other in the arena of sound reproduction it would seem.

Who was that then?
Anyone who can't hear a difference between amplifiers (and cables for that matter) has no need to be using this, or any hifi forums. Surely a cheap, all-in-one music system would do for these people?
Try a different analogy. What we hear is not the difference between Amps and Cables ...but really the results of a particular speaker's behavioral reaction , when delivered a signal through changing parts, further back in the sound chain. . The speaker is almost saying 'yes or no' to whether it likes what it is experiencing. People forget 'a speaker' is a big member of the sound jury, too! It decides how it wants to issue the final verdict to you.:)

