
who on the forum thinks all amps sound the same?

No chance. Valves and solid state definitely sound different.

The former are real hi-fi and the latter aren't.

My amps all sound different unles they're the same make and model (id be a bit miffed if my matched quad of 135's had any sonic differences between them)

JB has it the wrong way round though. SS are true hi fi and valves are only good for amplifiers with built in effects boxes.
No chance. Valves and solid state definitely sound different.

The former are real hi-fi and the latter aren't.


From, I admit, a very tiny experience, I haven't heard that. I swapped my Quad 33 for an EAR 834L and noticed precisely no difference. I guess that makes Quad real hi-fi, but then I think everyone knew that.
Amps sound very different to my ears (a US Marantz and a NAP250, for instance!!!), but I could get fooled very easily when I'm asked to judge the sound of a CD player. Flat-earthers who desperately insist on upgrading their CD player (thou shalt not mullet) rather than their amp just kid themselves.
If they bench test the same, then they will sound the same.

Turn it around.

If two amplifiers under identical conditions really sound different, then you can be sure that a measurement exists that reveals this difference in an objective and repeatable way.

It might be that the required measurement is unusual, or even has never been
attempted before. In that case it is out there to be discovered.

The ultimate measurement or test would be to chop off a head and observe the
output of the auditory nerves.

As for the engineer and the turntable: if he is serious about this it might drive him barking mad in a few weeks time.
If you use only the left hemisphere of your brain to evaluate CD players you may miss the differences.

I can tell the difference between different power supplies feeding the same CD player as can most people with an ear and an emotional connection with music.

Amplifiers with different power supplies will also likely measure the same but will sound different.
Anyone who can't hear a difference between amplifiers (and cables for that matter) has no need to be using this, or any hifi forums. Surely a cheap, all-in-one music system would do for these people?
Amps often do sound different, but freshly serviced and operating in their comfort zone the difference between two amps may be less than shifting one's speakers an inch or two.

Though I'm surprised byt the poster who put an EAR 834 in place of a Quad 33 and didn't notice... IMO the 33 has a definite character (very pleasant, not overwhelmingly accurate).
Of course all amps should sound the same if they were doing their job of simply amplifying the source material without altering it.

In reality they don't.
Anyone who can't hear a difference between amplifiers (and cables for that matter) has no need to be using this, or any hifi forums. Surely a cheap, all-in-one music system would do for these people?

Or they could buy Bose and impress their mates.
Anyone who can't hear a difference between amplifiers (and cables for that matter) has no need to be using this, or any hifi forums. Surely a cheap, all-in-one music system would do for these people?

That would excude about 90% of the forum, as no one spotted Rob Holts home built 'special' in a blind cable test posted here and on Zerogain.

Listening tests should be just that, no eyes invovled.
If you hit a square peg hard enough and for a long time it will fit a round hole.
How come no one here uses Radio Shack receivers and chocolate wrappers for wires if they are no different sonically from the (alleged) good stuff?
How come no one here uses Radio Shack receivers and chocolate wrappers for wires if they are no different sonically from the (alleged) good stuff?

As far as the cable goes, reliability?

As for Radio Shack, do they have shops in Europe?

