
Who is brave enough to post a selfie?

All the best Gromit - you look well for it.

Maybe they should have actually but a zipper in the first time rather than a scar....;)
I have never taken an actual selfie, but it struct me looking through old passports, driving licences, and other odd photo ID cards that I have one for each decade of my life: The first is from early 1962, and shows promise, never fulfilled!

IMG_2437 by George Johnson, on Flickr

The second is from ten years later, and shows a rather unhappy child in the aftermath of my parents' separation and divorce.

IMG_2440 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Forward to 1984 for my third passport photo. Still lacking confidence, but at least I did have some hair on my head!

IMG_2441 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Number four passport photo [1994] having only really just finishing four weeks of Shingles, which was terrible in my case. I don't look as bad as I felt!

IMG_2465 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Next is an oddball from Autumn 2002, as I look quite comfortable and happy, which is true. I had gone to Coventry University to read Civil Engineering [A-levels in Maths (Mechanics and Pure), Physics and Electronics]. I almost straightened my life out at this time. So looking chipper, I was a fresher wanting to do well ...

IMG_2446 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Passport from 2006. Looking broken as I was after leaving Coventry Uni in 2003 having completely exhausted my savings on books and lodgings. I had given up on life really.

IMG_2445 by George Johnson, on Flickr

First driving licence photo from 2013. The photo-booth effect makes things no worse than a proper studio shot!

IMG_2447 by George Johnson, on Flickr

And finally a smiler! George has been rescued by a rescue Terrier called Lu [short for Luna], and had to have several shots in the post office to get one without a definite smile! But the sparkle in the eyes is still there! Old git, who still has some inner fun in him!

IMG_2449 by George Johnson, on Flickr

So my life has not been wasted even if it took more than sixty years to show the potential in the very first photo of an infant!

I hope you forgive this indulgence and enjoy a happy ending!

Best wishes from George
Summer appears to have officially ended.

@George J we seem to share the same approach to smiling in photos. :)

Dear Paul,

I had a serious telling off from the photographer for being unable to suppress a more or less involuntary smile in the last picture in the above post.

You are right though. On the whole I hate my photo being taken. This one, was a surprise to both me and my grandfather in Norway taken by my grandmother. A good photo!

IMG_2468 by George Johnson, on Flickr

My grandfather was a remarkable man. An outlaw in Nazi occupied Norway for eighteen months till May 8th. 1945 as his Resistance Cell had bee blown when his radio man had been caught by the Gestapo. He hardly ever started a war story, and never ended one, but ended up going quiet and then going to bed, turning the lights out on the way ...

Best wishes from George
My new winter headwear for work. There are times when we have to stand ‘under the disc’ (blades turning) and if it’s already bloody cold outside, it becomes almost unbearable with the draught off that big fan. Mesh ear pieces allow a headset to be used.

A few years ago before SPMS crept up and crippled me, In front of Drumlanrig Castle one of the many properties that the Duke of Buccleuch owns as one of the biggest land owners in the country so here I am staking my claim. A mate owned the bike shop in the castle courtyard and built some of the best gnarly singletrack in SW Scotland to ride in the land/woods in the grounds - one of my fav places to ride that was close to home.


Riks bike shed Drumlanrig castle
A few years ago before SPMS crept up and crippled me, In front of Drumlanrig Castle one of the many properties that the Duke of Buccleuch owns as one of the biggest land owners in the country so here I am staking my claim. A mate owned the bike shop in the castle courtyard and built some of the best gnarly singletrack in SW Scotland to ride in the land/woods in the grounds - one of my fav places to ride that was close to home.


Riks bike shed Drumlanrig castle
just up the road from me. Wife used to be a tour guide around the other estate when we were in Northampton. The old Duke was a gent. This one? not so much.

