
Who is brave enough to post a selfie?

The old Duke was a gent. This one? not so much.

Yeah, Old John was a genuine nice character and always had time to get involved with his workers and tenants, when he found out I broke my spine a couple of times and spent 8 months in wheelchair before many operations managed to get me back to reasonable health he asked me to help out with campaigning on the numerous disability issues he was involved in, it led me to given evidence to a House of Lords select Committee on medicinal cannabis use back in the late 90's.

Like you mention the New Duke, Lord Dick has none of his fathers charm nor philanthropy and is not well liked (to put it mildly)
Between chauffeuring a friend to and from an appointment at Stratford hospital I decided to bring joy to the lives of shoppers at Morrisons with a practice session in the car park. All together now - ‘sitting in the back of a car, music so loud can’t tell a thing…’

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There’s a lot here that’s oddly familiar. Schwarz spice jars. Waitrose spice jars. Recycled Bonne Maman jamjars. Cook’s favourite swirly grey-and-white pestle and mortar… oi, what’s going on?
I stole it all from someone else's kitchen, but replaced everything with identical items :)

