
Today I have mainly been v3

The boys 'haloween' costume arrived for his party tomorrow, so he's trying it on....

Jamie, did you have a go on it first? :)
Got into the car today to go to the gym and it reminded me that it was Halloween. The main screen had spooky images and also autumn leaves on it! These Germans think of everything!
Off to Heathrow later to pick up OH, arriving on a flight from Helsinki. Need the gym session to help pick up her suitcase!
now where is BB when i need him? We just vacated my sons flat and the company recommended a company to clean it . Cost a whopping 180 quid . now the lettings company are saying its not good enough and it needs another clean !!! grrrrr . needless to say i am furious and wont let this go without a fight
Lots of photos, hopefully to compare with the ones you took before the tenancy started and then appeal to the tenancy deposit protection scheme.
thanks Bob , yes after ransacking my memory cards i have found some lovely horrible ones of mouldy vertical blinds , broken socket , stained and loose silicon etc . and sent them to this company
what makes me so angry is i spent a week getting it in habitable condition and now they are moaning about various things including an ancient electric cooker they glued the knob back on. Its good just to get a feel of life in rented accommodation , many people cant fight back but my nickname is the gentle rottweiler so i am not taking it lying down
now where is BB when i need him? We just vacated my sons flat and the company recommended a company to clean it . Cost a whopping 180 quid . now the lettings company are saying its not good enough and it needs another clean !!! grrrrr . needless to say i am furious and wont let this go without a fight
I don’t get involved with residential letting Phil, it’s a nightmare. How many hours did they spend on site?
I can only compare it to domestic cleaning, the ladies I know who do that charge £14.00 per hour in cash but that’s in London.

Cheers BB
thanks Bob , yes after ransacking my memory cards i have found some lovely horrible ones of mouldy vertical blinds , broken socket , stained and loose silicon etc . and sent them to this company
what makes me so angry is i spent a week getting it in habitable condition and now they are moaning about various things including an ancient electric cooker they glued the knob back on. Its good just to get a feel of life in rented accommodation , many people cant fight back but my nickname is the gentle rottweiler so i am not taking it lying down
When my daughter left a rented studio the agents tried to keep the whole deposit. Claiming X,Y,Z. We had dated photos of the day we moved in and the day we moved out after cleaning it thoroughly ourselves. We accepted responsibility for a bit of scratching by a bed frame support but they wanted a whole new floor.
Anyway we put in our submission and the result was they had to give us back the entire deposit less £40 for nominal damage to the floor.
We still had to threaten them with legal action before they paid up. Luckily my daughter was a trainee solicitor at the time and her company were going act for her pro bono.
Good luck, it sounds like you have all the evidence you need.
Went to see “I Know Where I’m Going”, a 1945 B&W classic which has been digitised in 4k, with an intro from Scorcese. Fascinating fillum, with some great parallel threads. Bears a second watch.
Woke early, 4.30ish. Couldn't go back to sleep, so I read the miserable, awful headlines, but they disturbed me and made me restless. Tried something longer and too philosophical. That did it.

I was talking to my mother in a room at The Parsonage. It was an almagamam of rooms, but mostly the drawing room at the end of the house, the one that didn't get used all that often, all pale blues. My grandfather suddenly appeared, just home from work, wearing, as always, a trilby and a mackintosh. He smiled broadly when he saw me. 'I haven't seen you for so long' I said, and we embraced and kissed. I tried to remember why I hadn't seen him for so long, but I couldn't. He seemed so happy, and I was too.

I woke up, suddenly. My grandfather died 35 years ago, just before my eldest was born. In my dream I had seen his face, smiling and laughing, with absolute clarity.

It was nearly 7.30. I made a pot of tea, took it back to bed, and let the thoughts play out.
buying trainers - i normally have two pairs (one with Gore-Tex) on rotation - my On Running soles have worn out over about 18 months, and the soles on my comfy Salomon ones have lasted 6 months. Trying something from Hoka and New Balance this time - with the hope of durability on concrete foremost in my mind. I am restricted by the supportiveness for my ankles and feet (painful congenital defect) and the availability of wide fittings.

The On Running ones my wife wears now have smooth soles as well but lasted nearly 2.5 years - so she got a new pair as well
I’m annoyed with myself. My weight, which had been pretty stable at 67-68kg for a couple of years after dropping from 78kg, has been increasing slowly but noticeably since July. That was when I stopped walking five miles or so every day (my virtual walk of the UK was ‘abandoned, assumed completed’ at that point as I had enough miles in the bank to finish but couldn’t find the enthusiasm to log them on Google Maps) and went for occasional strolls instead using bad weather, lack of time, pressing jobs and all the rest as excuses.

So far I’ve been ignoring the little voice in my head tentatively asking me if weight increase and exercise decrease could just possibly be related in some teeny-weeny way, but today the scales read 69.5kg and he has become too loud to dismiss. So that’s it - I’m off into the drizzle right now, Storm Ciarán or no. Alternative therapies (giving up the nightly Rochefort or half-bottle) are too horrible to contemplate. I’m going out. I may be some time.
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yes the coverage on TV is incredibly disturbing ....seeing folks lose all their family and being bombed to death is very very upsetting . one has to careful of ones mental health as well as being informed
Quite so. I can't watch the footage on TV and I'm trying to limit the amount of time I spend consuming news online as at times like this it can really have a negative effect.
There is a fishie coming over for a listen tomorrow, so I have tried to tidy the music room (a bit.)
Useful exercise as I have dumped 50+ records in the bin. Always good to make space for more records.

Cleaned a dozen L.P’s that I had forgotten about. Discovered 15 Bob Dylan albums that my Brother-in-Law gave me years ago. Couldn’t see Planet Waves, which I now want to hear as I can’t find it. Might be upstairs.

Wife has taken the Granddaughter’s and a Daughter to London for a short jolly.
I could have gone, but ‘old limpy ’ would slow them down and cramp their style.

I have found a few L.P’s that I haven’t heard for donkeys, so that is me sorted. Kettle on.
My neighbour Mike died last night, I didn’t get to visit again but his wife Anne, said he wouldn’t have known I was there anyway. They have been the most wonderful neighbors and I will miss bumping into Mike for a chat when I go round to our garage block at the end of our row. Anne has a degree of dementia and if she is to live independently her kids will need to be involved in a big way.

Left shoulder marginally better today, cancelled swimming tomorrow.

All the legals have been completed on our house move, the last week in November suits us best for the move, just awaiting confirmation.

Had the music turned up today, on my own with the dogs WFH. The other next door are so noisy, 3 kids below school age screaming because they can’t get their own way. It only gets worse when the oldest comes in from school. Parents seriously need parenting lessons, they don’t have a clue.

Cheers BB

