
When I went on naim forum 😂

I was a Naim member, joined years ago, met some nice people on there too, quiet a helpful bunch of guys.

Tried logging on a few times to no avail so gave up.
I wrote Naim have shot themself in the foot by double the price of Nova to Nova PE.
That sentence didn't get through mods but was deleted.
Same with many other comments, its pathetic really.
Nice bit of posivity…So if I go on the Naim forum, there won't be any discussion of non-Naim kit. What d'yer think?
Nice bit of posivity…So if I go on the Naim forum, there won't be any discussion of non-Naim kit. What d'yer think?
The forum must have changed quite a lot since I was a member, discussions about other manufacturers gear never posed a problem!
I had help from the forum making my own power supply for a 42.5, no problems at all.
But things change! Tried logging on the other day, seems like I don't exist anymore.
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I am on the naim forum and have been a naim owner for years.
I have also had many posts and threads deleted over the years.
I think certain people hit the red flag once they dont like reading anything slightly negative, and then it gets modified, deleted or whatever.
Anyway it doesn't really matter.
It's a very dull place full of sycophants.

This, plus from the way some speak on that forum, you’d think they work for Naim.
Reminds me of the way football supporters talk about their team, like they have any kind of influence over it!
I wrote Naim have shot themself in the foot by double the price of Nova to Nova PE.
That sentence didn't get through mods but was deleted.
Same with many other comments, its pathetic really.
So why even go there? Over the years there have been several forums which tried to exert unreasonable control over what I say. I just stopped using them. It's not complicated.
For what its worth I find the Naim forum pretty easy going and tolerable, yes there’s a fair bit of nonsense but folks forget it’s a discreet manufacturers forum so of course posters are going to be all for the brand unlike here which is open season. Both are fine but quite different. What I find annoying is the posters on this thread who wear two hats - regularly posting on Naims forum and then coming on here and bitching about it and stating things that are clearly untrue - all a bit childish. If you dont like it move on but quit the double standards.
This, plus from the way some speak on that forum, you’d think they work for Naim.
Reminds me of the way football supporters talk about their team, like they have any kind of influence over it!
I've never understood the "our team" "our company" thing either. But people do it a lot. I've always been vastly amused by fans actually paying to wear replica football shirts emblazoned with sponsorship logos.
I guess it's about belonging, tribalism if you like.
On the other hand there's nothing wrong with enjoying Naim kit and wanting to share your enthusiasm with others. This is the joy of the Naim forum - lots of like minded folk enjoying their Naim kit and patting each other on the back for doing so. Why not?
The Naim forum‘s best threads are Building Lego, Cat photos (other pets are allowed, including dogs, chickens, and the occasional bunny), and Deb’s Giro & TdF threads (and I don’t even cycle).

All the rest is just Hi Fi.
So why even go there? Over the years there have been several forums which tried to exert unreasonable control over what I say. I just stopped using them. It's not complicated.
Agreed, happened to me on the Alfa Romeo Forum, the Art Of Sound and The Mana forum.
I just never went back.
Without kissing any admin buttocks, I have to recognise just how gently PFM is moderated. You have to be pretty badly behaved to be excluded and a very wide range of opinions are tolerated.
I wrote Naim have shot themself in the foot by double the price of Nova to Nova PE.
That sentence didn't get through mods but was deleted.
Same with many other comments, its pathetic really.
Perhaps if you said something worthwhile they wouldn't get deleted.
Perhaps if you said something worthwhile
They shot themself and their reputation by double RRP for a Class D Nova.

Its stupid and a crazy move if the greedy investors believe they sell bucket loads with this stunt.

Even die-hard sheeps must think its not a worthwhile move.

Are they about to milk the last cow planning to sell on the brand ?
Nope, still nothing worthwhile, just the vacuous conjecture led nonsense you've been spouting over and over for months about sheep, greedy investors etc. etc. yawn. No doubt you'll give us your favourite line about how the company is failing again next... we can't wait :rolleyes:
I went on there once, in my naivety, to ask about my Avondale kit. I wasn’t there long!
(Mind you no one was rude to me)
Forgive me I haven’t read the full thread, but there is one particular member on there (literally a member) who rates whatever he has at any one tIme as the best ever, and talks down to other members from a position of so called superiority as if they’re something on the end of his shoe. Can’t seem to post enough photos of his system, VERY fishy!!!

