
what was the last piece of hifi you bought

Quad 303 and pre-amp, although I haven’t collected them yet. Does this count???
Before those, probably a Rega DAC-R.
I really must stop this nonsense of always looking out for that next bit of kit/so called upgrade and start spending more time actually listening to my music.
Pair of alchris audio ar6 ...need to run them in .
Heard a pair at NWAS and for the money they seem a bargain, will be interested in your thoughts.

appear to have bought an exposure 7 pre, sans psu, but diy bits incoming to build one. An unexpected and probably unnecessary project to add to the list!
A pair of late serial number Kan 2s with the Kustone cabinets, due to arrive later this week......

Not my first time with Kans but hoping for good things
Bought my first serious hi-end streamer - a 2nd hand Auralic Aries G1 (pending collection) - this will allow me to clear my stock of lower priced streamers I have been listening to (Chromecast Audio anyone?).

Also recently purchased a Musical Fidelity M6si amplifier.
Would love to know how you get on with them Phil.:)

Well Tarzan . I am quite surprised by them . they are not as fiercly resolving as the shl5plus nor as BIG sounding as the taus [ surprise surprise !!] but i found the shl5plus hard to get on sometimes , So immediately these sound just right , not too forward , not too soft . they are very coherant with instruments well differentiated . playing electronica and classical and vocals is pretty good . I find them non fatiguing and they make you want to tap your toes . very musical and timbre of instruments is just right . I am rather impressed so far . they are not permanent speakers because saving for something else but you know what Alan has come up with a cracking bit of kit in the AR6 . wouldnt mind trying the AR8 but kamakaze kwartang has put paid to that !!!

if anyone near brum they are most welcome
Auralic Aries G1 now collected (thanks Robin) - currently running in this context:

G1 >> AN 0.1x DAC >> MF6si Integrated >> Magnepan LRS

Unexpected bonus - the G1 colour scheme almost matches that of the MF6si (I have the black version with silver buttons).
Just realised I’ve gone well over a year without buying any component for any of the three systems I have set up unless you count this lovely little vintage Teac mixer:


It is certainly the nicest thing I have bought this year, absolutely mint from somewhere around 1978-82 and it works perfectly. A useful thing to have knocking around and it is currently hooked up in the Tannoy system.

I also bought a very bright yellow Technics SL1200 Anniversary, but that’s just an investment to hopefully flip at a good profit sometime later. It is just sitting in its box, there is no system context for it so I don’t think it counts here. I view it more as say my sealed Lego stuff. Just a speculative punt against a declining £ I’ll either win or lose on in time.

