
What is Sky announcing tomorrow?

Best you don’t watch anything produced by the Savile-supporting BBC then.

Actually, no, I don't. I haven't watched TV for about 12 years. But that's neither here nor there, the BBC is a public service broadcaster, Murdoch and his entire family is a rank piece of excrement

Here are some details from Sky. glass&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1IassbW68wIVR4jVCh2GBwNOEAAYASAAEgKOXvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Does anyone know if you can record and keep a series, film, sporting event or program like you can on Sky Q, or is it all programs that Sky will keep on their servers?

They also say there are 140 channels, not sure what that means, maybe you can program in 140 channels and then maybe search for others and replace when you want.

My current Sky has a lot more channels than that, and I would miss not having series or program recorded ready to watch at my home, also they mention you can have an option to skip all the adverts for 12 months, then pay a £5 each month for it.

If they don't have the option of recording and storing a series, film, sporting event or program then the TV might be a good price however you are then hoping Sky will keep all items forever, say something like the Open golf for watching maybe a year or two down the line, maybe because it was held at your local golf course.

You can maybe get what I am suggesting, no storing and only streaming Sky content could be quite limiting.

Or have I got that wrong?




Just ready the bottom of the second link, appears they are not ditching Sky Q so looks like a simple streaming system only.
I think there will be some uptake for this. Minimalist houses where people don't want additional boxes and where users have wall mounted TVs etc. At the moment, it is restricted to whatever TVs Sky have chosen to use, but maybe there will be options from standard TV manufacturers later on. Will the Sky receiver electronics inside the TV be upgradeable? Maybe on a separate plug-in PCB module or such? I somehow doubt it, so that means when Sky technology moves on, the TV will be bottlenecked or redundant. We see this on older smart TVs now when Apps no longer work, or they lose upgrade support as technology and software move on.

The skipping of adverts looks a good option, but at £60 a year for the privilege on top of subscriptions? Why don't they just model their business to rid themselves of adverts and concentrate on content? The adverts do irritate me, considering the subscription costs.

I would think that recordings will be on a central Sky server and you can playback via streaming. It seems that is the way it will go from here, it makes sense.
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We used to have Telebank, coin op TV, the box was on the mains lead, remove box, fit plug and watch free TV.
Not really. I think it's a bit weird to compare Murdoch to a public service broadcaster, is all.
I think there will be some uptake for this. Minimalist houses where people don't want additional boxes and where users have wall mounted TVs etc. At the moment, it is restricted to whatever TVs Sky have chosen to use, but maybe there will be options from standard TV manufacturers later on. Will the Sky receiver electronics inside the TV be upgradeable? Maybe on a separate plug-in PCB module or such? I somehow doubt it, so that means when Sky technology moves on the TV will be bottlenecked or redundant. We see this on older smart TVs now when Apps no longer work or become supported as technology and software move on.

The skipping of adverts looks a good option, but at £60 a year for the privilege on top of subscriptions? Why don't they just model their business to rid themselves of adverts and concentrate on content? The adverts do irritate me, considering the subscription costs.

I would think that recordings will be on a central Sky server and you can playback via streaming. It seems that is the way it will go from here, it makes sense.

Sky tried this 20 years ago with a TV in built Sky system. Dont think it sold that well. They are very security focussed so I would of thought the hardware is designed to ensure no leakage of content and therefore not no simple plug and play. Not sure why Sky don't bite the bullet and move to full on streaming app. Based on the other streaming services , the studios have accepted a certain level of piracy anyway.
In a previous job I worked next to one of the junior IT helpdesk guys. Really nice bloke, bright, first job in the industry so on a rubbish wage and with first kid on the way money a bit tight. He told me he spent £50 a month on telly subs. I was astonished.
Not sure why Sky don't bite the bullet and move to full on streaming app

surely this is effectively what they are doing? Essentially a TV is no longer the device we understand as a TV. It is a computer with a big screen, programmed to behave like a TV.

Their package will include encryption - maybe even in hardware.....
In a previous job I worked next to one of the junior IT helpdesk guys. Really nice bloke, bright, first job in the industry so on a rubbish wage and with first kid on the way money a bit tight. He told me he spent £50 a month on telly subs. I was astonished.

Mobile phone contracts, Sky subscription, Netflix, Spotify etc are now seen as core utilities for some.
Their package will include encryption - maybe even in hardware.....

Apparently, Sky always have a backup encryption system in case their existing system is ever hacked. I wonder if there is a viewing card for Sky Glass, or whether it is all done via hardware and software?

Simless mobile phones have been rumoured for a while too.
a freesat box will see you right, if you have to turn your sky box in.

I can’t believe I posted that. For some reason I mixed up fibre and FTTP.

We have reasonable fibre here.
One of the reasons we ditched Freesat was because the Humax box and remote really annoyed me, and also one of the free to air HD channels isn’t available in Freesat here. Stupid!
Then, Chernobyl appeared on Sky, and F1 is only live on Sky… I’m not willing to use those silly boxes to access content for free, tried it and hated it, so that was that.
Since then I’ve moved the UHD disc player to the loft as it just wasn’t being used. Sky’s UHD isn’t as good as a disc, but it’s easier, neater, and the disc pile stopped growing at that point.

I’ve never smoked, don’t drink much alcohol, rarely go to the pub, etc etc, so I can easily justify the cost.
I can’t believe I posted that. For some reason I mixed up fibre and FTTP.

We have reasonable fibre here.
One of the reasons we ditched Freesat was because the Humax box and remote really annoyed me, and also one of the free to air HD channels isn’t available in Freesat here. Stupid!
Then, Chernobyl appeared on Sky, and F1 is only live on Sky… I’m not willing to use those silly boxes to access content for free, tried it and hated it, so that was that.
Since then I’ve moved the UHD disc player to the loft as it just wasn’t being used. Sky’s UHD isn’t as good as a disc, but it’s easier, neater, and the disc pile stopped growing at that point.

I’ve never smoked, don’t drink much alcohol, rarely go to the pub, etc etc, so I can easily justify the cost.

I can relate to that. I use more alcohol in cooking than in anything else (including me).
The only thing I can think is if people are into sports only Sky have access too. I just don't see the point of sky, and in this format less so, a Shield TV and netflix subscription is going to get you most of the way there.

I just don't watch terrestrial TV so admit I am not the target audience. but I have to believe the target audience is 1. old and 2. diminishing.
The only thing I can think is if people are into sports only Sky have access too. I just don't see the point of sky, and in this format less so, a Shield TV and netflix subscription is going to get you most of the way there.

I just don't watch terrestrial TV so admit I am not the target audience. but I have to believe the target audience is 1. old and 2. diminishing.

In my case totally agreed have gone from Match of the Day to Sky Sports , back to Match of the Day and now watch the 5 min match highlights that Sky put on Youtube.

Here are some details from Sky. glass&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1IassbW68wIVR4jVCh2GBwNOEAAYASAAEgKOXvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Does anyone know if you can record and keep a series, film, sporting event or program like you can on Sky Q, or is it all programs that Sky will keep on their servers?

They also say there are 140 channels, not sure what that means, maybe you can program in 140 channels and then maybe search for others and replace when you want.

My current Sky has a lot more channels than that, and I would miss not having series or program recorded ready to watch at my home, also they mention you can have an option to skip all the adverts for 12 months, then pay a £5 each month for it.

If they don't have the option of recording and storing a series, film, sporting event or program then the TV might be a good price however you are then hoping Sky will keep all items forever, say something like the Open golf for watching maybe a year or two down the line, maybe because it was held at your local golf course.

You can maybe get what I am suggesting, no storing and only streaming Sky content could be quite limiting.

Or have I got that wrong?




Just ready the bottom of the second link, appears they are not ditching Sky Q so looks like a simple streaming system only.
It is not really aimed at existing customers but will take a massive chunk out of the Smart TV market.
Could this just be in effect an extension of Sky Go? Live channels plus a catch up menu built into a tv. It will be interesting to see if they blocked BBC:p:p:p

