
What is it with Audi drivers ?

I speak as the husband of an Audi driver. The main reason my wife has her Allroad is price, or rather total cost of ownership. It’s so cheap on a contract hire deal. I calculated on a 2 year deal the NPV of the rentals is about half the likely depreciation, even if purchased at a decent discount. It’s just white goods now. Run for 2 years, rinse and repeat. No worries about diesel, VED, repairs etc etc.

The downside of all this are the weapons grade bell ends getting into them for no money who think they are the Wolf of Wall Street because they drive a new Audi. In fairness, the same applies to BMW and Merc, they are all volume manufacturers now whose primary objective is registrations. The quality is long gone in them all but as long as it behaves for the first 2 or 3 years who cares? If you want to buy and hold, Japanese all the way.
I have bought and plan to hold a Volvo. If I was younger again I am sure I would just rent the best deal.

I have bought a small car outright for my daughter. It was cheap, so OK to do - but I will advise her, when the time comes to move on, to just rent. She has capital enough to buy cars - but it would be a waste of her money. If you have income use it.
I've seen stats that something like 3-5% of the general population are basically "sociopathic" in their tendencies.
Seems that just as Saab had tapped into the dentistry trade, that Audi have hit the mother lode with their image and are monopolising the attraction with sociopaths.
Makes me wonder if their clever marketing team have done it deliberately.
The main reason my wife has her Allroad is price, or rather total cost of ownership. It’s so cheap on a contract hire deal. I calculated on a 2 year deal the NPV of the rentals is about half the likely depreciation, even if purchased at a decent discount. It’s just white goods now. Run for 2 years, rinse and repeat. No worries about diesel, VED, repairs etc etc.

It must have taken a pretty sweet deal to persuade her to drive a pig-ugly brick like the Allroad. :confused:
It's funny, the a*hats used to drive BMWs without fail. Audi went to great lengths to distance themselves from this, does anyone remember the Audi ad where the pushy young salesman type turns up at the Audi dealer and is test driving the car, telling the dealer that it's all got to be right, right clothes, right bars, right friends, all the while being a proper tw*t? At the end he returns the car and says "No thanks" with the strapline being "Audi. It's not for everyone." These days the pushy salesman aspires to an Audi, and the design language of the cars is a lot more aggressive than it used to be. There were 2 idiots on this morning's 160 mile weekly commute, one in an M3, the other an A6. Both weaving in and out in slow moving traffic, they gained about 4 or 5 car lengths until it cleared and we could get back to speed. My current bete noire is the Audi A5, the favourite trick of A5 drivers seems to be to overtake in the face of oncoming traffic. Particularly nice when yuo are on a bicycle and looking at no road and a closing speed of about 80mph. Funny how they pay more attention to a tonne and a quarter of battered Mondeo travelling at a considerably greater speed.

They used to, some still do. I remember the advert.
What happened was that all the BMW drivers who were considered arrogant and aggressive, collectively said "We don't want to be considered horrible like the image we have", so they all got Audis for their next company cars, and still drove the same as they did their previous BMWs. Then everyone noticed that most of the arrogant and aggressive drivers were in Audis, which then gave them that image. So all the arrogant and aggressive former BMW and current Audi owners said "We don't want to be considered horrible like the image we have". Then switched to VW Passats for their next company cars.
It must have taken a pretty sweet deal to persuade her to drive a pig-ugly brick like the Allroad. :confused:

Actually the Allroad is one of the few cars that meets the brief i.e. increased ground clearance and all wheel drive for farm tracks. Estate for the dog. Loaded spec with leather, auto, cruise etc as standard makes for easy motorway work. All for the same price as a lease on a standard Golf. SWMBO is pleased with it. I’m just glad I won’t have it post warranty, but she’s said she’ll have another one when it goes back. Meanwhile, my Subaru Forester will still be very much with me, no question.
Weird how it is so engrained in people to attach a brand to a personality type.

Doesn't really happen with shoes. I've never heard anyone say, 'Pah! Typical Loakes wearer' if they get cut up on a corridor. It intrigues me why we have this built in mechanism to discriminate. I guess it's why it's taken 100s of thousands of years to finally get round to dealing with racism, sexism etc. But even then, we have to make laws to achieve it. Anyway, sorry for going off topic but it's fascinating to see just how ingrained the mechanism is for identifying and stereotyping differences. I guess these were survival instincts originally to avoid danger but we can't get rid of them. Or perhaps we need to identify patterns of behaviour to understand our own place in the world.

With that in mind, the very nicest people I've come across drive Morris Minors. I shall continue to wave at them:)
I have had my exposure to these arrogant drivers over many years, but today was the worse incident yet.
We have a 6 week road closure, with traffic only going one way.
Today an Audi driver was attempting to go against the traffic flow, so a workman put his hand up to stop him.
The Audi driver got out of his car and assaulted the workman and the Police were called.

Do please comment ( and input from non-arrogant Audi drivers is welcomed...)
There is currently a black Audi parked across my drive preventing me getting out. There are plenty of parking spaces in the road at the moment although it will fill this evening. What sort of person would choose to block a drive when a car length away in both directions there are spaces?
Weird how it is so engrained in people to attach a brand to a personality type.

Doesn't really happen with shoes. I've never heard anyone say, 'Pah! Typical Loakes wearer' if they get cut up on a corridor. It intrigues me why we have this built in mechanism to discriminate. I guess it's why it's taken 100s of thousands of years to finally get round to dealing with racism, sexism etc. But even then, we have to make laws to achieve it. Anyway, sorry for going off topic but it's fascinating to see just how ingrained the mechanism is for identifying and stereotyping differences. I guess these were survival instincts originally to avoid danger but we can't get rid of them. Or perhaps we need to identify patterns of behaviour to understand our own place in the world.

With that in mind, the very nicest people I've come across drive Morris Minors. I shall continue to wave at them:)
We can see the make of car, but I have no idea what Loakes are!
And I have had 3 Morris Minors, so I must be very nice indeed. Or was?
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There is currently a black Audi parked across my drive preventing me getting out. There are plenty of parking spaces in the road at the moment although it will fill this evening. What sort of person would choose to block a drive when a car length away in both directions there are spaces?

Report him to the police and get him towed.

There is currently a black Audi parked across my drive preventing me getting out. There are plenty of parking spaces in the road at the moment although it will fill this evening. What sort of person would choose to block a drive when a car length away in both directions there are spaces?

Let a couple of his tyres down.
‘Prestige’ cars are akin to cosmetic surgery for men. You kind of lose interest when you grow up. I like to ask men to describe their car and why they like it. The answer tells you how they see themselves. Good game as Brucie would say.

I have an old Jag, quite classy in its day, that’s getting a bit ragged around the edges and needs tidying up but will probably keep running until it falls apart.
Did'nt know Audi made drivers? Ooops! Make note must read the first post before posting on thread:(
‘Prestige’ cars are akin to cosmetic surgery for men. You kind of lose interest when you grow up. I like to ask men to describe their car and why they like it. The answer tells you how they see themselves. Good game as Brucie would say.

I have an old Jag, quite classy in its day, that’s getting a bit ragged around the edges and needs tidying up but will probably keep running until it falls apart.

My parents regarded Jag drivers as the Audi/BMW drivers of that generation.
What sort of person would choose to block a drive when a car length away in both directions there are spaces?
An Audi driver.... or a very busy important person, driving an Audi. I’ve seen dreadfully aggressive driving in Qashquis but I put that down to overcompensating for being in a Qashqui.

Taken at a car park in Swindon on Friday
There is currently a black Audi parked across my drive preventing me getting out. What sort of person would choose to block a drive when a car length away in both directions there are spaces?
The kind of person who has just discovered that a man with a wheelbarrow was unable to avoid damaging the back of his car as he took said barrow down an obscured driveway, perhaps?

