
What is it with Audi drivers ?

I think the premium car thing is mostly done now as all three major German "premium" brands now produce many models when traditionally it was just 3 levels, in BMW speak, 3 series, 5 series and 7 series.

Now Audi has 13 models with 53 variations (saloon, coupe, estate etc) alone from £16k up to £121k.
BMW has 15 models with 42 variations £22k to £125k
Merc has 18 models and 39 variants £25k to £185k

This means they cover many more price points that ever before and sell more cars than the "so called" mainstream brands in the larger car b rackets. In fact the top 10 list for 2017, the only bigger car in the list was the Merc C class:

1) Ford Fiesta 94,533
2) VW Golf 74,605
3) Ford Focus 69,903
4) Nissan Qashqai 64,216
5) Vauxhall Corsa 52,772
6) Vauxhall Astra 49,370
7) VW Polo 47,855
8) Mini 47,669
9) Mercedes C-class 45,912
10) Mercedes A-class 43,717
My own experience leads me to believe that the worst drivers are found behind the wheels of Vauxhall Vrectums and those horrible Kia SUV things. They certainly seem to be the ones that take umbrage if anyone overtakes them.
Well, thanks to pfm, I've learnt something else about myself. Along with all the rest of my faults (my wife could list them if you asked), I'm a knob head too; thanks for that..

Self awareness is a great thing
Last two times I have been undertaken it was by a Mini and a BMW, the Mini nearly took me out a car was turning right slowing down and pulling over, she undertook me as a slowed behind the car there must have been naff all between me and her, scary thing on a motorbike.

On Saturday I did overtake a black Audi in my car on the motorway, that's got to be a first for anyone.

I used to drive a Skoda and learnt to slow down when Audi where about. Watching them braking mid corner and wobbling about because they must be faster, I did not want to be involved in a nasty accident.
Loads of knob head drivers, but the ones in the flash cars they're the ones..... nobody cares if they're nearly killed by a Dacia, but an Audi, hangin's too good for 'em. Me, I've had some nice cars and I felt my driving get worse as they got better. So I'm back in a plumber's van - fastest car on the road and nobody starts threads when you cut them up.
We have an Audi and a Skoda, but I was probably even more of a twat before we got the former. :~)
I suspect it's because most Audi drivers get bad tempered the moment they buy an Audi and discover what rubbish cars they are.
I had one (an A3 Sport) but only kept it 6 months as it was noisy, uncomfortable, and had appalling handling.

If you're going for a 'prestige' marque, don't buy the cheap models - they are a triumph of badge desirability over what you get for your money. That's why I only buy s/h and for the cost of a new 1.4TFSI A3, I got a rather nice A7 3.0TDI quattro which is quiet, comfortable, well made with no hard plastics inside but importantly handles extremely well. I have found it makes me no more grouchy driving than any other car I had but then I've also found that the BMWs I've owned all have working indicators and I could drive the Jaguar without a cheese cutter and driving gloves. :)

It may make be a t**t but not as big a t**t as someone who pigeonholes people by the cars they drive.
My own experience leads me to believe that the worst drivers are found behind the wheels of Vauxhall Vrectums and those horrible Kia SUV things. They certainly seem to be the ones that take umbrage if anyone overtakes them.
I agree with this. It’s a gross generalisation I admit, but I suspect that people who treat cars as just another item of white goods also take no pride in driving well, and tend to assume that if they obey the speed limit, that makes them a good driver.
I've always tended to drive larger cars, but my last car was a little Peugeot 107. It was a great little cheap as chips box to get me to work and back, but it was noticeable how much more often I'd be on the end of someone else's road rage.

I do think that surrounding themselves in something large and/or prestigious, really brings out the bully in some people...and not just Audi drivers
Audis are still fake premium cars and the owners know it. It's a front wheel drive thing. The none AWD ones should be RWD. The FWD ones are still Volskwagens to me.

