
What Brexit tells us

"Pundits and MPs kept saying ‘why isn’t Leave arguing about the economy and living standards’. They did not realise that for millions of people, £350m/NHS was about the economy and living standards – that’s why it was so effective. It was clearly the most effective argument not only with the crucial swing fifth but with almost every demographic. Even with UKIP voters it was level-pegging with immigration. Would we have won without immigration? No. Would we have won without £350m/NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests No. Would we have won by spending our time talking about trade and the Single Market? No way."

Wasn't about lies or immigration was it? He might have headed Leave but what does he know? ;)

What is impressive is that a handful of people took on the government machine with all the resources of the UK government, the EU, the MEPs, the civil service, the majority of MPs, the governor of the Bank of England, The President of the United States, all the experts at their disposal and forty years of EU achievments.
All these clever people up against a man with the gift of the gab and a common touch who had a double act with a bunch of MPs and they lost the argument.
The problem being, not many turned out to vote, when interviewed on the streets, many intelligent, non intelligent youths fellt their vote was worth very little, the "couldn't give a f^ck" attitude was rife among the voting youth.
Now they sit & moan about it & blame the old buggers for destroying their futures, all I can say is, maybe lift your heads from twitter once in a while & live in the f^cking real world.

Back in my day we didn't 'ave no twitter ....... blah blah cont. p.94

Clinton followed suit in the US, some will just never learn, if your reaching the average guy on the street, negativity is what rules their world, they want to hear positives, not threats of more austerity & cuts.
Rather, it was the exact opposite. The Orange Anus was the one arguing that American had turned into a shithole. Hillary Clinton was the optimist.


Lordy, Lordy!

The House of Lords will be under threat if it blocks the Brexit Bill - "A government source said the Lords will face an "overwhelming" public call to be abolished if it opposes the bill."

(I take it that the government source has consulted the public on this?)
The problem being, not many turned out to vote, when interviewed on the streets, many intelligent, non intelligent youths fellt their vote was worth very little, the "couldn't give a f^ck" attitude was rife among the voting youth.
Now they sit & moan about it & blame the old buggers for destroying their futures, all I can say is, maybe lift your heads from twitter once in a while & live in the f^cking real world.

that's nonsense churned out each time, the figures were pretty high though clearly not enough to swing it
What is impressive is that a handful of people took on the government machine with all the resources of the UK government, the EU, the MEPs, the civil service, the majority of MPs, the governor of the Bank of England, The President of the United States, all the experts at their disposal and forty years of EU achievments.
All these clever people up against a man with the gift of the gab and a common touch who had a double act with a bunch of MPs and they lost the argument.

Maybe they underestimated the power of outright lies and how little people would complain as long as they like the sound of them? The current rabble with proven failure behind them might change the dynamic of course, always easier to campaign with no record to defend. The EU wasn't given the credit for any boom years, interesting that it is to blame when there is a global recession. I have no doubt that clever people struggling with real problems have a harder time arguing against unverifiable (until it's too late) fantasy.

Having seen how the tactics worked - it doesn't bode well for future votes and reporting does it?
What is impressive is that a handful of people took on the government machine

Handful of people LOL, several multimilionnaire non-doms, a large section of the Tories elected on a pro EU manifesto (but not forced to stand on what they actually believe) and the majority of the UK media.

Your attempt to portray this as some form of Robin Hood rescue is very endearing, pity the facts and finances don't support that.
What is impressive is that a handful of people took on the government machine with all the resources of the UK government, the EU, the MEPs, the civil service, the majority of MPs, the governor of the Bank of England, The President of the United States, all the experts at their disposal and forty years of EU achievments.
All these clever people up against a man with the gift of the gab and a common touch who had a double act with a bunch of MPs and they lost the argument.

As H L Mencken wrote, no-one ever went broke under-estimating the intelligence of the American public.

If faced with a complex series of problems, the simple-minded are always going to be attracted by someone who says 'Actually, it's really simple. All we need to do is [insert soundbite such as 'drain the swamp' or 'take back control'] and everything will be fine. Don't listen to the so-called experts and nay-sayers who claim it will be complex and messy with all sorts of unintended consequences'.
The problem being, not many turned out to vote, when interviewed on the streets, many intelligent, non intelligent youths fellt their vote was worth very little, the "couldn't give a f^ck" attitude was rife among the voting youth.
Now they sit & moan about it & blame the old buggers for destroying their futures, all I can say is, maybe lift your heads from twitter once in a while & live in the f^cking real world.

Bet you sound just like your old man when he was your age. Anyway 64% of young people voted which 'not many' would regard as "not many".
64% of 18-24s turned out
90% of over-65s turned out
We know. The previously reported turnout figure for the 18-24 age group was more like 40%. This shockingly low figure has been used as a stick to beat young people who complain about the result with.

The 90% figure goes to show how determined some old people were to f*ck up the lives of the young.
64% of 18-24s turned out
90% of over-65s turned out
We know.

The previously reported turnout figure for the 18-24 age group was more like 40%. This shockingly low figure has been used as a stick to beat young people who complain about the result with.

The 90% figure goes to show how determined some old people were to f*ck up the lives of the young.
Rather, it was the exact opposite. The Orange Anus was the one arguing that American had turned into a shithole. Hillary Clinton was the optimist.
That's a rather odd way to look at it.

Clinton was 'Stronger For Us' as she surrounded herself with celebrities and bankers and excluded the basket of deplorables. Trump promised to 'Make America Great Again'.

We assume he won't, but that would be the essence of optimism.

To day I heard from a senior actuary adviser as a by the way saying, that one of the reasons that have caused the Brexit is the prohibition to discriminant women from men unless there is a very specific reason to do this. This prohibition was given as a decision of an EU court.

As women are living more than men, they should pay less for pension, risk insurance and the like, but this is impossible because of the decision I mentioned.

Do you know something about this?

To day I heard from a senior actuary adviser as a by the way saying, that one of the reasons that have caused the Brexit is the prohibition to discriminant women from men unless there is a very specific reason to do this. This prohibition was given as a decision of an EU court.

As women are living more than men, they should pay less for pension, risk insurance and the like, but this is impossible because of the decision I mentioned.

Do you know something about this?


I believe that if true it was a non-factor.

Brexit was decided on:

- economic malaise /joblessness of parts of the UK
- NHS that was in some areas struggling to cope with demand
- schools that were in some areas overcrowded
- a dysfunctional housing market
- All of the above was the fault of the EU (regulations) and economic migrants from within the EU, and not at all the fault of the UK government

