
What are you reading right now?

Having just finished 'The Arcades Project' by Walter Benjamin I am mentally relaxing with 'Mapp and Lucia' by EF Benson.
Tarkovsky edited by Nathan dunne. 500 pages of 'political, philosophical and cultural' analysis of his work, and lots of previously unpublished images, film stills and photographs. Can't say I understand all the points being made, but it's interesting all the same and (obviously) has some great images. So many of his film frames could be exhibited as still photography.
I really love several of his films. Sounds like a great book.
I'm a massive fan of the TV series. I didn't realise they adapted it into a book.

One of the few TV adaptations that really did justice to the books on which it was based, and the casting was impeccable.

I disliked 'Jeeves and Wooster', partly because they monkeyed about with Wodehouse's excellent plots, and partly because Steven Fry was hopelessly miscast as Jeeves.
There are six Lucia books, Greg - written between 1920 and 1939, and if you enjoyed the series (which was a really successful adaptation, IMO) you should read them immediately. In fact they are so light in fact that they pretty much read themselves. To give the TV series a coherent narrative arc, quite a lot was missed out, including Lucia's attempt to conquer London society, and an entire book about Miss Mapp's exploits before Lucia & Georgie arrive in Tilling.


Parallels between Tilling & pfm are quite strong, I think ...
Paul Krugman - "The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming America from the Right"

Some light, nonsense next so Mapp & Lucia might well be a good call.
"Ulysses" by James Joyce (second time, first was around 12 years ago and therefore it was time for a refresher) plus also "Cultural Amnesia" by Clive James (nearly finished), "The Black Swan" by Taleb, "The Beermat Entrepreneur", "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug, (ahem) "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown (embarrassed to admit I am quite enjoying it in a throwaway sense).

Shortly about to begin "War and Peace" which I've never read before, and I have heaps of business books to get through such as "The Purple Cow" by Seth Godin and various tech books too.

So many books, so little time...
Adventures on the High Teas - Stuart Maconie. I also enjoyed his other two punnily titled ouevres - Cider with Roadies and Pies and Prejudice.
Adventures on the High Teas - Stuart Maconie. I also enjoyed his other two punnily titled ouevres - Cider with Roadies and Pies and Prejudice.

I have just recently read the Cider with Roadies, a good read. A mention or two of Jack Barron a noted journalist as well as a pfm'r.
Just finished Alexander McCall Smith's The Sunday Philosophy Club. Very nice, in a leisurely-rambling, bourgeois way.

One question - how do I pronounce the heroine's name, Dalhousie? Is it Dal - hoo - see or Dal - house -y or something else entirely?

