
What are you listening to right now #64

Five hours devoted to recordings on Paul Bley’s IAI label. I’ve already learned that there are only 21 of them. At the moment we are being treated to 18 minutes of Sam Rivers and Dave Holland. The programme is made even more entertaining by the two presenters (whose names I have forgotten and they don’t seem to want to remind me at present) who know each other well enough to correct each other, laugh at each other’s comments and take issue with each other’s vocabulary…

‘That was played by Paul Bley and composed by his ex-wife Carla - natch! - and the…’

‘…can you please not say ‘natch’ on air? It’s…’

‘…it’s a perfectly valid word…’

‘…in our personal lives, maybe, but not while broadcasting. Come on…’

Oh, this is all happening right now on WKCR. Natch.
Five hours devoted to recordings on Paul Bley’s IAI label. I’ve already learned that there are only 21 of them. At the moment we are being treated to 18 minutes of Sam Rivers and Dave Holland. The programme is made even more entertaining by the two presenters (whose names I have forgotten and they don’t seem to want to remind me at present) who know each other well enough to correct each other, laugh at each other’s comments and take issue with each other’s vocabulary…

‘That was played by Paul Bley and composed by his ex-wife Carla - natch! - and the…’

‘…can you please not say ‘natch’ on air? It’s…’

‘…it’s a perfectly valid word…’

‘…in our personal lives, maybe, but not while broadcasting. Come on…’

Oh, this is all happening right now on WKCR. Natch.
Marchy, do you listen to WKCR on FM or streaming? If streaming what's the URL?
Cheers, that works
Hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did. I was ashamed that I knew so little about Paul Bley. Played with Charlie Parker, spotted by Mingus and recorded for Debut with him and Art Blakey, a very early supporter of Ornette (whose thinking he influenced greatly), and an influence on Keith Jarrett too… label owner and producer who gave Jaco Pastorius (oh well, can’t win ’em all… sorry, that was deliberately provocative) and Pat Metheny their first recording dates… I’ve now engaged on a quest to collect originals of all 21 IAI albums. I wonder how many @paulfromcamden has? I don’t think he’s completely obsessive, so maybe only 16 or 17.

The show’s hosts rather self-deprecatingly gave out their email address, saying they had only received one in the entire history of the progamme. I made it two. This morning I woke to find a grateful and gracious reply in my inbox. Bet you don’t get that sort of response from BBC jazz presenters.
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Hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did. I was ashamed that I knew so little about Paul Bley. I’ve now engaged on a quest to collect originals of all 21 AIA albums. I wonder how many @paulfromcamden has? I don’t think he’s completely obsessive, so maybe only 16 or 17.
Actually only a couple (one being Sam Rivers and Dave Holland Vol.2). I should probably root out a few more. Sadly my modest accommodation doesn't afford me the storage capacity you enjoy at the Marchbanks Towers Vinyl Vault so it's become a case of one in one out...

