
What are you listening to right now #64

King Crimson, Discipline. 1981. On YouTube/ ipad.

Heard this song featured on R4's Add To Playlist (which I did a thread on & only I replied, to myself, total: 2 posts :) ).

I was astounded. Not by the album, which is interesting if a bit hyperactive (with that Chapman Stick business).. but.. by how much Radiohead's entire output, seems to me a complete & utter rip-off, of this one particular song on it, Matte Kudasai. My opinion of Radiohead vindicated then, within a few minutes.

Beautiful song it is (& must say Rufus Wainwright might well have been influenced by it too.. but, he's rather fab!)

The Fall - Levitate


Listening to it for the first time in ages and finding it's better than I remember.
Pete La Roca, Basra ( BN 80)

A record I'd bought and forgotten about - don't know why, it's excellent.

An interesting bit of local colour from Wikipedia

"Bassist Steve Swallow recounted that he and La Roca had taken LSD prior to traveling to recording engineer Rudy Van Gelder's New Jersey studio for the session. He also said that Van Gelder threatened to end the session after pianist Steve Kuhn started manually plucking the piano strings."

Rudy must have been worried it would compromise the recorded piano sound ;)

When I had a CDS2 52 135 system I absolutely abhorred this CD. Sounded glassy and horrible and I gave up with it. Put me off REM for a while.

Today it sounds amazing. The bass is shaking the room. With SBL's? I kid you not. Sometimes things just gel and you get one of those moments.

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