
What are you listening to right now #62

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Love this - Sun Ra's (sort of) garage rock album from 1970. Lots of Roksichord. Not sure why John Gilmore is playing drums.

Was - The Beatles - side 2 of Abbey Road - it happened to be on Radio Paradise !

Is - Van Morrison - Hard Nose the Highway - cd rip - one of his lesser lauded works - but has some great stuff - Warm Love and a great moody version of Purple Heather..
I've just got back from seeing The Worst Person in the World at the cinema. This played over the end credits. I thought it was from an obscure indie band - maybe Death Cab for Cutie or similar. Actually, to my horror, it was Art Garfunkel. S&G are a but like Sting: you quite rightly make it a guiding and fundamental principle to avoid them and then, when your defences are down, they sneak up on you blindside. Nonetheless it's set to be my most played song of the week.

I've just streamed it on repeat on the way home and then , after reading up, found the the original.

Obviously. the original is much cooler......

Sublime movie btw
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I've just got back from seeing The Worst Person in the World at the cinema. This played over the end credits. I thought it was from an obscure indie band - maybe Death Cab for Cutie or similar. Actually, to my horror, it was Art Garfunkel. S&G are a but like Sting: you quite rightly make it a guiding and fundamental principle to avoid them and then, when your defences are down, they sneak up on you blindside. Nonetheless it's set to be my most played song of the week.

I've just streamed it on repeat on the way home and then , after reading up, found the the original.

Obviously. the original is much cooler......

Sublime movie btw

Liked for the story. Just brings alive the post.
Of course the original is much better...but this live video is also much better. Look at how much fun they are having. Jobim starts off bit reserved but really gets into it once the song moves along.

My favorite Elis Regina, ciggie in one hand while singing :D.

I've just got back from seeing The Worst Person in the World at the cinema. This played over the end credits. I thought it was from an obscure indie band - maybe Death Cab for Cutie or similar. Actually, to my horror, it was Art Garfunkel. S&G are a but like Sting: you quite rightly make it a guiding and fundamental principle to avoid them and then, when your defences are down, they sneak up on you blindside. Nonetheless it's set to be my most played song of the week.

I've just streamed it on repeat on the way home and then , after reading up, found the the original.

Obviously. the original is much cooler......

Sublime movie btw
Of course the original is much better...but this live video is also much better. Look at how much fun they are having. Jobim starts off bit reserved but really gets into it once the song moves along.

My favorite Elis Regina, ciggie in one hand while singing :D.

That is glorious - thank you !
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