
What are you cooking tonight?

Harissa haloumi and flat breads, not sure about a side salad as have consumed far more beer than I have for a long long time, thankfully only a session beer at 3.8% so should be able to cope with the cooking, hopefully.
Its a basic tom sauce for pasta, left to think for an hour or 2. Cook a bit of pasta. Fry Cannelloni beans with Garlic, lots of Spinach and a bit of Chilie. Mix Tom sauce with pasta and serve Beany stuff on one side. Primitivo from Puglia goes well.
Had some squash and turnips left over so put them in a casserole with a tin of peeled tomatoes, some onions, celery and various spices. Vaguely Moroccan but lacks things I usually put in like chick peas, courgettes and carrots. Needs a few hours to blend in everything.
empty the fridge before a trip soup for lunch.

3 Peppers, onion, carrots, potatoes, fresh chilli and a half tin of chopped tomatoes, Chorizo and some sweet smoked paprika, loads of chopped coriander.

20240416_114739 by uh_simon, on Flickr
Yesterday I cooked Dijon chicken (thighs) with mushrooms in the slow cooker. Very nice, but there was loads of sauce left. So lunch today (WFH, car trouble....) is Dijon chicken & mushroom "soup"! With a few slices of bread for dipping in.
last night - Beef shin and mushroom goulash (cooked Saturday, so it stood to develop for a day) with rice. Carrots and garlic with a dash of red wine vinegar. Salad, and some sour cream and dill sauce.

20240428_192038 by uh_simon, on Flickr
lunchtime leftovers, well worth saving or freezing any leftovers of curry you might have (however small) - you'll end up with a non veg thali.

20240506_125312 by uh_simon, on Flickr

the three small white pots are (left to right): Chettinad Chicken (from the freezer), Capsicum Curry (from last night) and Peas Paneer (from the freezer)

The two brown pots are: Lamb Methi, and Pilao Rice (both from last night)
lunchtime leftovers, well worth saving or freezing any leftovers of curry you might have (however small) - you'll end up with a non veg thali.

20240506_125312 by uh_simon, on Flickr

the three small white pots are (left to right): Chettinad Chicken (from the freezer), Capsicum Curry (from last night) and Peas Paneer (from the freezer)

The two brown pots are: Lamb Methi, and Pilao Rice (both from last night)
Like that. My approach with stuff like that is to serve it with flatbreads, salad stuff, soured cream or soft cheese, and so on and assemble anything you like as a wrap.
Like that. My approach with stuff like that is to serve it with flatbreads, salad stuff, soured cream or soft cheese, and so on and assemble anything you like as a wrap.

we didn't plan it, and only use what is in the house, not massively keen on wraps to be honest - it was too much for a lunch really.

Maybe a chapati if there wasn't so much rice - but to ve honest I couldn't be bothered making them

