
What are the sensible upgrade options for a LP12 nowadays?

Well from my experiences notwithstanding cost, I'd rate LP12 power supplies in the following order.

Mose Hercules.
Lingo (slight perceptible improvement over MH)
Lingo 2.
Norton Airpower.

Not listened via Avondale TAPS, Heed Orbit, Funk K drive or Linn Radikal yet.


John R.

Is that from top to bottom or bottom to top ?

The logical clue is ...

Lingo (slight perceptible improvement over MH).
A first gen lingo (shoebox, not the phat or blingy bastard) seems like a good idea to me if only to play the 2 x 45rpm blue note MoFis coming out at a wallet achingly consistent rate.

Hercules also I suppose but new MOSE vs used Lingo 1 = not a lot in it.
Also be careful of early Lingo 2's.. Lingo 1 guts in larger enclosure, until they produced the new smd pcb.


John R.
I had a Lingo 1, never turned it off for 15 years and then flogged it on to a guy in China for what it had cost me.
A man in Anglesey who shall remain unnamed around here sold me his spare Norton AirPower and I even got change back on the transaction. Quite possibly my best deal ever. My only regret is the 35th Anniversary presentation box of 20 Tamla singles that I bought but have never been able to play.
Lingo 2: an excellent product as discerning listeners know.

Opinions vary once more Norman. I personally wasn't that impressed.

A man in Anglesey who shall remain unnamed around here sold me his spare Norton AirPower and I even got change back on the transaction. Quite possibly my best deal ever. My only regret is the 35th Anniversary presentation box of 20 Tamla singles that I bought but have never been able to play.

Accepted! The only real downside to the Norton Airpower.


John R.
I had a Lingo 1, never turned it off for 15 years and then flogged it on to a guy in China for what it had cost me.
A man in Anglesey who shall remain unnamed around here sold me his spare Norton AirPower and I even got change back on the transaction. Quite possibly my best deal ever. My only regret is the 35th Anniversary presentation box of 20 Tamla singles that I bought but have never been able to play.

I use A Norton to and WRT the 45 issue, there are a couple of solutions:

1) - If you had kept the Lingo, you could have used that for 45's, because the plug on the Norton is Lingo compatible.

2) - Use a separate turntable for 45's; this is what I do, though I accept it wouldn't be everybody's solution.

I am in the midst of putting together an office system using a Naim 22/120. It will feature an LP12/Hercules/Sole/AO250/DV20XL. I was thinking of replacing the Hercules with perhaps a Magik or Valhalla supply, more in keeping with rest of the kit, or would that be a retrograde step?
I had a Lingo 1, never turned it off for 15 years

Mine is 21 years old and has been on 24/7. I had it recapped a couple years ago and the design of the circuit board makes for an easier job of it than the later models. It's a bit of kit along with my Exposure amps that should easily go on for decades with minimal fuss. These pieces all benefit when kept powered 24/7, I wouldn't think of judging any of them until they've been powered up a couple days.
I use A Norton to and WRT the 45 issue, there are a couple of solutions:

1) - If you had kept the Lingo, you could have used that for 45's, because the plug on the Norton is Lingo compatible.

2) - Use a separate turntable for 45's; this is what I do, though I accept it wouldn't be everybody's solution.

I am in the midst of putting together an office system using a Naim 22/120. It will feature an LP12/Hercules/Sole/AO250/DV20XL. I was thinking of replacing the Hercules with perhaps a Magik or Valhalla supply, more in keeping with rest of the kit, or would that be a retrograde step?

The Mose Hercules is a superb little PS for the price as it punches well above it price..

Also consider the Heed Orbit 1 for I have been advised this is very good too. Circa £350 I believe?

Mine is 21 years old and has been on 24/7. I had it recapped a couple years ago and the design of the circuit board makes for an easier job of it than the later models. It's a bit of kit along with my Exposure amps that should easily go on for decades with minimal fuss. These pieces all benefit when kept powered 24/7, I wouldn't think of judging any of them until they've been powered up a couple days.

I wouldn't wish to do likewise with a Valhalla though John.


John R.
I wouldn't wish to do likewise with a Valhalla though John.


John R.

Huh? The Vahalla is powered up 24/7 as long as the LP12 is plugged in. That is what I would recommend with the Valhalla as well.
Far too long a discussion will ensue..

Believe everything Linn say do you John...?

Example - bolting an arm board to a chassis "will ruin the sound" DC motors are no good. Well, if the original Cirkus was such a massive upgrade (it isn't) why the Kore? Answer, third party manufacturers.

I just ain't got the time to enter into a long discussion but some of the Valhalla boards I've seen are burned beyond repair.. Sorry, but I value my home before music, TT etc.


John R.
The Valhalla board has a fuse on it so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unplugging the LP12 each time you want to listen to it is absurd from a sonic and practical aspect. Is this the type of advice you give to your customers?

Can you document the number of fires that have resulted from Valhalla LP12's?

