
What are the sensible upgrade options for a LP12 nowadays?

Mostly avoiding the deck itself.....

Mana support. Big change. For anything and everything
Big change for me was changing the captive mains lead
No soldering, just cut the cable leaving about 3", put female IEC and mains lead of your choice.

SUT and Phono Pre amp also made a huge difference
In my case Ortofon ST80SE and WHest .30r

I also liked the Lyra Dorian in place of the Karma
All of these PS options are just tinkering at the edges of the problem. The LP12 signature distortion is still there, whatever you choose. In medicine, it's a truism that if there are many different treatment options for a particular disease, then none is going to work particularly well. Loads of different power supplies, subchassis upgrades, top plates, etc...

I think back to the debates years ago on the old Naim forum about which way up the LP12 mat sounds better, well a rolleyes smilie is almost required.
Somewhat of a tangent, but if one was to buy a brand new LP12, is the Lingo and Kore standard or are they extra? I'm basically trying to find what a new LP12 + Lingo (current version) + Akito (current) + Trampoline would cost in US dollars.
This is my 16,000th post let's make this count.

Ivor Tiefenbrun has spoken in the past about how the word Sondek derives from the word Soundex. In music or sound design this has traditionally been referred to as a "unique identifiable and recognisable sound" its a sound when placed against another that has unique identifiers, those identifiers are what separate one sound from the next and I note it is absent from any Linn Digital source following the Cd12.

I really do not think the LP12 is a transparent medium, I do not think vinyl can possibly transparent in the sense that every lathe, every stamper, every formulation of vinyl will add a coloration to the basic material, but the LP12 is an iterative exploration of extracting music from the record, to discover the sounds that separate one another in music. If you think about it, this is an incredible feat from a compromised and bandwidth-limited but very enjoyable media, and it is one that continues to engage listeners viscerally (for good or bad) to this day.

There are no end of bland record players out there with no real obvious reason for their existence, some record players are quite hard to extract these differentiating identifiers, the very structure of music seems obscured and muddled and Linn do not have the last word on this not do they have the first word, but they are still here along with a few from an era that embraced materials technology and addressed each issue point by point over the years. Some dead ends too -- that's research.

There are so many different takes on how music and information is extracted but from the onset; to composers and sound designers The soundex is the interaction of two or more sounds in a space, the cumulative of nulls, cancellations and additive resonances: it struck me that's a pretty good description of a turntable to me, the soundex is uniquely identifiable and that is a trait, like it or hate it in the LP12 and I think sondek, as a label, is a very honest appraisal of what the Linn LP12 was originally trying to achieve (nowadays it seems to be an opportunity to empty your wallet, of course but everyone is out to do that these days, everywhere, in all walks of life, it gets tiresome).

Turntables are a shot into the void, frankly I think it is finite and we reached that some time ago, but we will be trying to extract ever more difficult nuances from a reactive, stress loaded lathe head than is possible and I often wonder if we have reached the point where we are extracting the cutting noise of the lathe itself from a record -- so should I ever be mad enough to return to turntables -- rather than shoot for the moon, I would aim for a more achievable goal and I think anything over a certain point but. Under say £3k ish would do most vinyl lovers, it's not like its anywhere near as accurate (but it is less enjoyable) than a downloaded file -- and that's ok. People do not like accuracy when they hear it, its unnerving, many people, myself included have expressed a love of coloration, the contributory factors to a soundex: valves, FM live radio and Reel To Reel tape recorders each of these contribute to the overall and make the experience uniquely identifiable.

There, 16000 posts. Not bad for me. I feel I have come a long way understanding some things, and yet stood completely still and understood nothing at all -- just been a bit eroded, perhaps a retip is needed.
The Valhalla board has a fuse on it so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unplugging the LP12 each time you want to listen to it is absurd from a sonic and practical aspect. Is this the type of advice you give to your customers?

Can you document the number of fires that have resulted from Valhalla LP12's?

Honestly FFS NO! But there remains a risk. The fuse is an over current protection device, it does not protect against heat produced by the board components and circuit design.

Later Valhalla's have a varistor in place of R1 to reduce the effect of inrush current on the components but it still does nothing for heat produced by the circuit.

I advise customers to get something far safer and far better than a Valhalla.
What exactly is the character of the ‘signature distortion’ of the LP12 ?

Distortion implies a deviation from some absolute reference.

What is that reference and how does it differ from simple subjective preference ?

What exactly is the character of the ‘signature distortion’ of the LP12 ?

Distortion implies a deviation from some absolute reference.

What is that reference and how does it differ from simple subjective preference ?


I would characterise it as "generalised muddlement, compression, and loss of low level signal". My current reference is the SME Model 30, before that it was the Model 20, but there are others. It differs from subjective preference in that the muddlement is not present. Previous "torture tracks" now shine.
I had a Valhalla that failed in the worst way - one junction of bridge went short, burning up a load resistor - it was messy, but I wouldn't call it a fire risk. But I also didn't think it was much better than the Basik supply, more different. DIY geddon was big step up from both
Yup, the uplift in SQ , Valhalla over basic psu is very obvious and for the price of a used Valhalla it's a steal. My flakey old Valhalla stopped working so I bought a herc rather than fix it. I'd like to get it out if the deck into a Mose case though.
I had a Valhalla that failed in the worst way - one junction of bridge went short, burning up a load resistor - it was messy, but I wouldn't call it a fire risk. But I also didn't think it was much better than the Basik supply, more different. DIY geddon was big step up from both

I still wouldn't risk leaving a Valhalla powered up 24/7 in the belief it performs better Richard.. With you on the Geddon though!

Yup, the uplift in SQ , Valhalla over basic psu is very obvious and for the price of a used Valhalla it's a steal. My flakey old Valhalla stopped working so I bought a herc rather than fix it. I'd like to get it out if the deck into a Mose case though.

The Mose Herc is excellent value, no question.


John R.
Yup, the uplift in SQ , Valhalla over basic psu is very obvious and for the price of a used Valhalla it's a steal. My flakey old Valhalla stopped working so I bought a herc rather than fix it. I'd like to get it out if the deck into a Mose case though.

The Valhalla has an interesting side effect in that it actually warms the TTs main bearing. A dealer I know swears this is actually why the Valhalla beats the plain basic PS arrangement. I don't know about that but I do know that the Valhalla puts out about 80V as standard and this is way more than is optimal for the motor in terms of minimising vibration. AFAICR the motor runs smoothest at about 66V and this can easily be achieved on a Valhalla by tweaking a trimmer pot on the board. The only downside is a slower start-up time, otherwise the difference is quite amazingly positive. So, there is an upgrade option for you at zero cost - what more could you want :)

Mr Tibbs

