
What are the sensible upgrade options for a LP12 nowadays?

I realise I will never convince LP12 lovers that they are making a huge mistake, but you have to consider what it is you are aiming at. I used to think in exactly the same way when I had an LP12.

I would suggest auditioning the ultimate iteration of the LP12: the Klimax SE against, say, a Notts Analogue Dais, or similarly-priced quality turntable. Just try it.

So you're saying, not only do you love the LP12 but you also think it's great value for money?

Don't be shy with your opinion. Just let it out.
I realise I will never convince LP12 lovers that they are making a huge mistake, but you have to consider what it is you are aiming at. I used to think in exactly the same way when I had an LP12.

I would suggest auditioning the ultimate iteration of the LP12: the Klimax SE against, say, a Notts Analogue Dais, or similarly-priced quality turntable. Just try it.

I have and in my system, not many people can claim that!

LP12 still here.
There is little point in upgrading any LP12, IMO. The basic design is not good. Big hollow resonating box right beneath the platter, non-vertical bearing spindle and over-bouncy suspension. I recently heard the LP12 Klimax (no tittering at the back) SE version with every bell & whistle attached, and it really is very mediocre.

I think your money would be better spent by selling it, gathering together the money you were about to spend on it, and getting a better-designed turntable.

Upgrading LP12 could be silly money so step carefully for reaching the magical level where music is provided rather than hifi effects and prestige like Bub and others seem to favour
I am gonna sidestep the whole pathology of [others{not}"bub"(ownership)] fascinating, as it is.

It all seems a bit weird talking about sensible upgrades for the LP12 and then a bloody £5k turntable replacement is mentioned, I was thinking perhaps suggesting a nice secondhand arm or perhaps a baseboard like a used Trampolinn or perhaps a prefix with a DIY hicap or something. Maybe a top plate or just a spruce and service and a chat to Peter @ cymbiosis to discuss based on a budget... Sometimes a shift around a bit, sell some parts add a Hercules PSU. If you have some 45s (TAPS. Is still 33.3 only yeah?) radical thought, just get a few cosmetic changes, a nice new plinth works wonders, perhaps a modern light wood, or fancy a classic old fluted Afro instead of black etc etc...

I know I know I have probably made more dead ends, u turns and picked up a few messed up pathologies than some here but hello... perspective?
I am gonna sidestep the whole pathology of [others{not}"bub"(ownership)] fascinating, as it is.

It all seems a bit weird talking about sensible upgrades for the LP12 and then a bloody £5k turntable replacement is mentioned, I was thinking perhaps suggesting a nice secondhand arm or perhaps a baseboard like a used Trampolinn or perhaps a prefix with a DIY hicap or something. Maybe a top plate or just a spruce and service and a chat to Peter @ cymbiosis to discuss based on a budget... Sometimes a shift around a bit, sell some parts add a Hercules PSU. If you have some 45s (TAPS. Is still 33.3 only yeah?) radical thought, just get a few cosmetic changes, a nice new plinth works wonders, perhaps a modern light wood, or fancy a classic old fluted Afro instead of black etc etc...

I know I know I have probably made more dead ends, u turns and picked up a few messed up pathologies than some here but hello... perspective?

TAPS is 33 only but that's fine for me.

Aro is staying unless I ever change the deck.

I have fluted afromosa already!

Maybe I'll just buy more records and a few nice bottles of red.
I found the two most worthwhile upgrades to my LP12 are the sub-chassis and top plate. There may be better out there, but for the minimal outlay it cost me, I very much doubt I could have done better without sinking a whole load of cash.
Maybe I'll just buy more records and a few nice bottles of red.

To be honest that sounds like a great idea. I didn't realise you had an ARO.
Perhaps get a service and belt if not done recently. There is way too much POO* thrown about these days.

*pride of ownership
TAPS is 33 only but that's fine for me.

Aro is staying unless I ever change the deck.

I have fluted afromosa already!

Maybe I'll just buy more records and a few nice bottles of red.

I think this is sensible as you said earlier that your deck had been serviced recently.
At the risk of getting caught in the same sh!t storm as the isolation thread, I'd look at the support first.

Or maybe this offends you on some sort of quasi-religious grounds :rolleyes:

If you're still reading instead of foaming, Audiotech is the one I use. The Sound Organisation, Quadraspire wall shelves, IKEA Lack coffee table or the legendary wobbly coffee table are alternatives.
I loved my LP12/cirkus/lingo1/Aro/d17mkii

This is a little off beam but how about a Well Tempered Simplex and keep the LP12 (there you go I got away with the just sell it argument). The simplex is cheaper than many upgrades. Live with both. You never know which way it may come out.

As I said. I loved owning the LP12, the simplex is just daft good for £1550 inc arm!
As you enjoy what you have, why change? You could spend the cash on more vinyl. I'm told that 'Record Day' will see the release of more than 600 titles.
I'd faf with some carts- say Lyra Dorian. Madness excepted a 17 grand turntable is just silly. It is just a graphic equaliser.
I will look for a new equipment rack but it needs to be aesthetically pleasing. Have had Audiotech and of course the Mana more recently, now need to accommodate wifely requirements!
OK the Audiotech and Sound Organisation are out, they've got all the aesthetic appeal of an oil rig.

When I first bought my LP12 I was advised to put it on an IKEA Lack coffee table but with the underside of the top cut out so it was just a single layer. There are loads of finish options which might be acceptable and they're really cheap :)

The only downside is they're a bit wide.
I haven't heard the Kore, but I really liked the Rubikon (but got a second hand Keel); I haven't heard the Karmen, but I bought the Khan.

