
Well done Andy Murray!

I'm sure the feeling would be mutual. :rolleyes:

I have no doubt, and he's a fine tennis player, clearly the best on the day. I have no wish to detract from his achievements in the slightest. Just expressing my opinion about his behaviour. All this collapsing and limping round the court makes me wince, ergo, I think he's had a lifetime of being indulged in histrionics.
If you are concerned with grasping the concept of being gracious start with yourself. I celebrated and praised Bradley Wiggins when he won the Tour, so why don't you just acknowledge Andy's achievement and offer him your congratulations instead of sniping at how you perceive him to be in interviews.

The Wimbledon crowd have taken him to their heart, the Daily Mail says he deserves a knighthood, but some people on here just want to be small minded about his success. All a bit petty.

I'm not knocking his performance, and good luck to him. That doesn't make him a person with standards of behaviour or communication skills that I place much value on. What's the problem with that? I completely acknowledge his performance as a tennis player, nothing less than outstanding.

Whether the DM want to put him forward for a knighthood is their business, personally I would have thought that he, like most sports people, has done it for his own reasons and nothing to do with serving the country. He's had his reward for doing that so why more recognition is warranted I have no idea.

Just because a sports person wins something doesn't make them some sort of god. It's no wonder that promotors make such fortunes with product sponsorship if we're all going to fawn over anyone who wins something.
I think all he wants to do is play tennis.
If anyone spends the next few weeks fawning over him it'll be that twat Cameron.
If anyone spends the next few weeks fawning over him it'll be that twat Cameron.

Yeah and Alex Salmond.

I haven't liked Murray because he's been a moaning Scot, but he definitely deserved to win Wimbledon.

The important question now is which way will he vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

Cameron looks like a typical Tory twat in this picture.

anyone who wins something.

It's not a case of either. It something that most people thought beyond home-grown talent to ever achieve in short trousers. For Murray it is the culmination of endless hours of preparation for the best part of 20 years. Can you not cut out the mean-spiritedness?
It's not a case of either. It something that most people thought beyond home-grown talent to ever achieve in short trousers. For Murray it is the culmination of endless hours of preparation for the best part of 20 years. Can you not cut out the mean-spiritedness?

On PFM!!!! Divvent be daft, man.

Following his Wimbledon triumph Andy Murray has signed a lucrative sponsorship contract with Durex lubrication, the dry C… is seen as the perfect ambassador for the company.
Additionally , whilst I normally abhor people commenting on what people are like without empirical experience of said person , in the coming months Mr Murray will be repeatedly attempting to influence the contents of my shopping trolley , thus whether he's a tosser or not is fair game .

Only if you're the type who's easily influenced by that shite. I can assure you that, in that respect, Mr Murray will be having no influence whatsoever on my 'shopping trolley' or me.

I rarely use supermarkets, anyway! :p
The important question now is which way will he vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

Cameron looks like a typical Tory twat in this picture.

Why does everything have to revolve around fooking politics? I can assure you that such a thought never even crossed my mind! :rolleyes:
Only if you're the type who's easily influenced by that shite. I can assure you that, in that respect, Mr Murray will be having no influence whatsoever on my 'shopping trolley' or me.

I rarely use supermarkets, anyway! :p

Influence is irrelevant , it is his decision to poke his nose in to my life that gives rise to the legitimate questioning of his personality. As they say in the Wire . he's in the game man , he deserved to be shot .

p.s - here is why everything boils down to politics . not party politics but politics in the widest sense .

politics is the exercise of power . All human action is at its core the exercise of power . All human action is therefore political . :D

Edit - it as also just occurred to me , that elsewhere on this forum you have stated that you put great store in a few people's opinion on hifi who you respect and would be willing to audition components upon their say so . This is essentially no different than a person giving consideration to Mr Murrays opinion on a product because they respect his achievement and he comes across as a genuine bloke .
Influence is irrelevant , it is his decision to poke his nose in to my life that gives rise to the legitimate questioning of his personality. As they say in the Wire . he's in the game man , he deserved to be shot .

p.s - here is why everything boils down to politics . not party politics but politics in the widest sense .

politics is the exercise of power . All human action is at his core the exercise of power . All human action is therefore political . :D

You're not another Commie, are you?
Unless you know something, are you not criticising him for something he has not actually done?

So he gets a hard time for his alleged 'dourness' or he is criticised for something he hasn't even done. Some people are very grudging about praising a colossal sporting achievement.

Murray will have inspired many kids to take up tennis and hopefully produce more winners in the future. But the petty minded will want to criticise anything they can, even what he has not done. Rather pathetic.
Influence is irrelevant , it is his decision to poke his nose in to my life that gives rise to the legitimate questioning of his personality.

Now he is spying on you? I see, don't worry holidays will be here soon, you'll feel better after a wee break.
Now he is spying on you? I see, don't worry holidays will be here soon, you'll feel better after a wee break.

Nope, but choice is ball ache in the modern world as there so much knowledge to get your head around , so I could without some twatty sportsmen muddying the waters with his paid for bullshit . Cant ignore it , it may be correct .

Gillette is indeed the best a man can get .
It's not a case of either. It something that most people thought beyond home-grown talent to ever achieve in short trousers. For Murray it is the culmination of endless hours of preparation for the best part of 20 years. Can you not cut out the mean-spiritedness?

Listen, I completely respect his sporting achievements. However, he comes across as a spoilt attention seeker, and no I am not looking forward to seeing him flogging washing powders, infecting chat shows et al. Like all people I am sure he has many rewarding personal traits which many will identify with, notwithstanding his girlfriend, and good luck to them; for me though, he is a great tennis player who also strikes me as being a bit of a knob.

