
Well done Andy Murray!

The rather insidious anti-Scottish feeling on this thread is both pathetic and rather distasteful, if sadly, not entirely unsurprising :rolleyes:

That'll be the spineless English doing what they are told, as always. You have to remember they are loyal subjects that are grateful for any crap their monarchy and government give them, because they are weak and can't think for themselves. They just bow and scrape.

The Scots on the other hand take Wimbledon and follow it by giving the finger to the UK.
See my post #33 for an answer to that.

Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of the over exuberant "american" style of yehaa either. But for god sakes man he's just won the top prize in Tennis and he doesn't even look happy or excited in the least !!! I'm a negative, cynical grouch by nature not given to over excitement (as Rasher points out ;) ) but even I'd be grinning like a cheshire cat after such an achievement (tired out or not).

The rather insidious anti-Scottish feeling on this thread is both pathetic and rather distasteful, if sadly, not entirely unsurprising :rolleyes:

I'm not anti-Scottish in the least!! I like scotland and have met many nice scotts in my time. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of our media.
Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of the over exuberant "american" style of yehaa either. But for god sakes man he's just won the top prize in Tennis and he doesn't even look happy or excited in the least !!! I'm a negative, cynical grouch by nature not given to over excitement (as Rasher points out ;) ) but even I'd be grinning like a cheshire cat after such an achievement (tired out or not).

I do take your point, but I guess you can't change your nature.

I'm not anti-Scottish in the least!! I like scotland and have met many nice scotts in my time. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of our media.

I know that, and I wasn't referring to you. I also agree about the English media - don't get me started on those tossers! :rolleyes:
Sad fact of the day - Mr Murray is managed by Simon Fuller , he off , spice girls , beckham and Lewis Hamilton fame . Expect media saturation, endorsement entropy and tax dodging to follow .
The rather insidious anti-Scottish feeling on this thread is both pathetic and rather distasteful, if sadly, not entirely unsurprising :rolleyes:
I'd characterise it as a test of the capacity for humour amongst the Scotch members of pfm. I think you failed the test.
The rather insidious anti-Scottish feeling on this thread is both pathetic and rather distasteful, if sadly, not entirely unsurprising :rolleyes:

Alas , me thinks this comment is a little to pious

Any feelings of dislike , love and or affection on PFM and in the big wide world are reciprocated by the Scottish themselves . That was a Scottish flag Salmond was waiving , not a union jack .
Any feelings of dislike , love and or affection on PFM and in the big wide world are reciprocated by the Scottish themselves . That was a Scottish flag Salmond was waiving , not a union jack .

So what, Paul? He's Scottish, and was proud of celebrating the fact on a historical day when a SCOT won Wimbledon: an event that's unlikely to come along too often! I don't see the issue. He should be allowed to savour the moment and express pride in his countryman's achievement.

There's nothing wrong with being patriotic, especially when the reality is that to most Scots the Union Jack is more symbolic of England, than anything else....

I could just imagine the nationalistic euphoria that would have happened if 'Tim, nice but dim', had won the tournament a few years ago!! :eek:
You mean, just like the when the World Cup comes round, the English never remind us of 19-fooking-66? ;)
As a half-English, half-Scottish bloke, I can cheer for Murray* and take the piss out of the extremer forms of Scots nationalism.

*As a fully-fledged Englishwoman, Mrs H was cheering for Murray's opponent.
So what, Paul? He's Scottish, and was proud of celebrating the fact on a historical day when a SCOT won Wimbledon: an event that's unlikely to come along too often! I don't see the issue. He should be allowed to savour the moment and express pride in his countryman's achievement.

There's nothing wrong with being patriotic, especially when the reality is that to most Scots the Union Jack is more symbolic of England, than anything else....

I could just imagine the nationalistic euphoria that would have happened if 'Tim, nice but dim', had won the tournament a few years ago!! :eek:

You have omitted the first sentence out of my quote . The whole point of my post was in the first sentence . You have responded to a point I did not make, the point I made was to counter your harsh and unfair interpretation of anti Scottish feeling you perceived on this thread by pointing out any feelings of hate or love between the respective nations were probably in equilibrium . ;)
You mean, just like the when the World Cup comes round, the English never remind us of 19-fooking-66? ;)

And when Wimbles comes around every year, we will remember 2013 (and probably more), ya dobbers.
You have left the first sentence out of my quote . The whole point of my post was in the first sentence . You have responded to a point I did not make, the point I made was to counter your harsh and unfair interpretation of anti Scottish feeling you perceived on this thread by pointing out any feelings of hate or love between the respective nations were probably in balance . ;)

A chip on both shoulders?
So what, Paul? He's Scottish, and was proud of celebrating the fact on a historical day when a SCOT won Wimbledon: an event that's unlikely to come along too often! I don't see the issue. He should be allowed to savour the moment and express pride in his countryman's achievement.

There's nothing wrong with being patriotic, especially when the reality is that to most Scots the Union Jack is more symbolic of England, than anything else....

I could just imagine the nationalistic euphoria that would have happened if 'Tim, nice but dim', had won the tournament a few years ago!! :eek:
and there's me thinking the "dour and humourless.." stereotype was unfounded.
Lol...! What's dour and humourless about that, Greg? I'm only stating facts :)

Besides, I'm not really Scottish, or even British, for that matter. My family roots are Italian (going back centuries), and Italian is what I feel most. However, I love Scotland and am proud of the fact I was born there, and as such will defend the country and its people at any appropriate opportunity ;)

Anyway, Andy Murray won Wimbledon, and as they say up in Glasgow: 'Ya dancer!!' It's an amazing Scottish sporting achievement that will go down in history - and that's ALL that matters! :cool:

