
Well done Andy Murray!

Enjoyed seeing Mr Salmon waving a saltire, right behind Dave.

Thought it a bit fishy. Although Mr. Salmon(d) making a bit of a knob of himself is rightly proud of the greatest living honorary Englishman.

Actually, Andy brought tears to my eyes. Fantastic performance.
After 77 years since Fred Perry, I have to wonder if another Englishman will ever win Wimbledon.
Curious what pub owners were hoping for (in terms of sales impact): an inconsolable near-miss for Andy, or the triumph that was?
I've just watched the highlights on TV. The Scotsman was magnificent!! There's no doubt that he'll make No1 in the world, and then I suspect he'll take some shifting.... ;)

Incidentally, when are they going to lose this 'Henman Hill' bollocks? He's past history now and never really achieved much worth celebrating. Therefore, it's time to ditch HH for good and celebrate 'Murray Mount'! :)
Hooray. i couldn't cope with it live, so it was with great joy that I enjoyed the highlights.

Well done Andy.
Just read that he's donated his prize money to Royal Marsden Hospital.

If true, that is a magnificent gesture.

If you believe the TV news, it is true, as it's just been on it. Full respect to him! It shows what kind of man he really is.

Perhaps this magnanimous gesture will change the opinions of his detractors, simply because he's not a smiley-wiley, affected attention-seeker? Yes, he can sometimes be a bit dour, but then so was Jock Stein! Sir Alex Ferguson is hardly a 'laugh-a-minute' either - and look what he achieved... ;)

Good Scottish grit and determination is what's pumping through the boy's veins. He's a true winner and a great ambassador for the sport of professional tennis, and most importantly, Scotland, as a proud nation... As they used to say in an old advert: 'Irn Bru - made in Scotland, from girders'. That's Andy! :)

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Will this still count come the referendum? Where does Murray stand on that?
Great for Dunblane as well.

I've always enjoyed Scotland in all respects. Give me Glasgow or Edinburgh over most of London any day.
Great tennis, and a lovely bloke to boot :)

Eh what? Dour and moody is what he is. Hardly cracked a smile in his interview this morning on the BBC.

But hey ho, glad he finally cracked it. Can we all move along and talk about something else now?

Oh and btw.. wait till we get an actual English player with a chance of winning Wimbledon and it will all start again. We've only adopted Murray because he's the only one who's had a chance, we'd much prefer he wasn't Scottish if we're all being honest (by we I mean the media et al). So don't fool yourselves that this particular ghost has been put to rest. :rolleyes:
I've always enjoyed Scotland in all respects. Give me Glasgow or Edinburgh over most of London any day.

Same here. I was born in Glasgow. Can't stand the 'rat-race' lifestyle of London. Living there would be a fooking nightmare!
Eh what? Dour and moody is what he is. Hardly cracked a smile in his interview this morning on the BBC.

But hey ho, glad he finally cracked it. Can we all move along and talk about something else now?

Oh and btw.. wait till we get an actual English player with a chance of winning Wimbledon and it will all start again. We've only adopted Murray because he's the only one who's had a chance, we'd much prefer he wasn't Scottish if we're all being honest

Dour & moody? Coming from you?
Eh what? Dour and moody is what he is. Hardly cracked a smile in his interview this morning on the BBC.

See my post #33 for an answer to that.

But hey ho, glad he finally cracked it. Can we all move along and talk about something else now?

Oh and btw.. wait till we get an actual English player with a chance of winning Wimbledon and it will all start again. We've only adopted Murray because he's the only one who's had a chance, we'd much prefer he wasn't Scottish if we're all being honest (by we I mean the media et al). So don't fool yourselves that this particular ghost has been put to rest. :rolleyes:

The rather insidious anti-Scottish feeling on this thread is both pathetic and rather distasteful, if sadly, not entirely unsurprising :rolleyes:
Oh and btw.. wait till we get an actual English player with a chance of winning Wimbledon and it will all start again. We've only adopted Murray because he's the only one who's had a chance, we'd much prefer he wasn't Scottish if we're all being honest (by we I mean the media et al). So don't fool yourselves that this particular ghost has been put to rest. :rolleyes:

But now he`s a great winner he could get on the fast track a la Zola Budd and become English.
All the talk of Murray being the first british Wimbledon champion since Fred Perry is only partially true - Jaroslav Drobny beat Ken Rosewall in 1954 but he only became a british national in 1959.

All joking apart, a great achievement by Murray and further enhanced by his donating the prize money to a really worthwhile cause.

