
Way to go Greta

I planted 5 trees. See its important that goverments force us to act because some of us (no names ofc) do nothing but moan, but in reality, it's us, the population of earth who need to listen, understand and act, because if we do, it really will be ok and until we do, we are f******d. I think her activity is far more likely to spur people like me into some action, which, in the scheme of things, is a good thing. Explain how it isn't?
name me one policy change that is going to make a difference as a result of all this chatter.

Greta Thunberg is the latest in a long line of people throughout history that stood up, got counted and helped focus a whole movement; she is the Emmeline Pankhurst, the Rosa Parks, the Nelson Mandela, the Mo Mowlam or whoever of the climate crisis. The only way situations this huge ever get resolved is via focusing the argument, creating real dialogue and then changing minds, and that is exactly what Thunberg is achieving. Spectacularly.
Greta Thunberg is the latest in a long line of people throughout history that stood up, got counted and helped focus a whole movement;

she hasn't achieved anything. She might go on achieve something, the again she may not. I'd rather wait a see, before claiming her as the next messiah

she is the Emmeline Pankhurst, the Rosa Parks, the Nelson Mandela, the Mo Mowlam or whoever of the climate crisis.

They actually achieved something and facilitated change for good. The teenager hasn't actually achieved anything, so to compare her with those greats you name undermines their achievements.

The only way situations this huge ever get resolved is via focusing the argument, creating real dialogue and then changing minds, and that is exactly what Thunberg is achieving. Spectacularly.

No she isn't, that my point, she hasn't done anything yet.
Fur is here still, not far from here on various other threads. Must admit that I don't know why but it's not my forum.

If it happens again there will be a small crater where the poster used to be.

she hasn't achieved anything. She might go on achieve something, the again she may not. I'd rather wait a see, before claiming her as the next messiah

They actually achieved something and facilitated change for good. The teenager hasn't actually achieved anything, so to compare her with those greats you name undermines their achievements.

No she isn't, that my point, she hasn't done anything yet.
Yes but I think you'll find that Pankhurst, Parks, and Mandella weren't exactly household names in their teens were they...give her a chance. She is getting the publicity but it's we who are slow to react it seems, or are we? How do we know how many trees have been planted in her name...action cannot be measure just in newspaper headlines. A small stone in a pond creates ripples that spread.
remind me has she, actually changed anything, apart from getting a few teenagers chattering about climate change?
You would have said the same thing 2 years ago about plastic packaging. I've seen it change since. It's early days but as manufacturers we are seeing customers protest about plastic packaging. Crucially they are prepared to pay more for alternatives, and that's a first. So she may not *yet* have changed something as an individual, but attitudes are shifting as a result of comments from people like her. These shifting attitudes are causing consumer behaviour to change. Manufacturers change accordingly, via the retailers.
I'm back.
Its not against the rules to disagree.
We don't have thought police, yet.
Shes a flash in the pan, a figurehead, a victim of the publicists who are using her as their mouthpiece.
Crossing the sea on a boat, lovely. A boat made out of carbon fibre and resin, nasty unrecycleable products made in eco-friendly chemical plants in china, no doubt. Sails made of hi-tech plastics, also on their way to landfill, they dont last long, and the mixed materials make them impractical to recycle.
Who is being kidded here ?
It would have been greener to fly, park bottom on empty seat in aeroplane.

