
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Case in point (from an American-Israeli journalist):


These people are genocidal lunatics.
I can’t even work out who the imaginary Nazis are. It’s like they have collective narcissism and are gaslighting the world. Or trying to. I also loathe the implication that unless we side with them we are not of “good faith”.

ICC has ‘various different routes’ to move forward

Michael Mansfield, an international law expert, says the issue of jurisdiction is “very important” because Israel and the US have not signed up to the ICC.
“However, that does not prevent the court from having jurisdiction if the issues that arise vis-a-vis Israel are referred by the Security Council,” he told Al Jazeera.
“There are various different routes which may make Israel and members of Hamas as well subject to the ICC,” he said.
Mansfield also noted that Israel has a history of ignoring institutions that have accused it of crimes, referring to the ICJ’s advisory opinion that deemed Israel’s separation wall illegal.
The decision in 2004 found the wall violates international law and called for its dismantlement. It also ruled that Israel should pay reparations for any damage caused.
“It is important that international lawyers should put pressure on the court to remain independent and not be bulldozed and bullied into withdrawing. The fear I have is the Americans might withdraw funding. They are not members of the ICC but there are all sorts of pressure that they can bring about,” Mansfield said.

HRW calls members to protect ICC independence amid expected pressure

Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, says Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants “reaffirms the crucial role” of the ICC.
“Victims of serious abuses in Israel and Palestine have faced a wall of impunity for decades. This principled first step by the prosecutor opens the door to those responsible for the atrocities committed in recent months to answer for their actions at a fair trial,” Jarrah said in a statement.
“ICC member countries should stand ready to resolutely protect the ICC’s independence as hostile pressure is likely to increase while the ICC judges consider Khan’s request.”

Amal Clooney was one of the legal experts who analysed the evidence and guided the ICC’s decision to issue arrest warrants. You can read her statement here:

CFJ statement

Excerpt below:

“As a human rights lawyer, I will never accept that one child’s life has less value than another’s. I do not accept that any conflict should be beyond the reach of the law, nor that any perpetrator should be above the law.”

The ICC has provided a chink of light in a sea of darkness.
Biden shows his true colours so it's smoked him out for one, all the handwringing and pretence that he's working behind the scences:

Biden calls ICC prosecutor's request for arrest of Israeli officials 'outrageous'

Joe Biden has objected to the international criminal court chief prosecutor Karim Khan’s request for arrest warrants against prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials as “outrageous”.

“The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security,” the US president said in a statement.

and the UK Government (among others)

UK objects to ICC prosecutor's request for arrest warrants against Israel and Hamas leaders

The UK said it was opposed to international criminal court chief prosecutor Karim Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants against the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and defence minister, Yoav Gallant.

In a statement, the foreign office said: “We do not believe that seeking warrants will help get hostages out, get aid in, or deliver a sustainable ceasefire. This remains the UK’s priority.”

The statement added that “as we have said from the outset, we do not think the ICC has jurisdiction in this case. The UK has not yet recognized Palestine as a state, and Israel is not a State Party to the Rome Statute. It would be premature to respond further before the Pre-Trial Chamber has considered the Prosecutor’s application for warrants.”

I see that Sunak's fallen in line with the US.

No word yet from the "leader" of the "opposition".

I fact, Starmer's last post is this:

Edit: ****'s sake, Musk!
Biden is hugely disappointing of late. I suspect he’ll drive a lot of people away come the election. They’ll obviously not go to Trump, but their staying away might be the tipping point where America finally falls to fascism.

PS Labour are always to the right of the Democrats, so I suspect Starmer will start branding the ICC and countless humanitarian organisations ‘terrorists’ or whatever. If anything Starmer will tack to the right of Sunak. The UK is after all a far-right state that is very comfortable with apartheid and colonialism. Labour huff and puff now and again, but always fall inline with the Tory establishment.

NYC mayor defends police after videos show officers punching pro-Palestine protesters

Eric Adams [another Democrat who should know better] has defended the police department’s response to a pro-Palestinian street demonstration in Brooklyn over the weekend, calling video of officers repeatedly punching men lying prone on the ground an “isolated incident”.
Adams complained that protesters who marched through Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge section had blocked traffic, spit at officers and climbed on top of a moving city bus.
Footage shot by bystanders and independent journalists shows police intercepting a march in the street, shoving participants toward the sidewalk and then grabbing some people in the crowd and dragging them down.
Officers can be seen repeatedly punching at least three protesters, in separate incidents, as they lay pinned on the ground.

When I use the share button or copy and paste from X, I only get “” showing in my post, not the picture as you have here. Using Ipad.

It always used to work as your post has here, but no longer!?

What are you doing that I am not?
It might be that I never updated the Twitter App since it changed to ‘X’. Sounds like something may have changed since yesterday though.
Biden just did what any US president would do.
Unfortunately it is foreign policy, and so about Power not Morals.
Things won't change until Israel is no longer useful.
If the Saudi / Israel deal goes through (ha) then the US may feel there is enough of a check of Iran et al to pull back in a few years. This would have to be done slowly as not to piss off the hugely powerful Israeli lobby and the religious nutters who are hoping this is the trigger for the end times and will be upset it doesn't happen.

People suck.
The reaction of Israeli officials is hilarious.

Blood libel.
(****ing hell mate, Hamas leaders are being charged too - how's that one-sided?).

The whole world should just laugh in the faces of these murderous clowns when they start with this bollocks.

I don't have much hope that justice will ever be done, but charging Netanyahu et. al. with war crimes is a huge symbolic act.
Netanyahu needs to travel more often by helicopter!
Biden's statement on the ICC position is (more than) a tad disingenuous.

"... Biden tends to cite the example of British rule in Ireland as a template to express empathy with persecuted minorities. Speaking in Jerusalem last year, he said: “My background and the background of my family is Irish American, and we have a long history of – not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people with Great Britain and their attitude toward Irish-Catholics over the years, for 400 years.”

Very disappointing Joe. I'm genuinely sad to say.
France says it supports the independence of the international criminal court (ICC), after its prosecutor requested arrest warrants for leaders from Israel, including prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and those from Hamas.

In a statement released late on Monday the foreign ministry said “France supports the international criminal court, its independence, and the fight against impunity in all situations,” reports Agence France-Presse.

Medical workers in Israel have told the BBC that Palestinian detainees from Gaza are routinely kept shackled to hospital beds, blindfolded, sometimes naked, and forced to wear nappies – a practice one medic said amounted to “torture”.

A whistle-blower detailed how procedures in one military hospital were “routinely” carried out without painkillers, causing “an unacceptable amount of pain” to detainees.
Another whistle-blower said painkillers were used “selectively” and “in a very limited way” during an invasive medical procedure on a Gazan detainee in a public hospital.
He also said critically ill patients being held in makeshift military facilities were being denied proper treatment because of a reluctance by public hospitals to transfer and treat them.

One detainee, taken from Gaza for questioning by the Israeli army and later released, told the BBC his leg had to be amputated because he was denied treatment for an infected wound.

Biden just did what any US president would do.
Unfortunately it is foreign policy, and so about Power not Morals.

The thing with the ICC is it is 100% evidence based. They have the receipts to back up every single point made. Biden, Sunak, Labour Friends Of Israel etc are all collectively denying reality and cheerleading genocide. History will call them all out.
Australia’s government says it respects the international criminal court’s “important” and “independent” role in upholding the law after its chief prosecutor requested arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

A foreign affairs spokesperson said it was not appropriate to comment on matters before the court but added that Israel must comply with international laws, noting “every country is bound by the same fundamental rules” while defending itself.

“Australia respects the ICC and the important role it has in upholding international law,” the spokesperson said. “The decision on whether to issue arrest warrants is a matter for the Court in the independent exercise of its functions.”


