
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

This latest poll, (see attached file) conducted after six months of intensifying humanitarian crisis in Gaza, found that 55% of people support the UK ending the sale of arms to Israel for the duration of the conflict in Gaza. Only 13% want to see the continuation of arms sales. Amongst those who voted for the Conservative Party in 2019, the poll found that 40% are in favour of the UK suspending arms sales to Israel, while just 24% opposed. Amongst those who voted for Labour, 74% are in favour of the UK suspending arms sales, compared to 7% who oppose. This finding reinforces the results of previous YouGov polls in March and April, and shows durable support for a suspension of arms sales after the recent escalation between Israel and Iran.

The poll further found that 73% of people support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, including 67% of those who voted Conservative in 2019 and 86% amongst Labour. Only 8% believe that there should not be one. While the Government and major opposition parties have now endorsed an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza, international pressure including from the UK has so far failed to achieve this.

Low public approval for both the UK Government and Labour opposition’s handling of the Gaza crisis was also found. Only 18% of people polled approve of the UK Government's response, while even fewer, just 12%, approve of the response from Labour.


Activist says pro-Palestine protests in London ‘wonderfully diverse’

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi says there is a considerable amount of “unjustified fear being whipped up among Jews”.
“I find that tragic because Jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution,” the London-based activist, a member of the Jewish Voice for Labour, told Al Jazeera at a pro-Palestine protest in London.
“I’m in this country because my grandparents had to flee pogroms … killings, and the elimination of whole communities in Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany at the end of the 19th century.”
“So it’s very easy to awaken deep-seated trauma in Jewish people. And I’m afraid, apologists … for Israel really play on that. They whip this up quite deliberately,” she added.
“The idea that we’ve been told here in London, that these are hate marches, and that London is sort of a no-go zone for Jews because there are lots of people waving Palestinian flags, is simply untrue and it’s very unhelpful.”
“What they’ve tended to do is to portray the marches as predominantly Muslim, and predominantly anti-Semitic. And neither of these things is true.”
Wimborne-Idrissi also said the protest was “wonderfully diverse”.
“It’s people who do not wish to see a continuing slaughter of innocents.”


Police beat and arrest pro-Palestinian protesters in New York

New York police have beaten and arrested several protesters at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Brooklyn, according to witnesses.
Freelance journalist Katie Smith, who filmed the protest, told Al Jazeera that the crackdown came as protesters gathered in Bay Ridge, a predominantly Palestinian- and Yemeni-American neighbourhood in Brooklyn.
“NYPD came in from a side street and started grabbing people at random,” said Smith. “Officers were beating them, punching them in their upper body around their head.”
The New York Post said at least 12 people were arrested.
NOW: As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random
Officers tackled multiple protesters to the ground and then proceeded to punch them
— katie smith (@probablyreadit) May 18, 2024
Israel is reportedly continuing the closure of the Rafah border crossing (located between Egypt and southern Gaza).

Israel said it was up to Egypt to reopen the crossing and allow humanitarian relief into Gaza, prompting Cairo to denounce what it described as “desperate attempts” to shift blame for the blockage of aid.

The UN and other international aid agencies said the closing of two crossings into southern Gaza – Rafah and Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom – had virtually cut off the territory from outside aid.

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Ragged Trousered Philanderer

Former MI5 agent Annie Machon explains how Israeli intelligence service Mossad bombed their own embassy in London in 1994 and stitched up two prominent Palestinian activists to take the rap.Samar Alami and Jawad Botmeh received 20yr sentences for a crime they didn't commit.


What’s the situation at al-Awda Hospital?

Here’s what you need to know about the ongoing Israeli siege at al-Awda Hospital, one of the last functional hospitals in northern Gaza.
  • The Wafa news agency, citing medical sources, said Israeli forces fired artillery shells at the hospital before surrounding the facility on Sunday.
  • The agency said Israeli forces also bulldozed areas in the vicinity of the hospital.
  • It added that the ongoing siege is preventing civilians and medical staff from entering or leaving the facility.
  • MSF said the hospital is treating at least 34 people who were wounded in an Israeli strike on the nearby Jabalia refugee camp on Saturday, and that it has now run out of drinking water.
Ah, so do I now. The far-right apartheid prick Musk must have changed something again.

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