
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Judge’s question to Israel at ICJ hearing unusual

Reporting from The Hague, Netherlands
The main argument Israel was bringing today was that the fact that South Africa says that there is at least not enough humanitarian aid coming into Rafah is basically a lie, according to Israel.
And also they said that South Africa’s claim that Rafah is this last refuge for the people in Gaza is untrue. They say they acknowledge that there are a lot of civilians there, but they also say it’s a Hamas stronghold and they have to continue this military operation.
So basically rejecting South Africa’s request to the court to order Israel to stop its military offensive in Rafah and also withdraw from Gaza altogether.
It was an interesting hearing this time, because in the beginning Israel said it didn’t have enough time to prepare – there was far too short notice.
There were only two speakers compared to a lot bigger team in January.
And then, also at the end of the hearing, one of the judges, a German judge, basically asked an additional question, which is also unusual. They asked Israel to explain what is happening in these so-called evacuation zones, specifically Al Mawasi. Is there any safety there and how will people get there?
So the court has now ordered Israel to respond to this specific question tomorrow, Saturday by 6 pm.

Here you have it from the horses mouth:

Israeli justice ministry official Gilad Noam told an International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearing on Friday that South Africa’s charge of genocide was “an obscene exploitation of the most sacred convention,” referring to the international treaty banning genocide, agreed after the Holocaust in the second world war.

The convention requires all countries to act to prevent genocide, and the ICJ, also known as the world court, which hears disputes between states, has concluded that this gives South Africa a right to make the case.

According to Reuters, Noam said that Israel’s military operations were not aimed at civilians, but at Hamas terrorists using Rafah as a stronghold, who have tunnel systems which could be used to smuggle hostages and militants out of Gaza.

Examples of alleged violations by Israel raised by South Africa were “not evidence a policy of illegal behaviour, let alone a policy of genocide”, he said. Ordering Israel to withdraw its troops would sentence remaining hostages in Gaza to death, Noam added.


Well tbf to them - they've been absolutely consistent with their 'messaging' since day 1. No further justification or explanation deemed necessary.

Mirrors the legal advice given to suspects in criminal cases everywhere really - say nothing and let the police and prosecution make the case.
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Mirrors the legal advice given to suspects in criminal cases everywhere really - say nothing and let the police and prosecution make the case.
It'll be interesting to see how they explain away the deaths and food and medicine shortages at the evacuation zones tomorrow...
More victims appear to have fallen to Israel's invasion. The obvious point is what does Hamas gain by killing hostages? A full on invasion of Rafah will result in the deaths of all of the hostages, that much is obvious...

The bodies of three hostages kidnapped by Hamas, including the German-Israeli Shani Louk, have been retrieved from Gaza by the Israeli military, it announced.

This is the Guardian talking real numbers

"About half of the approximately 250 people who were abducted on 7 October have since been freed, most in swaps for Israel-held Palestinian prisoners during a week-long ceasefire in November. According to Israeli authorities, 129 people remain in captivity and about 30 are confirmed dead."


Assembly point for the Jewish Bloc

Cavendish Square, South East corner next to Margaret St, London W1G 0PN at 11.45am

A simply wonderful piece of passive protest in Cambridge. The total blanking of far-right Tory extremist Braverman and the Tories vile oligarch-funded propaganda channel. A total refusal to engage with these monsters or allow them to set the narrative. The perfect response IMHO.
I`m guessing it`ll be one of the very few times they can get normal people to watch GBN.

A simply wonderful piece of passive protest in Cambridge. The total blanking of far-right Tory extremist Braverman and the Tories vile oligarch-funded propaganda channel. A total refusal to engage with these monsters or allow them to set the narrative. The perfect response IMHO.
Backfired spectacularly. Her oleaginous “I’m interested to hear your views” schtick designed to provoke an outraged response that would then enable her to label the protestors as hateful and anti-Semitic. Together with the young woman destroying her on air, it’s been a rather humiliating week for Suella.

I learned this week she is a practising Buddhist. I doubt very much she is going to achieve ego-death and Nirvana following her current incarnation. Karma suggests she is more likely to be reincarnated as a herpes virus.

Israeli forces burying civilians under the rubble​

Reporting from Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip
Things are moving incredibly fast in the north of the Strip, which has been the main focus of Israel’s military campaign in that densely populated area now.
As we have been reporting, battles are still raging from the heart of Jabalia refugee camp as the Israeli military has ramped up its military bombardment in the main central neighbourhoods, killing at least within the past couple of hours 28 Palestinians, including 10 children and 10 women in that area.
And it’s worth mentioning that the entire Jabalia refugee camp has been experiencing an unprecedented rate of destruction
As we have been speaking to witnesses and our sources on the ground in that northern corner of the Strip, they have been confirming that the Israeli military is demolishing complete residential neighbourhoods over the heads of civilians.
It seems that Israel is burying civilians under the rubble of the destroyed buildings as more emergency efforts being made by emergency workers in the north of the Strip in order to recover victims.

The concentration of attacks were carried out on the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the heart of Jabalia.
It seems that they are working on destroying the entire camp there in order to guarantee that there is no any kind of military threat being released from that area.

Wasn't sure where this belonged, but this guy is always sticking up for Palestine, so the interview is most likely about that... I'd have never known the Taliban were considered the good guys at one point. It really does make you wonder... The video is a bit sweary -


