
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

As a means of testing the Israelis ability to shoot down the drones/missiles I imagine it was very effective, the Israeli cost of doing this is over £1b and if it wasn't for the additional military aid of France, USA, UK, Jordan etc then more would have hit their targets (very glad they didn't)
Let’s accept the ‘300 missile’ figure. Iran has demonstrated the Iron Dome is not invincible. 300 rockets fired, with 2 hour warning, and still some penetrated the IDF’s shield. As I said upthread, an attack in earnest would involve 1000’s of missiles launched from Iran- supplemented by Hezbollah and the Houthis. Israel would be in line to take a major hit.
I'm not defending Iran anymore than I would Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Israel or any other repressive state.
Merely following Gav's post about the Iranian revolution, and highlighting our past and current hypocrisy which the Iranians are surely aware of.
Not my hypocrisy. I'm not responsible for the actions of governments I never voted for or wanted (or preceded my life altogether).

Let’s accept the ‘300 missile’ figure. Iran has demonstrated the Iron Dome is not invincible. 300 rockets fired, with 2 hour warning, and still some penetrated the IDF’s shield. As I said upthread, an attack in earnest would involve 1000’s of missiles launched from Iran- supplemented by Hezbollah and the Houthis. Israel would be in line to take a major hit.
Drones must be soft targets too. Real missiles less so you might think...
It baffles me why Israel thinks that any action they may take on Iran's soil will not result in retaliation. I'm not talking about the actions but more asking why their judgement is so poor. Why do they think military action will restore deterrence?
Because one hates enemies. Hater is an instinctive motivator that creates a strong desire to hurt the other. This desire easily overwhelms or subverts rational considerations.
Gaza media office decries ‘torture, mistreatment’ of Palestinian children

Gaza’s media office has called on rights groups and the international community to “take action” after hearing “horrifying” testimonies from a large number of freed Palestinians who were recently detained by Israeli forces.
The testimonies include first-hand accounts from children who are less then 12-years-old, the office said. The accounts talk about “extreme torture, mistreatment, and cases of medical neglect,” it said.
“These testimonies from the affected individuals proves yet again the monstrosity of this criminal army,” the office said.
“It is yet another example of how it [Israeli army] violates international and humanitarian laws as it continues committing war crimes and genocide against our people in Gaza,” it added.


At least 11 children killed, bodies ‘torn apart’ in attack on al-Maghazi

Reporting from Rafah
We’re just looking at a horrific attack that just took place in the al-Maghazi refugee camp within the last 45 minutes or so.
A drone fired missiles at a group of people. Later, we learned from an eyewitness in the area that these were a group of children at a playground that was set up near the camp for displaced families.
These children were regularly visiting this playground.
Eleven children have been killed in this attack … with dozens of injuries in the area. Those at the scene of the attack describe horrific scenes of children torn apart from the massive explosion caused by the missiles.


Unexploded 1,000-pound bombs found in Gaza schools

[The evidence won't remain hidden forever]

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says it found the massive explosives inside schools after Israeli forces withdrew from Gaza’s city of Khan Younis.
UNWRA found “significant challenges in operating safely due to the presence of unexploded ordnance [UXOs], including 1,000-pound [450kg] bombs inside schools and on roads”.
Earlier this month, the UN said it would take “millions of dollars” and “many years” to decontaminate Gaza from unexploded munitions.

Not my hypocrisy. I'm not responsible for the actions of governments I never voted for or wanted (or preceded my life altogether).
Our country's hypocrisy, overthrowing a democratic government to gain influence over their oil reserves and now lauding Israel as the only middle eastern democracy.
Backing Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, overlooking Iraq's use of chemical weapons in that conflict then later invading Iraq on the pretext of weapons it didn't have.
Currently opposing the Russian occupation and seizures in Ukraine yet backing Israel's occupation and seizures in Palestine.
It's difficult to understand what rules we follow.
It baffles me why Israel thinks that any action they may take on Iran's soil will not result in retaliation. I'm not talking about the actions but more asking why their judgement is so poor. Why do they think military action will restore deterrence?

Netanyahu and his thugs want escalation, anything approaching a permanent ceasefire will most likely end up with the current government being removed and hopefully tried in the Israeli courts
It's difficult to understand what rules we follow.
We don't! Never have. I was watching a tv programme about the early years of US involvement in Vietnam and they kept the early bombing raids secret from the public and even the Senate at first.
Netanyahu and his thugs want escalation, anything approaching a permanent ceasefire will most likely end up with the current government being removed and hopefully tried in the Israeli courts

They certainly want a distraction behind which to continue the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. The extent to which it has shifted the news cycle here is telling. They are getting exactly what they want. I have never been more disappointed, disillusioned or exasperated with our political class and press. I thought the 1980s were bad enough watching Tory filth supporting and grifting from South African apartheid, but this really is next-level stuff. It is on the same level as The Daily Mail celebrating Hitler and Mosley in the 1930s, but it spreads right across the political spectrum.
At the Venice "Biennale" art fair, the artist and curators of the Israeli pavillion have decided not to open until there is a ceasefire and the hostages are released.

A bonfire of the Israel pavilion would be an appropriate contribution to the Biennale. Fill it with thousands of mannequins then torch it. A Vision of hell on earth, provided by Israel. Perhaps title it: ‘Where we’ve been and what we have become’.
Israel’s government has accelerated the construction of settlements across East Jerusalem, with more than 20 projects totalling thousands of housing units having been approved or advanced since the start of the war in Gaza six months ago, planning documents show.

Ministries and offices within the Israeli government are behind all the largest and most contentious of the projects, sometimes in association with rightwing nationalist groups with a history of trying to evict Palestinians from their homes in parts of the city.


UK foreign secretary Cameron: 'clear the Israelis are making a decision to act'

Speaking to reporters in Israel, the UK’s foreign secretary David Cameron has said “It’s clear the Israelis are making a decision to act,” and that “We hope they do so in a way that does as little to escalate this as possible.”

UK foreign secretary Cameron: 'clear the Israelis are making a decision to act'

Speaking to reporters in Israel, the UK’s foreign secretary David Cameron has said “It’s clear the Israelis are making a decision to act,” and that “We hope they do so in a way that does as little to escalate this as possible.”
Translation = try not to massacre too many babies

