
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

It baffles me why Israel thinks that any action they may take on Iran's soil will not result in retaliation. I'm not talking about the actions but more asking why their judgement is so poor.
They always believe that they can win through superior force. It's a Government infected with a collective Aspergers - they don't do judgement! That's what fascism looks like...
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Israel isn't alone in this, many in the US and here, our own Ben Wallace has called for hitting back doubly hard.

The partial destruction of Iran would bring cheer to very many, I've read the words regime change several times recently.

We could soon be looking at hundreds of Israeli and thousands of Iranian lives lost due to careless escalation. Assuming the Iranian threat is as ineffective as it appeared.
It baffles me why Israel thinks that any action they may take on Iran's soil will not result in retaliation. I'm not talking about the actions but more asking why their judgement is so poor. Why do they think military action will restore deterrence?
The problem is that Israel knows that whatever it does, no matter how criminal, how reprehensible, how immoral, it will still be supported in those criminal actions by the US and the UK.

We could stop supplying the means for Israel‘s criminality tomorrow

We are the problem
Israel isn't alone in this, many in the US and here, our own Ben Wallace has called for hitting back doubly hard.

The partial destruction of Iran would bring cheer to very many, I've read the words regime change several times recently.

We could soon be looking at hundreds of Israeli and thousands of Iranian lives lost due to careless escalation. Assuming the Iranian threat is as ineffective as it appeared.
The UK and the US are still looking to avenge the 1978-79 revolution...
I imagine Iran are still annoyed by the 1953 coup, and the UK/US role in that sorry episode.
There will always be some with elephantine memories, unfortunately more every time a family loses a member to conflict.

In UK aren't we still feeling the effects of the Irish conflict in 1641(?) ?
Assuming the Iranian threat is as ineffective as it appeared.

It wasn't and isn't, Iran has well over 3000 missiles of varying type but they knew that the amount they threw over the fence could/would be stopped.

They got the message out they wanted at home and didn't cause enough death or damage for Israel to escalate any further.

Unfortunately Israel are being idiots and not following the lead, hopefully they'll resort to some form of cyber attack on Irans oil infrastructure but with little to no Air Force (compared to Israel) Iran don't have many options so this could get very messy.
It baffles me why Israel thinks that any action they may take on Iran's soil will not result in retaliation. I'm not talking about the actions but more asking why their judgement is so poor. Why do they think military action will restore deterrence?
Most of the commentary I’ve read argues that they want Iran to retaliate, to draw the US into a full blown regional war.
Most of the commentary I’ve read argues that they want Iran to retaliate, to draw the US into a full blown regional war.
I am currently listening to a series of podcasts on the Plantagenets who were always at war, when it wasn’t with someone else, it was amongst themselves. War it seems was an end in itself. Some of them like Richard I we still idolise.

War seems to have an attraction all of it’s own.

I imagine Iran are still annoyed by the 1953 coup, and the UK/US role in that sorry episode.
I imagine that the Iranian regime absolutely loves the 1953 coup as it precipitated the conditions that led to the establishment of their violent authoritarian theocracy. Regime change in Iran would be a very good thing and welcomed nowhere more than in Iran itself.
The current Iranian regime is the reason why its neighbours such as KSA and Qatar spend so much on defence. The country is a complete pariah, undemocratic and highly oppressive. It hangs out with Russia and China - enough said.
I imagine that the Iranian regime absolutely loves the 1953 coup as it precipitated the conditions that led to the establishment of their violent authoritarian theocracy. Regime change in Iran would be a very good thing and welcomed nowhere more than in Iran itself.
I'm not defending Iran anymore than I would Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Israel or any other repressive state.
Merely following Gav's post about the Iranian revolution, and highlighting our past and current hypocrisy which the Iranians are surely aware of.
The partial destruction of Iran would bring cheer to very many, I've read the words regime change several times recently.
What happens if Russian fighters shoot down Israeli bombers over Iran? This is geographically possible. The West would struggle to say anything, but it might be time to take the iodine tablets.
This guy seems to think Iran’s strike was more effective than is being reported.

As a means of testing the Israelis ability to shoot down the drones/missiles I imagine it was very effective, the Israeli cost of doing this is over £1b and if it wasn't for the additional military aid of France, USA, UK, Jordan etc then more would have hit their targets (very glad they didn't)
I imagine that the Iranian regime absolutely loves the 1953 coup as it precipitated the conditions that led to the establishment of their violent authoritarian theocracy. Regime change in Iran would be a very good thing and welcomed nowhere more than in Iran itself.
Sure, why not, US sponsored regime change in the region has gone brilliantly so far.

