
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

What is the projected Tory Loss? I reckon anything more than 500 would be 'a very bad night', 500 or less perhaps not a disaster but pretty grim from their perspective.
Pollsters were predicting 250-350 seats lost with Tories apparently worried they'd lose 1000+. BBC is currently showing them as having lost 267 with just over a third of results declared so perhaps they'll lose 750ish?
I think they are planning to count anything under 1000 lost seats as a win.

I'm sure they are but that's just bollocks. Remember that they've already lost a lot in recent years (May lost 1100 odd in 2019) so they're low anyway. In 1996 before the Lab landslide they lost 607 councillors and control of the one council overall to give it some perspective...

Last year they lost a further 485. 1000 over two elections would be pretty clear I think

Bliar lost 1150 in 1999 - that's a true disaster, albeit from a relative high and he continued to rack up the losses thereafter.
Ha! Tory collapse has nothing to do with Boris Johnson.

Tory MPs have not be criticising Sunak openly, but one “Conservative source” has attacked him anonymously this morning, telling the Telegraph:
Sunak can’t blame these results on last year’s chaos. He started that chaos by knifing the most successful Tory election winner in 50 years.
our borough council is now: Borough Council is NO OVERALL CONTROL, with the Conservatives now having 22 members, the Liberal Democrats 14, and Labour 12.

thats, Lab +2, Lib-Dem +2 and Tory -4
They've just broken the 300 barrier with 96/230 results in. They won't have much left to lose in the big city councils.
Early results suggest today could be a good day for the Green Party. Fingers crossed.


My council seat has gone Green!!! First time in my life where my vote has counted toward positive change - for 40 years it’s been nothing more than a protest vote to nothing.

Quite chuffed.
Ha! Tory collapse has nothing to do with Boris Johnson.

Tory MPs have not be criticising Sunak openly, but one “Conservative source” has attacked him anonymously this morning, telling the Telegraph:
Sunak can’t blame these results on last year’s chaos. He started that chaos by knifing the most successful Tory election winner in 50 years.
Like ferrets in a sack. I'm not one for bloodsports, generally, but this is one I'd pay for a ringside seat at.

