
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

Question from a thicko: why are the BBC and Graun tickers so different?

It's not just that the Graun is a bit behind - they have Labour on +330 vs +326 on the BBC but Greens on +115 vs +147 on the BBC.

Perhaps they're just uploading the results in a different order.

Probably just reading the BBC and updating their own data from that.
Ha! Tory collapse has nothing to do with Boris Johnson.

Tory MPs have not be criticising Sunak openly, but one “Conservative source” has attacked him anonymously this morning, telling the Telegraph:
Sunak can’t blame these results on last year’s chaos. He started that chaos by knifing the most successful Tory election winner in 50 years.

Yes, the results are to be expected. Traditional Tory supporters have been driven away by a 70 year high tax burden. Once Sunak moves towards a lower tax environment, he’ll win back those voters. Lower inflation and therefore possible tax cuts in time for the election, together with a ‘Labour’s (even bigger) Tax Bombshell’ campaign IMHO.
locally, it's more likely to be potholes, bin collections and other matters of world import.
But very happy to see green gains. Please let it roll over into GE.
Question from a thicko: why are the BBC and Graun tickers so different?

It's not just that the Graun is a bit behind - they have Labour on +330 vs +326 on the BBC but Greens on +115 vs +147 on the BBC.

Perhaps they're just uploading the results in a different order.
Perhaps Laura K has been scooting round in her flak jacket and helmet nobbling for her patrons?
Yes, the results are to be expected. Traditional Tory supporters have been driven away by a 70 year high tax burden. Once Sunak moves towards a lower tax environment, he’ll win back those voters. Lower inflation and therefore possible tax cuts in time for the election, together with a ‘Labour’s (even bigger) Tax Bombshell’ campaign IMHO.
Mustn’t grumble, ‘‘twas much expected”, chin up. We saw where tax reductions got us now didn’t we? Your last No.10 incumbent put the economy into a nose dive, the pound crashed to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 at $1.10. The BoE was buying back bonds at £5bn a day, adding £70bn to the public debt and mortgage rates shot up catching out thousands of mortgage holders already up to their necks in the cost of living crisis.

Now let me get this right, you’re saying Tories were driven away because they didn’t get tax cuts?
I'd argue that it was more likely No10 piss ups, Trussageddon and the increase in the cost of living that did for them - though I link it's hard to unpick how much it's central government or local issues that influence peoples vote.

Yes, Truss was a disaster, agreed. I don’t think folks care too much about drinks after work, with people they work with. As they say ‘it’s the economy stupid’. The covid / Ukraine damage to public finances can be understood by folks (yes, we know about the mask money etc). The only electable alternative is labour, who’ll likely enlarge the problem. If we’re in a place with lower inflation and IR’s on the slide, tax cuts are vote winners. Probably not enough to be election winners, granted.

