
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

Overall i'm actually surprised how well the LibDems are doing. It feels to me like their rather disastrous time in government has now been trumped by more recent madness which they aren't responsible for.
I read that Tory controlled Thurrock Council in Essex is up to its neck in £1.5 billion debt after funnelling money into solar farm speculative investments largely through companies owned by one man. I thought the Tories were the party of sound finance?
Be interesting to see if the Tory Party as we now know it actually survives long enough to fight a cohesive GE ...

The knives are already drawn and first blood likely to flow before May be out ......

Dead Parrots the lot of 'em :D

Bring Back Bojo !!!!
It wasn’t just drinks after work, in work with colleagues now was it? Had that been the case two Tory Prime Ministers could easily have cleared their names along with about 100 others who instead accepted police fines for breaking the law they actually created. There’s a loss of tens of £ billions in public to fraud and maladministration alone from Covid, a debt that future generations will be paying back with interest. Some of that cash has gone into the pockets of Tory politicians’ friends and family.

There’s going to have to be a reckoning once they’re removed from office. It’s not just about voting them out.
I read that Tory controlled Thurrock Council in Essex is up to its neck in £1.5 billion debt after funnelling money into solar farm speculative investments largely through companies owned by one man. I thought the Tories were the party of sound finance?
Sounds like they have been copying Slough
I don’t think folks care too much about drinks after work, with people they work with.

I guess it depends on whether you're one of the folks who was prevented from saying goodbye to a loved one dying in hospital or prevented from attending their funeral.

My parents are elderly home counties Conservative/UKIP voters. I remember my Mum, who rarely has a cross word to say to anyone, telling me she thought the government were "taking us for mugs".
Stop The Boats has gone down very well, the Conservatives have lost Dover. Every single Tory seat in Lewes has gone, the Greens are the biggest party.

Laura Knonsenseberg disconsolate, shares the misery with Tory chum:


Both their faces a picture
Be interesting to see if the Tory Party as we now know it actually survives long enough to fight a cohesive GE ...

The knives are already drawn and first blood likely to flow before May be out ......

Dead Parrots the lot of 'em :D

Bring Back Bojo !!!!

Don't bet against it

